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Proposal to legalize prostitution to be placed before SC panel: NCW


Sep 20, 2014
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NEW DELHI: The proposal for legalizing prostitution in India will be placed before the Supreme Court constituted panel on Nov 8, National Commission for Women (NCW) chief Lalitha Kumaramangalam said on Wednesday.

"The proposal for legalizing prostitution will be put forth in the National Consultation scheduled to be held on Nov 8 by Supreme Court panel ...," Kumaramangalam said in a statement.

The apex court had constituted the panel after a public interest litigation was filed 2010 on rehabilitation of sex workers. In its order dated Aug 24, 2011, the court had directed NCW to attend the panel's meetings.

"The panel has to make certain recommendations for the possible amendments in Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (ITPA) in the light of conditions conducive for sex workers to live with dignity in accordance with the provision of article 21 of the constitution," added the statement.

The Supreme Court-constituted panel would deliberate on the existing provisions of ITPA, loopholes, implementation of the law and the impact of such implementation on the sex workers and their lives.

Sex workers stand in queue to cast their votes at a polling station at Sonagachi during the last phase of Lok Sabha polls in Kolkata. (TOI Photo by Jayanta Shaw)

Kumaramangalam meanwhile denied media reports that she was planning to put forward the proposal of legalizing prostitution at the cabinet meet.

However, activists expressed concern and discontentment over the NCW's proposal.

"Legalization of prostitution goes against the International Labour Organization's (ILO) definition of 'decent work' and is considered as selling sex under distress. Instead of criminalizing the buying and selling of sex, we are giving more power to those who exploit sex workers and treat them as commodities that can be sold in a market," Ranjana Kumari, director, Centre for Social Research said in a statement.

Proposal to legalize prostitution to be placed before SC panel: NCW - The Times of India
This is not acceptable.....Will have negative impact on social life....
First decriminalize homosexuality and scrap that archaic British law 377. This can be debated later.
What is the benefit of legalizing prostitution? Is it going to help woman from being abducted and force them to be prostitute? Or is there going to be an increase in it?

First decriminalize homosexuality and scrap that archaic British law 377. This can be debated later.
First let them allow to kiss in public..

And about scrapping 377, the ball is in now in government's court.. SC informed that amending or repealing Section 377 should be a matter left to Parliament, not the judiciary. It might be the same going to happen with this too.. SC will pass the buck to Parliament.
Any idea on how Indian feminists are taking this?

someone should ask shobha de too while at it.

on topic? i'm all for it with the sole intention of stoping trafficking. making it safe for the women and the clients. hell...make it at a reasonable distance from the jawans barracks. and be strict about it too.

time we grew the f*** up as a society.
this is perfectly acceptable and the society is not only ready for this but also living with it for ages
That is happening illegally...
What do you expect a woman to do when she gets to know that her husband is going to a prostitute??

legalizing it will give an excuse to the tharkis to do this openly. ...
doing it legally makes a hell lot of difference

Indian society is not ready for this....it never was
When Germany legalized prostitution, prostitutes from all over Europe flocked to Germany and now it has one of highest ratios of prostitutes in the world. A lot of them with shops open near schools. Way to go to make a Bangkok out of India.
Not good... illegal forced prostitution is already a huge problem.

I cant see how this is going to help to curb this problem
This is a STUPID STUPID Idea.

My understanding is Prostitution is already legal in India. Soliciting for sex is not legal. Pimping is not legal. I think it is correct that way.

This law will make soliciting for sex legal too........... its absurd. A new career choice to women. Prostitution.
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