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Problem with Muslims is not terrorism but their mentality - Dr. Subramanium Swamy

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Why all the so called experts (haters) have a grand total of 0 degrees on the subject that actually matters aka religion or Islam to be more general.

If I got a degree in classical arts I would not try to go and become CEO of some hedge fund. :disagree:

Bill Warner specializes in Physics and Math yet he is being quoted lol.
Look, no one denies that some muslims commit violent and terrorist acts. But they are criminals guilty of a crime and they must be punished. No one here is in deniable about that. But to twist facts to sprout your own agenda disregarding intellectual honesty like this swamy has done is plain wrong. He should have brought arguments backed with facts and relevant sources, not make up his own. If you do that, then don't expect people to take you seriously. ( which is what is happening in this thread)
You know. He has a lot better knowledge bout Islam than anyone of us. His daughter married a Muslims and he accepted it. Some reason right. HE is a great supporter of Islam but not of Muslims. Now we all know problem is not with Islam but with muslims. Some reason right. Thats what I wanna know.
No I am not even playing the victim...Its you who has 1 eye closed! So either open it or walk out the door with both eyes shut!

I told you had your swami with all his degree even a morsel of self respect he would have quoted where he grabbed those words he preached!
lol yeah I am the one with both eyes shut.
He made some factual errors but he was talking about the general perception and how Muslims differentiate among US and THEM.

His conclusion is based on his premise, when his premise itself is garbage his conclusion likewise is garbage.
Waah bhai. Tumhare faith ko question kya kar diya, main troll ho gaya. Now this is intolerance.
So u mean if something is unacceptable then u shud refute the thread itself.

Its not a troll thread but I wud rather put it on the senseless members on how they approach it. If the person in the video was so wrong, it cud have been done by simply refuting his opinions. Case closed. But what I saw was simple bulls attitude by Pakistanis. Now whos responsible? Jahil attitude is not coz of the thread but coz of people's nature itself.

The person in the video has been refuted, which I've noticed that you're ignoring. Either you ignore the posts, or you chalk it up to being an opinion.

The fact that you even posted such a thread on a forum with a muslim majority shows me that you're nothing more than a troll. If this were an Indian forum and the video was about hindus, you can bet your bottom that you would have the same reaction from Indians.

As far as I'm concerned, you're an intolerant troll that thinks Muslims are animals. You're only saying Indian Muslims are good, but you and I both know that you're just using that as an excuse to justify your hatred.
dont want to watch video, somebody tell me what he is saying...

Islam and Terrorism
It is unfortunate that Islam, the religion of peace, hope, harmony, goodwill and Brotherhood had been badly tarnished by the perpetrators of various terrorists acts and barbarism as seen in recent years.
The purpose of this presentation is to set forth the teachings of Islam so that manifestations of various terrorist acts are fully exposed in the light of Islamic teachings under whose shelter these activities are being committed.
  1. Diplomatic immunity and ethics of war in Islam
  2. Islamic Jihad
  3. Peace and international relations in Islam
8:68) This verse cuts at the root of not only slavery practice in years gone by but also demolishes any supposed justification of modern day hostage-taking and hijacking of innocent people not involved in actual combat.
In his farewell address the Holy Prophet of Islam gave special instructions regarding good treatment which should be meted out to prisoners. The Holy Prophet said:
O men, you still have in your possession some prisoners of war. I advise you, therefore, to feed them and to clothe them in the same way and style as you feed and clothe yourselves ..... To give them pain or trouble can never be tolerated. More specific commandments on the ethics of war and treatment of prisoners are contained in the fifth verse of the forty-seventh chapter of the Quran. This comprehensive verse can be paraphrased as follows:
"When engaged in a regular battle, it should be fought bravely and relentlessly. War can be continued till peace and freedom of conscience are established. Prisoners are to be taken judiciously. Free men cannot be deprived of their liberty without a just and reasonable cause. When war is over, prisoners should be released as an act of favour or on taking ransom or by negotiating a mutual exchange."

In the history of Islam all these methods have been used for releasing prisoners. A novel method to get release was that the educated prisoners could teach reading and writing to those who were illiterate, in lieu of ransom.
This verse further strikes at the roots of those who would justify modern day terrorism in the name and under the banner of Islam.
Envoys are privileged people in the Islamic system. They enjoy full personal immunity. They are not subject to political ransom, no matter how worthy the cause may be, and to kidnap them is a heinous crime. They must not be killed, molested or maltreated. There are numerous instances from the Holy Prophet's life which illustrate the application of these principles.
Thus Islamic scriptural commandments and the precepts of the Holy Prophet of Islam concerning diplomatic immunity are free from ambiguities. In a nutshell, taking hostages and maltreating envoys and private citizens in any shape and form is totally foreign to the teachings and doctrines of Islam. In other words, the philosophy of Islam totally rejects terrorism.
7:57; 11:86; 29:37) Mischief and wickedness are condemned in several other verses and Muslims are commanded to work wholly for peace.
Islam draws attention to factors which tend to disturb or destroy peace and order, and deprecates them. Domination of one group by another in the domestic sphere, or of one people by another in the international sphere is a potent cause of disturbance of peace and is therefore strongly condemned. Economic exploitation of one people or country by another inevitably leads to domination by the exploiters, and develops into a potential threat to peace. The Holy Quran prohibits such exploitation and an economy based on exploitation cannot be beneficial in its consequences, nor can it endure.
Islam visualizes an association of strong and stable states allied together in the pursuance of peace, freedom of conscience and the promotion of human welfare. Treaties or covenants between nations may have to be drawn up which should be done in a straightforward language and should not be evaded or repudiated under the temptation of securing some advantage. In case of difficulties and disputes, it is the duty of Muslims to bring about a peaceful settlement and adjustment.
The Holy Quran teaches that God has sent His revelation to all people from time to time. Many of prophets of the Old Testament are mentioned by name and so is Jesus who with other prophets is honoured and revered by all Muslims. Indeed, the Quran requires belief in the truth of all these prophets. Islam is thus unique and distinct in requiring an affirmation in all prophets wherever they appeared and therefore it seeks to bring about reconciliation between the followers of different faiths and to establish a basis of respect and honour among them. The Quran says:
Surely, those who believe and the Jews and the Christians and the Sabians - whichever party from among these truly believes in ALLAH and the Last Day and does good deeds, shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon then nor shall they grieve (2:63) The same message is repeated in 5:70. The basic unity of the followers of all faiths is emphatically stressed in the Holy Quran and the creation of discord and disunity by terrorism or otherwise has no place in Islam.
In the domain of international relations, religion and inter-religious relations occupy an important position. Unfortunately, comparatively little attention is paid to this aspect of human relations. It is assumed that religion is a private matter for each individual and should, therefore, have no direct connection with the political, social aspects of life. This assumption is not justified. Islam being an egalitarian religion, is not just a personal faith, but an all-encompassing codes of values and conduct. Islam is and will be a vital factor in human relations and there is a good ground of hope that it might progressively become more effective in promoting unity and accord rather than continue to be required on the part of religious and political leaders to achieve that goal.
I must conclude by saying that whether peace or war, acts of terrorism are not only condemned in Islam but are also pointedly declared alien to the teachings of Islam which in fact means peace through the submission to the Will of God, the Lord of all human beings. Only through conformity to Divine laws can we hope to achieve the ideal of a secure world free of terrorism.
Abbot, Freeland. (1968) Islam and Pakistan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Ahmad, Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud. (1980). Invitation to Ahmadiyyat, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Khan, Sir Muhammad Zafrullah (1989). Islam: Its Meaning for Modern Man. New York & Evanston: Harper & Row.
The Holy Quran (Arabic Text with the English Translation by the late Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan: President of the 17th Session of U.N. General Assembly and later Judge and President of the International Court of Justice at the Hague, London; Curzon Press​
You know. He has a lot better knowledge bout Islam than anyone of us. His daughter married a Muslims and he accepted it. Some reason right. HE is a great supporter of Islam but not of Muslims. Now we all know problem is not with Islam but with muslims. Some reason right. Thats what I wanna know.

Based on what? Has he read the Quran or our Hadith? No need to answer because if he had then he wouldn't have told a blatant lie and allow himself to filmed while doing so.

Meanwhile I have read the Quran front to back more than 20 times and Hadith likewise yet the first time I heard of Darul harb was when some other Indian brought it up on pdf earlier.
Well maybe he should preach about Economics because apparently he didnt even get the basics of Islam right ...those 3 things he brain washed his followers with were not given references...so either Harvard standard's have fallen where it failed to teach its graduate how to refer to something they quote or talk about or this guy is taking his Hindu sheep for a ride in his Prado!

I don't follow this guy or even like him but let's not talk about taking sheep for a ride. I believe billions on this earth are being taken for a ride just as we speak by religious BS.
@WAR-rior Islam came to Saudi a place which worshiped soo many gods, would bury their female daughters alive and do god knows what other crap! So Islam came to liberate them from these things and each time it faced alot of opposition to the point prophet was offered gold, leadership seat and whatnot but he rejected all because he was a pious man who was a man of God and knew his reward is only with God...

Go to a Muslim in todays world he might barely even know the 5 principals of Islam or might not even practice them....he might not even know the meaning of the words in the Quran that are either recited to him or he has recited as a speed game at some quran khani...

The real reason is the Quran has become soo sacred for them that they wrap it up and keep it at the top most shelf instead of reading it and understanding it...if they do read it they seem to read the Arabic and not understand it coz they dont bother about the meaning like soo many here on this thread keep asking my why i post meanings of words or the root meanings! Why do people not want to know the meanings of what they say or read? That is nothing Islam gave them but their own ignorance! Jahalat the Arabic word fits well!
You know. He has a lot better knowledge bout Islam than anyone of us. His daughter married a Muslims and he accepted it. Some reason right. HE is a great supporter of Islam but not of Muslims. Now we all know problem is not with Islam but with muslims. Some reason right. Thats what I wanna know.

You did not reply to other posts. Please answer those and tell me if this man is not lying Or the only reason you are still accepting his hypotheses is because YOU want to label all muslims as terrorists.
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