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Proof of allegations... Answer By KAPTAAN...

anyone knows when the court will be issuing verdict? As in, whether they decide to open ballots or not?

Moreover, any chance of PML getting stay order? I'd prefer they rather not.

On Monday, that is tomorrow :D
In a democracy, anyone can quote whatever post they like.

So shut up.
this is internet, not democracy.

you need to watch your mouth. Oh and I still recommend you find a life. maybe then you'll learn manners
Moron! He is wearing that vest in assembly because he fell off a lifter before election during a campaign rally in Lahore:!

Ok, so the video posted was old? Big Deal. Instead of explaining that video was old, you decided to call me a "moron". Yea, you do follow IK, same patterns, abusive language and accusations to anyone who doesn't agree with you. I can also guess your personal life at home. I am sure just like IK, it sucks too.
When people write, you can pretty much guess a lot about them from what they say and write. A person who uses abusive language for no good reason, is generally abusive with a lot of anger issues. Feel sorry for you.
Ok, so the video posted was old? Big Deal. Instead of explaining that video was old, you decided to call me a "moron". Yea, you do follow IK, same patterns, abusive language and accusations to anyone who doesn't agree with you. I can also guess your personal life at home. I am sure just like IK, it sucks too.
When people write, you can pretty much guess a lot about them from what they say and write. A person who uses abusive language for no good reason, is generally abusive with a lot of anger issues. Feel sorry for you.

Your every comment regarding IK is negative. Its frustrating since you are sincere and wants to tell us something but haven't got any clue about internal politics of Pakistan. IK wore that vest for months while he served in parliament. He had no issues with the government until it deliberately set hurdles in the way of getting justice in 4 constituencies which IK had accused of rigging.
Truth is not the way of anti Imran Khan camp. Truth though simply should be honored, but trouble makers like to twist every thing .

I agree with the part of your post above. The Truth should be simply honored. Well may want to tell IK to honor the truth that he lost!!! End of the story, wait for your turn after 5 years. Educate people if you think you are right and this entire process (democratic), should ensure peaceful assemblies of people, gatherings and NO injuries or killings. Plus, allegations get handled inside the parliament. Not out on the street without ONE single proof!!!

Your every comment regarding IK is negative. Its frustrating since you are sincere and wants to tell us something but haven't got any clue about internal politics of Pakistan. .

I have MORE real time connections with your political system than you can imagine. I say that with 100% confidence. IK ain't nothing new. I've met him years ago when he used to just chase after chicks and drink Black Label and Whiskey like it was water. So PLEASE keep your comments to yourself, you don't know anything about me.

Next, writing negative about IK? NO, you got it wrong. I am writing about what IK has been doing. Negative events show up as negative (like the minus sign - ), so if you want to see positivity, tell IK to accept he lost, go to parliament and ask for reforms. Quit this sit-in and stand-up and attack the parliament drama, quit making excuses that "I don't remember the proofs as I was injured in my head" (but he remember to bash others the SAME way every day for the past many, many months, the injury hasn't impacted the verbal abusive side of the brain).
At the end of the day, it is the Pakistani nation becoming a fool and the country going backwards. THAT isn't acceptable. Tell him to start taking positive stuff so I can write positive about it. Garbage in, garbage out. Fruit in, Juice out, if you know what I mean.
I've met him years ago when he used to just chase after chicks and drink Black Label and Whiskey like it was water
We all know IK had severe issues with women and drinks back in his cricketing days. Tell us something we don't know.
you need to stop quoting every post of mine. Especially when it doesn't answer the question.

Get a life.

In a democracy, anyone can quote whatever post they like.

So shut up.
this is internet, not democracy.

you need to watch your mouth. Oh and I still recommend you find a life. maybe then you'll learn manners

Some excellent advice! You would do well to follow it yourself, if you don't mind me saying so.
In a democracy, anyone can quote whatever post they like.

So shut up.

Some excellent advice! You would do well to follow it yourself, if you don't mind me saying so.
Ah so you agree with what I say. Maybe it's time to put a rat in your mouth and chew on it. It'll keep you quiet.
Ah so you agree with what I say. Maybe it's time to put a rat in your mouth and chew on it. It'll keep you quiet.

So this sort of language is your idea of "manners"?:omghaha: If you cared at all about manners, you would want to pause and think a bit before you write.

Now shut up.
So this sort of language is your idea of "manners"?:omghaha: If you cared at all about manners, you would want to pause and think a bit before you write.

Now shut up.

Suits you well.
Idiot Khan only had a handful of neurons to begin with.

Some were lost to the excessive heat, humidity and sunlight in the cricket grounds.

Some were lost while he fell from from the lifter.

The remaining were spent in the dharna and jalsa speeches.

Finally, he has gone full retard.
. .
If PMLN did not do any rigging, it should be open to transparent recount. Since it does not agree to recount and wants to entangle the issue in mud slinging and hide behind this law or that law, its very clear its the beneficiary of an illegal and rigged election.

PMLN being such a popular, experienced party must shut PTI by proving it did not rig elections. It does not have the guts. The courage is the first thing that departs from a criminal. PMLN and its sister PPP are criminals of Pakistan democracy, not its champions.

Defending a corrupt ruling elite simply baffling. The crimes these three parties (MQM PMLN PPP) have done against Pakistan are not pardonable.

Ruling by vote is a sanctimonious trust. A single allegation of rigging must be exposed. Defending a system that is corrupt, enriches the people who are directly involved in it, is a crime bigger than crime of rigging elections.
WHY are they asking Kaptaan for evidence? Is he in ISI? If someone accuses someone else for stealing, court doesn't say to the accuser; give us evidence, rather its police job to find evidence if the person accused is indeed a thief. Now keep laughing :D

LOL Imran says every time in sit-in and jalsa that he got proof of the rigging listen carefully

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