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Probe into Bhutto's killing to cost Pak $100 mn


Mar 31, 2007
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Probe into Bhutto's killing to cost Pak $100 mn
Wed, Jul 23 09:00 PM

The investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto could cost Pakistan up to USD 100 million and take up to 14 months to complete, a media report said on Wednesday.

Pakistan has assured the United Nations it will provide all the money needed to investigate the assassination of Bhutto.

The assurance was given by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi during a meeting with UN officials, Dawn newspaper has reported.

A probe commission would report to both the government of Pakistan and the UN secretary-general. Pakistan has not asked for involvement of UN Security Council in the investigation.

Bhutto was killed in a suicide attack after an election rally in Rawalpindi on December 27.

"There is no need to refer the request to the Security Council," Qureshi told reporters here after his meeting with UN officials.

An investigation sought by the UN Security Council would have been funded by the world body. The investigation into the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Harriri has so far cost USD 350 million.
Now what they have to do..?? will they investigate or not..??:what:

Typical Pakistani attitude. Leave the living to fend for themselves and spend money on the dead. I dont know what good it would do to the country.I dont think the investigation would yeild an answer as to who is the chief suspect, especially with the people sitting at the top.
$100 million can help the PPP propaganda machine come up with a host of conspiracy theories.

Zyxius will be overjoyed.

Oh and thats a cool $10 million profit for Asif Zardari.
The money is suppose to be paid from the account of PPP not the account of Pakistan. I hope Musharraf is keeping an eye on this.
Wtf??? :hitwall:
Benazir's asassination cost us $4 billion already, isn't is enough?
Why should people of Pakistan bear the cost in order to fulfill the wet dreams of others?

$100 million! Thats not a tiny value for Pakistan.. when the country needs it the most.
Main problem is that no matter how tragic the event, politicians want to take political mileage out of it.

Assassination of BB was a tragic event. I am not a PPP man, but I have to admit that she was a Pakistani leader of international stature. Her death should be and has been investigated. What beats me is that I cannot understand what PPP aim to gain from UN investigation. Even before BB was buried, her party started pointing fingers at PML-Q. Do they want to catch a MPL-Q leader such as Ch Pervaiz Elahi?

I think only persons who gained anything from this tragedy are PPP members themselves as they got sympathy vote. IMO asking UN to investigate compromises our sovereignty and shows complete lack of trust in our services. Let us wait and see.
Main problem is that no matter how tragic the event, politicians want to take political mileage out of it.

Assassination of BB was a tragic event. I am not a PPP man, but I have to admit that she was a Pakistani leader of international stature. Her death should be and has been investigated. What beats me is that I cannot understand what PPP aim to gain from UN investigation. Even before BB was buried, her party started pointing fingers at PML-Q. Do they want to catch a MPL-Q leader such as Ch Pervaiz Elahi?

I think only persons who gained anything from this tragedy are PPP members themselves as they got sympathy vote. IMO asking UN to investigate compromises our sovereignty and shows complete lack of trust in our services. Let us wait and see.

Niaz Saheb
I dont mean to malign the dead, as it is against our principles, but I had a very low opinion of Benazir. I will leave it at that.
If we look at it objectively , her death has benefitted Mr Zardari the most.There may be foreign powers who would want to destabilize Pakistan,but considering that she always sought support from outside and her greatest supporters were the western powers,blaming this on Mehsud seems to be a bit naive. However, we wil see what transpires.
One can argue based on the present situation whether Zardari was benefited but I don't think that was the case. Zardari was in Dubai and Musharaf was ruling the roost.
However I think Zardari got benefited the most from Benazir herself (especially her will) as Bilal was chosen to occupy PPP throne.
I think only persons who gained anything from this tragedy are PPP members themselves as they got sympathy vote. IMO asking UN to investigate compromises our sovereignty and shows complete lack of trust in our services. Let us wait and see.

Zia's investigation was carried out by Foreign countries including CIA, Mi-5, Scotland Yard so on did that invade our sovereignty, I find weired that when our battered general makes deals and secret contracts with the US and NATO to use our Pakistan air space as they wish and many other under the table activities that this doesn't effect our sovereignty.

The investigation is independent and that is one word that cannot be undermined, the government before was not a peoples government, it was made from people who supported general saab, The killing of Nishtar Park and Karachi and so many other mass murders were never investigated, suddenly you give credit for a one sided investigation. The only thing that the generals government did was wash the evidance of each mass murder plot.

Whenever this governments and its coalition partners emphasize there should be a independent investigation on the assassination of BB its a salt and pepper on the wounds of the establishment.
Zia's investigation was carried out by Foreign countries including CIA, Mi-5, Scotland Yard so on did that invade our sovereignty, I find weired that when our battered general makes deals and secret contracts with the US and NATO to use our Pakistan air space as they wish and many other under the table activities that this doesn't effect our sovereignty.

The investigation is independent and that is one word that cannot be undermined, the government before was not a peoples government, it was made from people who supported general saab, The killing of Nishtar Park and Karachi and so many other mass murders were never investigated, suddenly you give credit for a one sided investigation. The only thing that the generals government did was wash the evidance of each mass murder plot.

Whenever this governments and its coalition partners emphasize there should be a independent investigation on the assassination of BB its a salt and pepper on the wounds of the establishment.

I agreed with you dear Interceptor, and understand your emotions......!
cud you plz giud me ....that, now government is now running by PPP......... PPP is leading the ship......so dont they trust upon local instituions......r they weak, r they not governing in fact, r they just acting to govern.........Yes PPPP government must be powerless, as they already lost their actual power(the public/ppp-lovers/workers), just after election and day by day they are losing their strength, peoples lost all their hopes after BB, and now after review the poorest performance, lack of interest, high level corruption make politicians alone, ppp lovers now left them far behind.
They are lover & followers of real leader ZAB & then BB.. How then artifical poor politicians can win them.....they can win PPPP but just by following real leaders

The investigation of BB's assesination from UNO, is whole show-Off Drama...and wastage of money. don't u remember the investigation for Harery or others......?
This is also a wrong decision like all of others after having government....performed well just to lost goodwill & repu among the peoples
during their begining of ruling.
What type of ruler they are, who dont trust on Country, on institutions(if institutions are weak so what their responsibility?) they are supposed to recify all weaknesses, errors what they found being ruling party. and investigationj should be reopen & held by our homeland security agencies particularly when PPP itself Governing. ppls knows well thats, Good or bad governance.
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