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‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion

Stop being an enemy of Pakistan is the foremost your India can do right away. All you Indians talks of Chinese predatory or exploitive deals with Pak are just your pure BS
An honest enemy is better than a manipulative friend. Anyways as I said keep up the good work. Sell them more infrastructure & weapons at good profit & then extract interest on loans extended for the same.

Already they are against their army because of the mis-governance arising out of the economic downturn. If the ball finally drops & they default, probably we will finally see a change in the ruling class (which has been & is the army). We will probably have better chances of making peace with Pakistan when that happens.
An honest enemy is better than a manipulative friend. Anyways as I said keep up the good work. Sell them more infrastructure & weapons at good profit & then extract interest on loans extended for the same.

Already they are against their army because of the mis-governance arising out of the economic downturn. If the ball finally drops & they default, probably we will finally see a change in the ruling class (which has been & is the army). We will probably have better chances of making peace with Pakistan when that happens.
You Indians can make black as white with your foul mouths.
Predatory in your delusional Indian minds only that has nothing but ill wishes for China. Then, why dont you Indians lend money to Africans and South Aisans for the better instead of bitching China all the time.
Wish we have as much money as China

China never asked Pakistan to increase prices or taxes like the IMF.

China never interfere with the internal affairs of Pakistan.
IMF didn't take your ports, railways stations, airports and roads as collaterals too.
Both are different financial institutions with different targets. One wants profit and another wants stability to the system.

Maybe China should give out money free for all the countries, including your India, thats what you are getting at.
Being a 'legal' loan shark is acceptable in Pakistan it seems

Why doesnt you snake India be friend of Pakistan and save it then instead of bitching at China all the time, fools.
We have to be foolish to help Pakistan. We are showing Pakistan-China economic relationship as example to other countries and warning them their future.
We wish Pakistan should get further more loans from China.
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Would any country be so generous that will give out large amount of free money to other countries ? Even US didnt give free loans or money to Britain in its most difficult times of WW I and WW II considering their intimate bond relationship ? Do you expect China to be a fool ?
Go read Marshall plan. USA literally rebuilt Europe after WW2.
Loans are never free that's agreed. But interest rates of China are far higher than international market rates and additional terms an too.

Whatever you like to believe as you people are delusional anyway.

No, British and other Europeans had to pay back US loans, Thats why US became so rich after two world wars.
USA was rich even before WW1. USA became super power due to fall of Britain's power on international stage

You Indian snakes just want to see Pakistan collapse and Chinas help makes you all upset, LOL.
Pakistan already has collapsed. It's just dragging on its last leg.
We are actually happy that China is helping you, both will drown for sure.

Proof of great friendship?

This is a loan, and the Chinese charge interest.

What friendship? Pakistan doesn't have any friends right now.
Poor man is no ones friend.
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They say a hot curry burns you twice.
Same can be said about Pak-China friendship... More Indians commenting on this thread which doesn't even relates to them proves their dilemma of BAT actions on LOC and the CLUB swinging on LAC.
Now that is burning at both ends.
Wondering why hasn't someone come yet to derail the thread with irrelevant talk.
And here comes the one..

They say a hot curry burns you twice.
Same can be said about Pak-China friendship... More Indians commenting on this thread which doesn't even relates to them proves their dilemma of BAT actions on LOC and the CLUB swinging on LAC.
Now that is burning at both ends.
Wondering why hasn't someone come yet to derail the thread with irrelevant talk.
And here comes the one..

A man with an ounce of self-respect would die rather than ask for handouts. But we have chutiya's in Pakistan distributing sweets.
Rather he should introspect and correct his mistakes. So that the same condition won't get repeated.

Once Gora said, when someone owes China millions, they have a problem, when some owes China Billions, China has a problem.
You are forgetting about the collaterals friend. China will make the public pay through their nose.
Compared to China, India is a real problem. In case you didn't apart from the endless bad deeds india does it is demanding the revision of the Indus water treaty of 1960..

go figure
For Pakistan*.
We are looking at our interests. Working properly for Pakistanis interests rest with your politicians.

Surgical equipments, sports items.. Pakistan is famous for manufacturing world Cup footballs.
You manufacture for other (non-pakistani) brands.
What surgical equipments?

Stop being an enemy of Pakistan
Wow, fool, what exactly China is controlling Pakistan and what conditions have China set out as by US IMF ? You Indians are come out making baseless foolish comments about China Pakistan relation no exception, must be from a country of fools paradise.
Yup Chinese loan money without preconditions :enjoy:

These b**tard Sharifs quickly signed off the deal and got paid a big backhander for it, deposited straight into their anonymous trust abroad.
seriously ??
Wondering why hasn't someone come yet to derail the thread with irrelevant talk.
And here comes the one..

Wondering why hasn't someone come yet to derail the thread with irrelevant talk.
And here comes the one..

Rather he should introspect and correct his mistakes. So that the same condition won't get repeated.

You are forgetting about the collaterals friend. China will make the public pay through their nose
Yea, when more Indians descend and start commenting on issue entirely involving Pakistan then you can be sure of one of these things.
One has ended up in some slumdog street, call centres shutting down is more serious than reported and the most obvious, Indians habitually obsessed with Pakistan are in pain to see Pakistan is not exactly near collapse.
Yea, when more Indians descend and start commenting on issue entirely involving Pakistan then you can be sure of one of these things.
One has ended up in some slumdog street, call centres shutting down is more serious than reported and the most obvious, Indians habitually obsessed with Pakistan are in pain to see Pakistan is not exactly near collapse.
Agreed, as an Indian, it's real fun seeing you guys clutching at straws (this time a loan roll over of all things) to demonstrate the greatness of your friendship. Why don't you go for another round of CPEC. Maybe this time an additional $60B loan to create infrastructure will do wonders. Added benefit would be to rub it in India's face as another shining example of your friendship.

All this long Pakistan's approach has been exactly this - if India is talking about it, it must be great for us. Enjoy & best wishes!
Yea, when more Indians descend and start commenting on issue entirely involving Pakistan then you can be sure of one of these things.
One has ended up in some slumdog street, call centres shutting down is more serious than reported and the most obvious, Indians habitually obsessed with Pakistan are in pain to see Pakistan is not exactly near collapse.
Better be at call centers and be useful for the nation than trolling others.
Don't expect others not to see when your emperor is naked...

‘Proof of great friendship’: China to send Pakistan another $1.3 billion​

Updated: 04 Mar 2023, 09:55 AM IST
Pakistan's Finance Minister Ishaq Dar (R) speaks during a press conference in Islamabad on February 10, 2023. (Photo by Aamir QURESHI / AFP) (AFP)'s Finance Minister Ishaq Dar (R) speaks during a press conference in Islamabad on February 10, 2023. (Photo by Aamir QURESHI / AFP) (AFP)
Pakistan's Finance Minister Ishaq Dar (R) speaks during a press conference in Islamabad on February 10, 2023. (Photo by Aamir QURESHI / AFP) (AFP)
The fund will be used to help shore up Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves.

Pakistan is set to receive a $1.3 billion financing boost from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd (ICBC) in the coming days, according to the country’s Finance Minister, Ishaq Dar. Speaking at a press conference in Islamabad on March 3, Dar confirmed that all formalities had been completed and that documentation for the process was now complete.

The fund will be used to help shore up Pakistan’s foreign exchange reserves as the country faces challenging economic conditions. Dar confirmed that it was possible that $500 million could be received by Monday or Tuesday of next week, with a further $500 million to be provided within the following 10 days.

Dar reported that the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) had $3.82 billion in foreign exchange reserves, which, when added to the sums held by commercial banks, totaled almost $9.26 billion.

“There will be a further increase in this. I think China has given proof of great friendship," Dawn quoted Dar as saying.

He said he was confident that the SBP reserves would have $10 billion and the national reserves around $16 billion by June 30. As per Dar, Pakistan’s requirement for the next three to four years is for $16 billion.

Despite the difficult economic climate, Dar was optimistic about Pakistan’s ability to weather the storm, stating: “We have never defaulted and we won’t now. Yes, we were in a precarious situation and are going through it currently."

He went on to defend the current government’s handling of the crisis, stating that its “principled decision" to prioritise the state’s interests over political interests was the “right decision". Dar criticised opposition leader Imran Khan, accusing him of being “selfish" and focused only on criticising the government rather than working together to address the country’s issues.

Dar also took the opportunity to discuss the economic indicators that Pakistan had faced in recent years, blaming “mismanagement and bad governance" for the current situation. He attributed catastrophic floods in 2022 as being a major cause of financial losses, with over $30 billion lost as a result. He also cited global inflationary pressure as a major reason for the country’s rising inflation levels.

Keep putting money into a black hole of these useless mafia.

The best thing China could do is to invoke an execution squad and get rid of the parasites that are sucking that country. Instead, you are giving alcohol to the alcoholics.
Pakistan's debt to China is only 30% of the total debt.

Pakistan should consolidate the remaining 70% debt with additional Chinese loans.
why dont you just give the entire punjab over to the chinese to be run.
is this an interest free loan ?
No, all Chinese loans carry interest.
So a total 'no riders' freebie loan without expecting to be paid back, even without any interest ?

My oh my, such benevolence !
Actually no, all loans are paid off with interest. Besides, most of the Chinese debt that we have is against the projects they installed under CPEC and profit payments on them; and all of these loans are insured with state assets.

Chinese never invest money where there is a risk to both their money and the asset insured.
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