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Featured Project Azm: Pakistan's Ambitious Quest to Develop 5th Generation Military Technologies.

Times haven't moved past that era and the future still lays with few gifted individuals this has been the sunnah of the world ever since it is created few made big changes.

I never said they would build from the wombs lol and you have to read carefully what I said. You give them a tailor made education to them elusively not the regular curriculum as it is irrelevant by default. They are very advanced individuals so you give them things suitable to them and by the age of 18-20s you hire them officially. The schooling + university has to be specialized program exlusive to them only. which Means their early schooling could be over by the age of 14-15 and then they enter their specialized university after that and it ends around 18-20ish and then you put them directly on the frontline in the defense industry

Maybe u watched some movie or tv show. if we can have such a specialized education then any above avg kid will do good in that environment. I know a guy with picture memory and really really smart. He ended up teaching in beacon house. Ur view is very simplistic and ancient. Remember in 60s and 70s there used to be "inventors", those were the genius who invented new things, have u seen any now? Thats because science have advanced way too much to be handled by a few genius. Now is the time and age of collaboration and cooperation. Sharing ideas and views and trying not to reinvent the wheel. If u can provide a high level training and education, u dont need to hunt for any geniuses and that training n education will produce enough for the future.
U say the western uni doesnt give much, shows u have no idea what ur talking abt. Have u ever been to the labs of unis like georgia tech or MIT or stanford? Its not just the curriculum but the lab facilities and previous experience that counts. As i said u need to come out of the 70s.
Maybe u watched some movie or tv show. if we can have such a specialized education then any above avg kid will do good in that environment. I know a guy with picture memory and really really smart. He ended up teaching in beacon house. Ur view is very simplistic and ancient. Remember in 60s and 70s there used to be "inventors", those were the genius who invented new things, have u seen any now? Thats because science have advanced way too much to be handled by a few genius. Now is the time and age of collaboration and cooperation. Sharing ideas and views and trying not to reinvent the wheel. If u can provide a high level training and education, u dont need to hunt for any geniuses and that training n education will produce enough for the future.
U say the western uni doesnt give much, shows u have no idea what ur talking abt. Have u ever been to the labs of unis like georgia tech or MIT or stanford? Its not just the curriculum but the lab facilities and previous experience that counts. As i said u need to come out of the 70s.

If what you are saying is correct then why is Microsoft, Apple and other giant techs recruiting superkids? Ask yourself this question?:coffee: You are out of the loop of what intellecutal property truly means and how valueble it is.

It basically comes down to that... If you don't have it you have nothing.... period! You can have billions of educated professionals in different fields they won't further your case anywhere outside of stealing IP. They won't be able to give you ground breaking stuff except copying and stealing info resources it is very limited what they can achieve for you in terms of pushing you towards the future big time.

But with fresh IP access you can be aggressive and build stuff the world haven't laid an eye on before and ground breaking stuff and outlandish stuff..
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If what you are saying is correct then why is Microsoft, Apple and other giant techs recruiting superkids? Ask yourself this question?:coffee: You are out of the loop of what intellecutal property truly means and how valueble it is.

It basically comes down to that... If you don't have it you have nothing.... period! You can have billions of educated professionals in different fields they won't further your case anywhere outside of stealing IP. They won't be able to give you ground breaking stuff except copying and stealing info resources it is very limited what they can achieve for you in terms of pushing you towards the future big time

Intellectual property normally refers to patents. Microsoft hires extra ordinary kids but Microsoft does not "depend" on them. What Microsoft today is not because of few super kids but because of collective effort. Also Microsoft have a deep experience in software and thus can transfer it and train new ones, how will u train a superkid to build engines when u have never built one? How will u get the materials? How will u manufacture?? There is a technology ladder that u need to climb stepwise and u cannot take short cuts by employing super kids since birth like in a nazi setup. The term we use for that is "investing in R&D". And we are way behind in it.
Intellectual property normally refers to patents. Microsoft hires extra ordinary kids but Microsoft does not "depend" on them. What Microsoft today is not because of few super kids but because of collective effort. Also Microsoft have a deep experience in software and thus can transfer it and train new ones, how will u train a superkid to build engines when u have never built one? How will u get the materials? How will u manufacture?? There is a technology ladder that u need to climb stepwise and u cannot take short cuts by employing super kids since birth like in a nazi setup. The term we use for that is "investing in R&D". And we are way behind in it.

You don't fully understand me. Microsoft has alot of professionals and work force and they are trained to only operate their current systems. They are sort of like foot-soldiers in Microsoft context but the superkids/gifted individuals are the once brought in exclusively to further microsoft and build new softwares and systems that are to complex for these regular workers microsoft trains or already working for them you see. To answer your question shortly yes microsoft depends on these superkids.

This is a pattern in life you never can't escape and it is part of life. One must understand it and shape his advances around it and use it to their advantage
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You don't fully understand me. Microsoft has alot of professionals and work force and they are trained to only operate their current systems. They are sort of like foot-soldiers in Microsoft context but the superkids are the once brought in exclusively to further microsoft and build new softwares and systems that are to complex for these regular workers microsoft trains or already working for them you see. To answer your question shortly yes microsoft depends on these superkids.

This is a pattern in life you never can't escape and it is part of life. One must understand it and shape his advances around it and use it to their advantage

Well by ur logic then hard work has no use or value. Which i disagree with. If what u say is the key then nazis should have ruled the world. The world and technology have changed and gone beyond ur imagination. Lets agree to disagree.
Long discussions........... and I thought that PAF/PAC main requirement for AZM is "it should be ITAR free". Not 100% indigenous, instead as much indigenous as possible but it should be ITAR free.
I don’t even expect 100% indigenous and neither should anyone. Project Azm as far as we know is about self reliance and ITAR free products. ACM has repeatedly said that “We’re open for any foreign collaboration.”
I don’t even expect 100% indigenous and neither should anyone. Project Azm as far as we know is about self reliance and ITAR free products. ACM has repeatedly said that “We’re open for any foreign collaboration.”

That's what I said :coffee:
Times haven't moved past that era and the future still lays with few gifted individuals this has been the sunnah of the world ever since it is created few made big changes.

I never said they would build from the wombs lol and you have to read carefully what I said. You give them a tailor made education to them elusively not the regular curriculum as it is irrelevant by default. They are very advanced individuals so you give them things suitable to them and by the age of 18-20s you hire them officially. The schooling + university has to be specialized program exlusive to them only. which Means their early schooling could be over by the age of 14-15 and then they enter their specialized university after that and it ends around 18-20ish and then you put them directly on the frontline in the defense industry.

The specialized university could be build inside the defense industry where people working on the defense industry directly take charge of it and teach these kids. You send superkids to different programs such as Azm, Tanks, heli, navy, space etc etc all different programs you send few superkids to them and they give them the university lessons themselves so they become a tailor made specialists in this specific genre
I have always dreamed that our state picks up such bright children from all corners of Pakistan. the teams hunt for them in villages in cities and tribes of all social levels. their parents and rest of the family well looked after financially and their residential or medical needs looked after. while these kids or youngsters as you suggested get premium living facilities and attractive packages that going abroad becomes pointless. as you mentioned they must have next level of training and experimentation beyond the mundane ratta system of our society, in few batches they themselves over years take over the teaching and planning and provide Pakistan next level of technology and research and discoveries.
I have always dreamed that our state picks up such bright children from all corners of Pakistan. the teams hunt for them in villages in cities and tribes of all social levels. their parents and rest of the family well looked after financially and their residential or medical needs looked after. while these kids or youngsters as you suggested get premium living facilities and attractive packages that going abroad becomes pointless. as you mentioned they must have next level of training and experimentation beyond the mundane ratta system of our society, in few batches they themselves over years take over the teaching and planning and provide Pakistan next level of technology and research and discoveries.
Around 2300 years ago plato came up with concept of 'philosopher king' chosen among extra ordinary kids at very early age, raised by state institutions particularly designed for them. It was an idea and remained as such since then. Your concept of recruiting bright kids and raising them into professionals resembles plato's.
Problem with extra ordinary people is, they were born on places they were least expected to. Practically, only those societies managed to harness their talents which developed industries, in some or the other form. Without industry, you don't have problems on hands to throw at these kids, that they can solve and expand the boundaries of existing knowledge.
Pakistan lacks at so many levels, worst is lack of vision at top. In mush era, under Ataurrehman as minister HEC, we dreamt of a knowledge based economy and aimed to set up universities linked with western industrial units in collaboration with developed academic institutions. Those universities could have been such institutions that would have harnessed talented youth, giving them scholarships etc. and make them solve real problems, worthy of their talents. The dream died at the hands of democracy and 18th amendment handed HEC over to provinces. At present, looking at HECs policies, it seems like some foreign agencies are finding individuals at top, who are determined to undo whatever little progress we made. One of biggest strength of capitalism is that it had a smart system to accommodate and utilize talent around the world for its own development. We don't and we are not even conscious of it.
“We can’t wait 30 years for TFX to roll out. Within 2 years we are going to to start testing it” - TAI Chief Prof Dr Temel Kotil

The most important parts of TFX are indigenous engine, composites, sensor fusion, radars, EW, armaments, codes etc. Turkey is successfully addressing all of them minutely and meticulously. So far so good....

Azm and TFX might have the similar paths minus the indigenous part...
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its TFX model not Azm
According to "Ark Angel" that particular model is Pakistan's NGFA.
He has been credible most of the times.

According to "Ark Angel" that particular model is Pakistan's NGFA.
He has been credible most of the times.

we all are human and could make mistake anytime ....

this rule is applicable to Ark_Angel and to me as well ....
Brothers, I totally egree with thoughts,/examples by Mohamed Bin Tughlaq
, Hakeeqat V Hikmat. Pakistan have highly educated, talented,experienced enigeers,tech, to develop any arms,missiles,jet fighters now. On all these mentioned new arms, Pakistan is closely working with China and Turkey. Even recognised by Pak Army Chief Gen. Bajwa on several occasions. But again you must know that both China, Pakistan, Turkey keeps all their defence projects hidden until final.
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