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Pro-Tamil Tiger activists infiltrating Canadian political parties

Tux Mandem


New Recruit

Jun 21, 2014
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The Sunday Leader newspaper of Sri Lanka has yet another article in their May 25th edition wherein they have exposed the organized efforts by former pro-Tamil Tiger activists who were the spokespersons for the internationally designated terrorist group known as the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). They constantly white washed the terror acts of the LTTE’s and justified the unbridled violence in pursuit of a mono-ethnic racist Tamil separate state to be carved out of Sri Lanka’s sovereign territory, which failed as a result of the crushing military defeat suffered on May 18, 2009 with the elimination of the terror leaders and their war machine.

Following the military defeat in May 2009, the activists in the LTTE apparatus operating overseas metamorphosed into Human Rights Champions, and have since been using the vast amount of funds accumulated for the war effort mainly through extortion (refer HRW report of March 15, 2006) and other illicit means, to influence main stream western political parties, INGO and media to seek the break up of the tiny island of Sri Lanka into two states, hoping the international community would adopt similar steps as in the case of forming breakaway states in Kosovo, and South Sudan which are embroiled in chaotic disorder. In order to further this separatist objective, the newly invented HR champions are seeking to infiltrate Canada’s political establishment both at the federal and provincial levels to pursue the same goal of dividing Sri Lanka which they failed to achieve by earlier funding the war effort. These members of the pro-Tamil Tiger diaspora have renounced their Sri Lankan citizenship and taken up Canadian citizenship, and living in a dream world of trying to redraw the map of Sri Lanka to create their mythical state of “Eelam” from within the shores of Canada.

The various players and their acts have been detailed in the annexed article. The Canadian political parties too are wooing the votes of the sizable Tamil community in the GTA, whilst these pro-Tamil Tiger activists are infiltrating the political parties to spearhead them into bashing Sri Lanka and breaking up the island nation which has attained peace after three decades of LTTE terrorist violence including suicide terrorism. WHO IN FACT IS TAKING WHOM FOR A RIDE? The Canadian public should remain alert and ensure that their leaders focus their attention on Canada’s needs and what is good for Canada, and not get entangled in the internal affairs of other nations.

Butthurt Sinhalese crying by making these articles LOL
We do not care where they are. If we are allowed we will definitely send them to their big boss. This shows the cowardice of the LTTE activists who do not have any balls to face us directly try to punish us by siding with the west. LOL...............
We do not care where they are. If we are allowed we will definitely send them to their big boss. This shows the cowardice of the LTTE activists who do not have any balls to face us directly try to punish us by siding with the west. LOL...............
That's rich, didn't u need China and Pakistan to save ur sorry ***'s when we controlled 1/3 of ur country?:lol:
That's rich, didn't u need China and Pakistan to save ur sorry ***'s when we controlled 1/3 of ur country?:lol:

You controlled 1/3 of our land because we let you do so. When we thought it is enough your organization was no more...
You controlled 1/3 of our land because we let you do so. When we thought it is enough your organization was no more...
That's very convenient haha, we took it from you and then u begged pakistan and China to take it for you
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