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Protester hurls a shoe at Asif Zardari

Wah kaya baat hai babaji is the man of the man he really showed to all the pakistani's how to handle moron's like zardari,altaf bahi,n ANP leaders... we should take a shoe in our hands n start walking towards islamabad ONly way to save pakistan from these rats
Guys the real mission of Pakistanis is to prevent Billuwalla from inheriting the throne. If this happens then Pakistan ka khudahafiz. Show your discontent, the more shoes the merrier. No more feudal rulership of Pakistan. Time to wake up or sink.

Do you realy believe politicians will be honest to hold fair elections in Pakistan?
He wasn't there as the President of Pakistan but as the Leader of PPP .

If he would have cared about Pakistan then he would have been helping our people not advertising his son and daughter abroad & not Licking the British @## which just has humiliated our whole Nation.

I would support the fellow who threw the shoe at him - Jazak Allah- at least he would know how much we hate him and his stupid face is not wanted in Pakistan.

First of all President should not hold chair of any political party in parliamentary democracy.
President is he head of state, he is representative for entire nation, if he will care of only his party thats disgrace to entire nation.
This is stone throwing at rehman malik

another funny clip

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Our Nation idealizes "Dikhawa Show". People do appreciate dikhawa. All the major policies of Nawaz Sharif were mere Dikhawa. He made Motor Way ... only reason being general public say wah wah. Because it is solid thing which general public can see. He also introduced "Peeli Taxi" scheme only for dikhawa. Common ppl could look around here and there many peeli taxis and could associate with Nawaz Sharif. Almost all those peeli taxis have been wasted or have been put to unproductive private uses. Huge money has been wasted. With that money a whole new car manufacturing plant could be established. But general public cannot see a plant. general public can see only peeli taxis moving here and there around them. That's why Nawaz Sharif did not opt for car manufacturing plant which could offer many new job oppertunites to really deserved ppl.

People do like dikhawa. People did like Nawaz Sharif's all those dikhawas of 1992 flood when the only media ptv was all the time showing how Mr. Prime Minister personally was helping flood victims. Nawaz Sharif played good politics out of flood.

People are now demanding same dikhawa type policies from Zardari. That is why they are supporting a foolish juta mar khan.
Shoe thrower became HERO in Pakistan

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good news somebody give the shoe thrower a medal .I would spit on zardaris ugly face if i ever bumped into him.
must be western brand. ;)

Than it should be taken as honor by zardari.

I would like ot see shoe thrower comming to Pakistan and being welcomed like hero!

Do we have a face book account of this brave PPP activist.
Zardari returns home to flood crisis


ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari returned home on Tuesday from official foreign visits to a chorus of criticism over his government's response to the country's worst flooding in 80 years.

The floods, triggered by unusually heavy monsoon rain over the upper Indus river basin over the past 10 days, have ploughed a swathe of destruction more than 1,000 km long from northern Pakistan to the south, killing more than 1,600 people.

Zardari enraged his critics by going ahead with state visits to Britain and France as the catastrophe was unfolding.

US officials are concerned about the damage caused by the weak government response to the floods and mounting hostility toward Zardari.

The floods will cause “major harm to the economy,” the International Monetary Fund said on Monday as donors' and investors' concerns grew over the disaster's impact on an already fragile economy.

The president was in Karachi and was due in the capital later in the day. He expected to visit flood-hit areas, government officials said.
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