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Prophet Muhammad ordered Rawalpindi mosque blast: Pak Taliban

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Today Operation in Manshera Mardrassa is the wise reply of pindi mosque attack.

This should be continue till eliminate every terrorist hiding in salfi/takfiri's madresa and mosque(now safe heaven of terrorist in all Pakistan)
Ambassador Saab was a few years senior to my father, they went to the same school in Peshawar.

He's a real story-teller. I don't even know where to begin, the stories he had to say about TTP

apparently, they do cook good food. But they are ultra ultra austere. They call themselves Muslims, but you are 1000% correct --they have essentially created their own religion.

Completely misguided, lost, and confused souls.

The TTP thugs hav'nt created a new religion - they are following a doctrine that already exists.

TTP practices the Salafi ideology - originally concocted in the Najd region a long time ago and labeled as 'true islam', further refined over time by the Saudis, and then exported around the world after the 1970s oil boom under the guise of a 'reawakening' movement.

And of course the Salafis make up stuff as they go along - the TTP thugs simply adopt the new salafi tenets created by their salafi teachers.
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Well i guess the main problem is with the media.. first of all if they have contacts with TTP through which they get this sort of mis information they should give that info to the security forces secondly even if they get such a news/ Info from some idiot .... they bloody well should have mind of their own that which sort of news is to be published or not .. our media is the biggest culprit in this present situation of our country ... may Allah give us leaders who sort out the media of our country
Didn't Prophet Muhammad (SAS) also say that women, children, animals and trees should not be harmed even in War? Weren't these the people who raised such a cry over the Lal Masjid tragedy, saying that the "Munafiq Army" had "desecrated" a Masjid, something even the Jews of Israel don't do? Then, tell me, how is exploding bombs inside Masajid and killing voluntary Namazis not the desecration of a holy site?

Really, Taliban sympathizers are out of excuses. Even they've got to know somewhere at the back of their garbage filled heads, that they're spitting bullsh*t.

For them, one easy way to justify the killing of Muslims, it seems, is by calling them Munafiqeen. In this regard, I'll resort to that famous Christian saying, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Same applies here, who are they to declare me or anybody else a Munafiq? Another way for them to justify the killing of innocent people is by using the term they learned from the West (another gift, thank you so much). The term in question, of course, is "collateral damage". Now, when you complain that innocent people are being killed in drone strikes, and then do the same in the name of "collateral damage", who is the true Munafiq (literally meaning hypocrite)?

I pray to Allah that they get what is coming to them. Let them see fire in this life and after as well.
the tru test is when you stop supporting these type of guys when they attack india as well.
Rawalpindi: The Tehreeke-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) has taken responsibility for Friday’s ghastly suicide attack on the Parade Lane mosque, saying the mosque was “demolished on the orders of Prophet Muhammad”.

TTP chief Waliur Rehman Mehsud told the BBC that the prime target in the attack were military officers, and warned about more such attacks on Army personnel in the near future.

“Our militants attacked the military officers (our primary target) and we will continue to attack the Army. The civilians killed in the attack were relatives of Army personnel and their deaths did not matter,” Mehsud said.

At least 39 people were killed and 45 others injured in the suicide attack carried out by three attackers.

According to media reports, two-star generals were among the people killed in the attack.

The Dawn reported that a colonel also died in the attack while several senior military officers, including a former vice army chief, retired general Mohammad Yousuf, were among the injured.


Prophet Muhammad ordered Rawalpindi mosque blast: Pak Taliban

first you mad you cant say any thing about our prophet MUHAMMAD SAW

secound these peoples not concern with islam

third they are all working for RAW and Inshah Allah we will soon grip on him.:sniper:

finally dont post any thing about our prophet MUHAMMAD SAW.:pakistan:
I thought atleast this time India wont be blamed, but I was wrong. I think you have to make up your India - is it "Hindu" India or "anti-Pakistan" India.

I am confused why there are so few people in Pakistan who can see it is religion that is causing this. With religion, people are justifying any act. Rather than becoming anti-TTP, you are becoming more anti-India.
i beg to differ with you here, its not the religion which is causing all this, we discuss these issues after innocent people lose their lives, and the whole world knows how many innocent people have lost their lives in Iraq & Afghan war, so as per according to the statement of this thread i should also say 'Bible says to kill as much Muslims as u can and also take their oil'. Blaming Islam (religion) only reflects the western propaganda, i don't think i need to further elaborate this. And i hope the mods are keeping an eye on this thread which kind of seems controversial or may be profane to begin with
i beg to differ with you here, its not the religion which is causing all this, we discuss these issues after innocent people lose their lives, and the whole world knows how many innocent people have lost their lives in Iraq & Afghan war, so as per according to the statement of this thread i should also say 'Bible says to kill as much Muslims as u can and also take their oil'. Blaming Islam (religion) only reflects the western propaganda, i don't think i need to further elaborate this. And i hope the mods are keeping an eye on this thread which kind of seems controversial or may be profane to begin with

I am not religious and so I cant claim much understanding on that topic. But I cant understand how can Bible say kill Muslims, when Muslims didnt even exist when Bible was written.

Forget the western propaganda, what I am saying is why is that even when TTP claims it is exploding bombs in name of religion whatever it may be, India gets blamed for it.

If go through the forum, there is another thread in discussion of how Hindus are destroying and abusing Muslims in India. Then the same people turn around and claim this crazy Islamic people is supported by India. How can any man keep two polarally opposite thoughts and be logical/rational? How can this Hindu fanatic India support a crazy Islamic Jihadis? So either India is not Hindu fanatic or it is not supporting TTP. right?
Yes, there was a Masjid Alzarar that was ordered by the Prophet to be demolished.

This is new news to me !!!!

Muhammad(SAW) ordered to destroy a mosque !!!!!:eek:

Why ? Which Hadith it is said ?
This is new news to me !!!!

Muhammad(SAW) ordered to destroy a mosque !!!!!:eek:

Why ? Which Hadith it is said ?

Hey which hadith?

did you read all the hadiths ???

It's mentioned in Quran

This Mosque was built by the hypocrites (Munafeqeen/apparent Muslims) the enemies of Muslims. All planning was done here in order to cause harm to the true followers of Islam and Holy Prophet (PBUH). Allaah ordered to destroyed that Mosque. It is Mentioned in the Qur'aan.
Mentioned in Qur'aan Soorah At-Tawba , Ayah 107 - 110
You stupid Indians trying to disgrace prophet Mohammed SAW. The TTP is backed by RAW and the orders came from Delhi. Perhaps RAM order the attack on the Babri Majid.

Dont think that was necessary mate. India is a secular state.

Try not to be anti relegion. Have tolerance and join the world to fight Taliban...Its for pakistans best.
Guys, I am hindu, indian. I still think the title is inflammatory and intended to hurt mulim's feelings.

The title is indeed misleading, blasphemous and inflammatory which has been churned out by Indian Orange media. Because the terrorists did not say that rather they said the mosque was akin to zarar mosque in arabia where munafiqs used to pray while concealing idols in under their arms.

They used to do planning for attacks and harming Muslims.

They were not Muslims in real but were pretending to be
Dont think that was necessary mate. India is a secular state.

Try not to be anti relegion. Have tolerance and join the world to fight Taliban...Its for pakistans best.

Mate we are fighting against the terrorists and there should be no doubt about that.

As far as Indian secularism well my dear you should check the Babri Mosque thread and check how much supporters do you have from Bharat for secularism
Except for ZeeNews this article, no other news items says such wordings that Prophet PBUH ordered them, rather reference was given to the Al Zarrar Mosque incident.

So no need to further discuss this blasphemous kind of Indian news.
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