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Profile pictures - Using Great People's pic


Jul 21, 2009
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Title should reveal a lot behind the motives of this particular thread. If a member is going to use a Great man's pictures as his profile picture, it should reflect in his discussions, posts and general online behavior in defence.pk. Using a great person's pic and posting BS is quite irritating and it leaves me with a bad taste, which I am sure is the case with most other members here. I don't want to single out specific members. But this is something that you should understand, atleast now. This, as the forum name suggests, is a gentle suggestion. If you still want to use a well respected icon's pic and still post BS, it just shows that you dont stand by the principles of the Hero you claim to respect and revere.
So, can you first start of and tell us more about your profile picture then? so that others may learn why are you using a cat/tiger as your avatar.


Obviously the message in that post is not for you then. kindly ignore that message and proceed with your work
I hope I am able to live upto and reflect the legacy of the great person in my profile picture. He sure looks happy !
i use gen.akhter abdul rehman DG ISI he was most sucsessful gen of pak army when i read his life story i fall in love with him.
In an ideal scenario that should be the case. But one man's rants and BS are another man's logical perspectives. How do you differentiate?
Well I got nothing to worry about. I guess I can get away with stuff......:smokin:
i use gen.akhter abdul rehman DG ISI he was most sucsessful gen of pak army when i read his life story i fall in love with him.

Who would complain about you my friend! one of the best posters I have ever seen. :D We need people like you across the border, to forge friendly relationships :pakistan:
Richthofen: The Red Fighter Pilot
Chapter 11 - My Record-Day
"As the day had begun so propitiously we sat down and had a decent breakfast. All of us were as hungry as wolves. In the meantime our machines were again made ready for starting. Fresh cartridges were got and then we went off again".

my friend humblehobbes; If someone gives someone a hard time doesn't mean they always post bs..feel free to accept it or disagree..This is forum but most of us keep ourselves always ready for another sortie again..
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