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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

It might just be a static display gifted by TAI execs to PAC exec and they decided to display it.
The though did occur to me (too), but for someone who has collected a number of Diecast Models in the past looks for details.

If you see the PAC Model in the background has a transparent stand on which the Model is resting on. Most of it is conveniently covered by that damn phone on the table.

However, the Model(s) from TAI have a thin metallic/silver stand.

And companies usually approach one Manufacturer to do Models for them.

Not everyone has deep pockets like Emirates, Qatar Airways or even Turkish Airways to get Models from different sources.

So, in my opinion - its not a gift from TAI. The transparent silver stand is cheap which is an indication of what i'm referring to.

I've seen many PAF/PAC Models that have been presented to Officials in the past.

Exactly my response :-).

Most of the information floating around on the internet have the same source "some random comment/discussion on PDF". Now this will be the face of "AZM" on the internet thanks to this thread here on PDF.

And yes some youtube videos are also incoming just wait for it.
The cockpit looks more elevated than tfx.

The guy claims to be engineer working for PAC.

Exactly my response :-).

Most of the information floating around on the internet have the same source "some random comment/discussion on PDF". Now this will be the face of "AZM" on the internet thanks to this thread here on PDF.

And yes some youtube videos are also incoming just wait for it.
The guy claims to be engineer working for PAC.

He might or might not be related to PAC. The fact is this image being "AZM" is just an assumption by a fellow member on this forum which can be true or false. But some people on the internet will blow it out of proportion as usual for the sake of clicks.

"AZM" design is not even finalized on paper yet. Problem is that based on these speculative images many people start visualizing the end product and add their wish list to it and when the final product turn out to be different then their perception then they start cursing PAF & PAC.

Case in point JF-17 Block III
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He might or might not be related to PAC. The fact is this image being "AZM" is just an assumption by a fellow member on this forum which can be true or false. But some people on the internet will blow it out of proportion as usual for the sake of clicks.

"AZM" design is not even finalized on paper yet. Problem is that based on these speculative images many people start visualizing the end product and add their wish list to it and when the final product turn out to be different then their perception then they start cursing PAF & PAC.

Case in point JF-17 Block III

In my humble opinion, Pakistan can do some joint work on TFX to help the Turks and at the same time learn skills for itself but Project Azm will be a pure Pakistani baby, totally separate from TFX and J-31.

No JVs on PF-65 Sultans.
Here are a few Diecast Models of the TF-X being presented by TAI Officials.

You guys be the judge...

First 02 Images - the model on the table.




@Khanivore @Path-Finder @Maxpane @Ahmet Pasha @Safriz @FuturePAF @aliyusuf @StormBreaker
I can easily differentiate between the two, figures on the inlet, nose and the sleek body of AZM as compared

The guy claims to be engineer working for PAC.

He is most probably giving engineers in general, credit for doing all the tech work while being some sort of engineer somewhere in the world.

The cockpit looks more elevated than tfx.

View attachment 619615
Yes and the vertical stabilizer tip seems cut straight unlike tfx
The model is of TFX quite clearly. No AZM design has been released or spy shotted so far in any shape or form..
I can easily differentiate between the two, figures on the inlet, nose and the sleek body of AZM as compared

He is most probably giving engineers in general, credit for doing all the tech work while being some sort of engineer somewhere in the world.

Yes and the vertical stabilizer tip seems cut straight unlike tfx
can someone provide an insight on Ukranian aviation industry. Secondly, where do you think the two can collaborate ?
can someone provide an insight on Ukranian aviation industry. Secondly, where do you think the two can collaborate ?
That's such a broad topic...
Ukraine has Antonov that mainly produces large cargo/transport aircrafts. There's also Motor Sich that makes engines for such aircrafts(also for helicopters). U can look up those two companies and their various products and their areas of expertise.

Personally I'm not sure about how Ukraine will fit into Azm NGF...if at all...but I've been wanting Pak to increase collaboration with Ukraine, Turkey, China, South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia, etc.

I absolutely loved Oplot tank...and was excited about the prospect of it being Al-Haider...however that didn't pan out :(
That's such a broad topic...
Ukraine has Antonov that mainly produces large cargo/transport aircrafts. There's also Motor Sich that makes engines for such aircrafts(also for helicopters). U can look up those two companies and their various products and their areas of expertise.

Personally I'm not sure about how Ukraine will fit into Azm NGF...if at all...but I've been wanting Pak to increase collaboration with Ukraine, Turkey, China, South Africa, Brazil, Indonesia, etc.

I absolutely loved Oplot tank...and was excited about the prospect of it being Al-Haider...however that didn't pan out :(

thank you ! i was wondering about it. i am sure there must be some turkish, pakistan, china and turkish aspect of producing jet engine in this realm. that angle might be a possibility.
Ukraine has more experience in building engines outside Russia. thoughts?
thank you ! i was wondering about it. i am sure there must be some turkish, pakistan, china and turkish aspect of producing jet engine in this realm. that angle might be a possibility.
Ukraine has more experience in building engines outside Russia. thoughts?
Ukraine have lots of experience to design and develop jet engines as compare to China or Turkey

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