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Protest By Muslims Against Assam Riots Turns Violent in Mumbai

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I don't think the difference is too big to consider it a separate language. Anyways attitude of Indian hindus towards fellow Muslims is interesting. Looks like some people want Gujrat 2002 type stuff again.

Looks like attitude of your country men is dangerous towards its own people . like punjabis over balochis and sindhis over mujahirs and the result we almost see every day . not like gujrath 10 years old incident
In South India Urdu is spoken in few pockets only.

I am not talking about pockets but Muslim I met told me that is their mother tongue but they speak state language when go to communicate with non muslims. The same thing is Bihari Muslim in Bangladesh. They speak pure Bengali but speak Urdu at home.
Thats all hogwash,

From what i know,

Muslims vote for IUML, Christians vote for Congress & Hindus vote for CPM.

what a tragedy.
there isn't any major hindutva party in kerala
thats the real tragedy
I don't think the difference is too big to consider it a separate language. Anyways attitude of Indian hindus towards fellow Muslims is interesting. Looks like some people want Gujrat 2002 type stuff again.

Most of us want peace in our country. And I have seen many Pakistanis here making fun of Hyderabadi Urdu calling is bad Urdu while we Indians consider it as heritage.
I am not talking about pockets but Muslim I met told me that is their mother tongue but they speak state language when go to communicate with non muslims. The same thing is Bihari Muslim in Bangladesh. They speak pure Bengali but speak Urdu at home.
I am 100% sure that they are all Hyderabadis.
I don't think the difference is too big to consider it a separate language. Anyways attitude of Indian hindus towards fellow Muslims is interesting. Looks like some people want Gujrat 2002 type stuff again.

There are trouble makers in all communities.

At topic - Today 36 policemen were injured. Those who have been caught will soon find out what it is like to mess with Mumbai police.
The solution is that all people in India must have rule in their Country

Let me say something.

If there's one constitution that in spirit implements Universal declaration of human rights that we have today from day one, it's the Indian constitution written 1947-50. No, not even the elegantly written constitution of US of A did that. Only, after 1965 civil rights movement all Americans were really equal citizens. it took them more than 200 years to "grant" civil rights to the colored people. All modern liberal democracies started out with women as second class citizens without equal rights as men.
Perhaps, the only Republic in existence, with a constitution framed and implemented with unyielding idealism and strong belief in universal Human values rather than "God given rights" right from day one is India. You can check it. India is not only the largest democracy, it also the first "Real Republic" with a state that's blind to color, creed, sex for the first time in Human History.

I'm not sure of the exact figure or percentage but there is a large Muslim concentration in Hyderabad and it will only take a few sparks to get the flame going there too. I have heard the Muslim community there is well armed in case of riots... Do you know about that?

Actually, there's an established Muslim aristocracy(more like morons with power, than aristocrats) who keep a certain section of Muslims(specific part of the city) from education, Jobs and other productive works by simply taking them out of schools on the pretext of serving Islam and Local Political Party serving "Muslim Interests". They don't let these people get educated and do well lest they won't be ready for rioting and vandalism. Usually youth with criminal activities, coming from large family with no parental attention(7-8 brother types), are taken in and instilled with ****** mentality. Resulting in a large Youth who are ready when ever they hear "Islam khathre mein hain". And, if they get killed during riots, these very leaders who instigated them in the first place, become even more aggressive at their propaganda. "Look they are now killing Muslims" meme along with already existing "The Hindu is responsible for your situation" meme. And the cycles of Violence continues with cheering from Pakistan.

An average Hindu would keep trying to understand why Muslims behave the way they do while Liberal Muslims educate them on how to be more tolerant and repeat the usual, Muslims' lack of economic development is to blame rather than the Islamic Political Parties, mosques and madrassas which are just like Temples and school where "clearly" nothing radical is being taught etc., And almost every Muslim with a voice blames shiv sena/RSS, which are in Mumbai for something that happened in Hyderabad or Assam making great sense of the issue. later, You Pakistanis can reason that Muslims, otherwise very peaceful community, relentlessly trying to integrate and contribute, are raising against the Hindu oppression citing Babri masjid and related riots. (I am pretty sure by now most Muslims don't even know why there is a dispute of Babri Musjid or why not like a million mosques in India weren't disputed) but, every Musalman "leader", given a chance would like to kill a few Hindus and pay back for Babri Musjid.

Hyderabad, being the capital city, with the necessary state security apparatus ready within minutes makes it difficult like in Mumbai today.
I am not talking about pockets but Muslim I met told me that is their mother tongue but they speak state language when go to communicate with non muslims. The same thing is Bihari Muslim in Bangladesh. They speak pure Bengali but speak Urdu at home.

You are right accept kerela and tamil and maharashtra speak their state language which is common among all the communities
There are trouble makers in all communities.

At topic - Today 36 policemen were injured. Those who have been caught will soon find out what it is like to mess with Mumbai police.

I saw pictures of Lungiwala protestors, don't seem like local Marathi, Konkani.
There are trouble makers in all communities.

At topic - Today 36 policemen were injured. Those who have been caught will soon find out what it is like to mess with Mumbai police.
sadly when mumbai police will lstart the crackdown on them they will play their minority card and will blame police for discriminating against them on religious grounds
Shoot all those who indulge in vandalism right between the eyes.
Looks like attitude of your country men is dangerous towards its own people . like punjabis over balochis and sindhis over mujahirs and the result we almost see every day . not like gujrath 10 years old incident

In our country it is the banned organizations. Or else Baloch are fine with Punjabis. Thousands of them live in Punjab. Not even a single one of them is attacked because of something done by BLA. Same goes for Sindhis and Muhajir. Right now both Sindhi and muhajirs are part of federal and provincial govt.

Anyways you can't always hide behind blame and bash Pakistan drama. You are going to be hated even if you bash Pakistan 24/7. This policy doesn't seem to be working. Come up with something new. :)
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