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Professor pitches 'Chinese Union' bloc

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Götterdämmerung;3211702 said:
Do you also think that Europe is a shithole because hundreds of millions of Europeans are now living in the Americas, Australia, NZ and South Africa?

Us your brain when you make an argument!

When they Migrated, It was Indeed One!
No, thank you. We do not want to join the dumpster. We already have several trillion dollars worth of natural resources to tap whenever we like.
thats in case where China wont take all the SC sea back from the theif viets````but i highly doubt China will let that from happening again
When they Migrated, It was Indeed One!

When they (Americans, Australians, NZlanders and South Africans) migrated, we were already the most powerful and technologically advanced region in the world conquering the whole planet.
5 Chinese Soldiers were Slaughtered for Every India Soldier Killed.

China has even Received Worst Humiliation than India could give.

In Sino-Soviet War 1929, 10 Chinese were Slaughtered or Every Russian killed.

In Korean War again 5 PLA Thugs Died for every Korean Killed.

Japanese and Mongols Ratio would be 100:1. :lol:

Match that!

Yeah, I also heard from an Indian 'source' that a single Indian soldier killed 3,000 Chinese soldiers bare handed. Incredible!

On topic. Actually China is in a process of forming such union, maybe not exactly what the professor pitched, and other unions such as the SCO as well.
Götterdämmerung;3211737 said:
When they (Americans, Australians, NZlanders and South Africans) migrated, we were already the most powerful and technologically advanced region in the world conquering the whole planet.

Europe was an Abrahamic Craphole during the of Age of Discovery and Age of Exploration.

Yeah, I also heard from an Indian 'source' that a single Indian soldier killed 3,000 Chinese soldiers bare handed. Incredible!

On topic. Actually China is in a process of forming such union, maybe not exactly what the professor pitched, and other unions such as the SCO as well.

Facts are Facts. You people throw stupid claims not us.

PLA's Strategy in its History has been Human Wave Attacks.

No Wonder You got Slaughtered from Russia to India to Vietnam to Korea to Japan in all Directions.
We know what happened to expansionist red block in 1991 :what: Its the greed that destroys you .
Götterdämmerung;3211702 said:
Do you also think that Europe is a shithole because hundreds of millions of Europeans are now living in the Americas, Australia, NZ and South Africa?

Us your brain when you make an argument!

Just wonder how you have come to this conclusion?
Pls read again carefully. The response was about China and its people running away and having settled everywhere in the world.
Why? because they wanted to escape poverty, to avoid discrimination or polictics persecution at home, or in search of business opportunities abroad. To insult the Viets and others, once again it is just a typically arrogant attitude of some chinese people.

I think it is one of the reasons why the Viets fight for its independence from China.
if they have brains then we wont insulting them and calling them monkeys

you know, we both look and behalve very similar.
If a Viet looks like a monkey, a Chinese looks like a chimpanzee.

:taz: :taz: :taz:
you know, we both look and behalve very similar.
If a Viet looks like a monkey, a Chinese looks like a chimpanzee.

:taz: :taz: :taz:

Ur statement is a provocation to us!:angry: We are different races, we are more successful. We are Han-Chinese. Its in our genes. U have to live with urs. pls dont put us into the same pool.
Guangdong is Historically Vietnamese Territory Occupied by China.

While there is nothing like Han. The Northern Chinese are made up of Manchu, Turkic and Mongol Genes. While the South come from Vietnamese Genes.

Do u think before replying? I guess NOT.
U mean this province
was viet? Are u that stupid in geography and history? That would mean Hongkong was viet land... sure...

Also u claim that Chinese are made up by Manchu, Turkic and Mongol Genes. Dude pls go to ur corner and think about deeply what u just wrote.
The forming of a strong China Nexus will take time, probably not in this decade but it is a good idea. We have significant cultural influence on all the countries and territories mentioned in the article. So why not! For those who opt out bruntly now, the time will prove the regret will be on them!

May be these countries will form a new country named "Anti China"...................Only logical merge of these countries :D

sure india will be the first to stick their necks out being ultra bitter of our overpowering them on everythng civilized yet we are still keeping far lower profile on every visible project which turn out to be successful!
Ur statement is a provocation to us!:angry: We are different races, we are more successful. We are Han-Chinese. Its in our genes. U have to live with urs. pls dont put us into the same pool.

provocation? open your eyes!

pls read all of your countrymen´s repeated insulting us with "monkey" and so on in this forum!
Vietnam always wants to coexist with China. But we must always be careful before aggression of its big neighbor in the north.
And when reading your statements, it is just another evidence.
Enough insulting or I will start giving infractions, stick to the topic.
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