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Propagandists and shills on the forum.

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Anyone who comes to a forum called "Pakistan Defense Forum" and is surprised to hear anti-American statements from Chinese and Russian members, lacks even an average level of logical thinking ability.

Like I said, nothing wrong with it. But you people seem to enjoy spamming the same thing again and again with your terrible grammar.

P.S. The "50-cent chibot" comment is an admission by a poster that they have lost the argument and can only resort to personal attacks. "but but but, you're just a 50-cent chibot..."

Implying I have used it in an argument. I made this post on the suggestion forum expressing my concern that we might have shills on the forum.

someone claiming to champion Western liberalism is advocating censorship on posts/people he personally finds unpalatable.

I'm pretty sure the objective of this forum was to promote reasonable discussion.
These forumers have little on their agenda besides spreading the same things again and again, dubbing anything "Western" as lies which makes the whole prospect of discussion useless.
I will tell you what I tell everyone, Communist party doesn't exist in reality anymore. Not because we became capitalist, but because we reverted back to no ideology and no election system.

A constitutional monarchy, without a monarch for the lack of a better word, can't seem to think of any.

Today it is just the government of China. There are no party lines, there is the country lines, there are no party's army, there is the country's army.

Why do I say that, Chinese people love their country just as much as any other. On a selfish side, a strong China gives me a lot of bargaining chips when I am abroad.

You can call this propaganda, but think about it logically, when there is only one party and everyone of same or differing opinions(economics, military, and other aspects, including freedom and such) join. Isn't that just a government? When everyone can and has joined, with nobody excluded based on race, birth, sex or anything else, isn't that just a government?

Tell me your objections.

P.S. why do I mention this? To say that there isn't any propaganda, we Chinese say things that we say because we have achieved things, and love our country, I don't see Obama jumping on roof tops shouting anti American slogans.
I haven't followed his posts, so I can't say anything.
Admins can check the IP address, but it can be faked anyway.

I tend to ignore these self-indulgent rant threads anyway -- especially when they are inherently self-contradictory: someone claiming to champion Western liberalism is advocating censorship on posts/people he personally finds unpalatable.

P.S. The "50-cent chibot" comment is an admission by a poster that they have lost the argument and can only resort to personal attacks. "but but but, you're just a 50-cent chibot..."

His post history is characterized by three things:

1) Defending America

2) Bashing China

3) Bashing Russia

I've not seen him mentioning anything remotely related to Pakistan.

IP addresses can be faked, but interests cannot. His only interests are promoting America, and the only thing that hurts his interests (pisses him off) is when others insult America.

He's either an American or an Indian (or both) pretending to be a Pakistani, in order to covertly bash China. That's what makes the most sense.
I don't see Obama jumping on roof tops shouting anti American slogans.

He still mentions the failures of the US in the past and the present.
You seem to spark up with accusations of "AMERICANS" and "LIES" and "WESTERNER" upon hearing anything remotely anti-China.
He still mentions the failures of the US in the past and the present.
You seem to spark up with accusations of "AMERICANS" and "LIES" and "WESTERNER" upon hearing anything remotely anti-China.

If this is your first day on the internet, then fine, but if it isn't then you should know the I know you are and what am I is used by all nationalities.

BBC News - Full text: China's new party chief Xi Jinping's speech
Xi's speech

Our people love life and expect better education, more stable jobs, better income, more reliable social security, medical care of a higher standard, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment.

n the new situation, our party faces many severe challenges, and there are many pressing problems within the party that need to be resolved, especially problems such as corruption and bribe-taking by some party members and cadres, being out of touch with the people, placing undue emphasis on formality and bureaucracy must be addressed with great effort.

The metal itself must be hard to be turned into iron. Our responsibility is to work with all comrades in the party to be resolute in ensuring that the party supervises its own conduct; enforces strict discipline; effectively deals with the prominent issues within the party; earnestly improves the party's work style and maintains close ties with the people. So that our party will always be the firm leadership core for advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

China routinely admits mistakes, a study was conducted, more than Canada, UK put together in the past year. This is based on official speeches from head of state and official federal government statements.

Now this could mean we got a billion more problems than them, but the more likely explanation is our current government realizes problems and is open to dealing with them.

Also puts to ashes your assertion that China doesn't admit to problems and takes away any credibility you have on China seeing as this is Xi's inaugural speech, one of the most widely publicized speech.

And from all of that you only take away is the last line in my post which clearly means ANTI-American, meaning against, not criticize mistakes.
:what: sooooooooooooo??

we even criticise God so who is US which should not be bashed for follies?
Its the internet.. get used to it.. as people will get used to you and have opinions about your fallacies as well.
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