Gun Ownership by private citizens usually has negative effects because the Marginal Benefit is fully captured by the user but the Marginal Cost is lower than the Marginal Social cost. This means that the cost that the private citizen pays for the gun is not the full cost of the gun because guns are used to kill other people and if this happens to be other citizens of the country than it reduces internal security, contributes to destabilization and acts as a brake on commerce and development.
Therefore gun ownership in nations such as U.S. and Britian which do not border hostile nations has counterproductive effects. On the other hand a nation such as Pakistan which is bordered by a hostile powerful neighbour could indeed make use of Private gun ownership.
For example a citizen who resides 5km from the Indian border who acquires ownership of a rifle gives spillover benefits to other citizens. This is because should Indian forces attack Pakistan, that rifle would be used against them. But as the distance between the border increases, the spillover benefits lessen because the chances that weapon will be used against foreign aggressors reduces, while the chance it will be used internally against citizens increases.
Therefore the Pakistan government should allow AK-47/AK-74 gun ownership to citizens who live within 30km of the Indian border without any restrictions or taxes. Citizens who live outside this range should have their gun ownership restricted by a tax or ban on ownership.
This will enable Pakistan to make use of civilians to improve security without a proportional increase in gun crime internally against fellow citizens.
Having said this, private citizens should not be allowed access to Heavy Machine guns, RPG's or Mortars. This will ensure that Pakistan's military will still be able to exert authority over these areas.
Therefore gun ownership in nations such as U.S. and Britian which do not border hostile nations has counterproductive effects. On the other hand a nation such as Pakistan which is bordered by a hostile powerful neighbour could indeed make use of Private gun ownership.
For example a citizen who resides 5km from the Indian border who acquires ownership of a rifle gives spillover benefits to other citizens. This is because should Indian forces attack Pakistan, that rifle would be used against them. But as the distance between the border increases, the spillover benefits lessen because the chances that weapon will be used against foreign aggressors reduces, while the chance it will be used internally against citizens increases.
Therefore the Pakistan government should allow AK-47/AK-74 gun ownership to citizens who live within 30km of the Indian border without any restrictions or taxes. Citizens who live outside this range should have their gun ownership restricted by a tax or ban on ownership.
This will enable Pakistan to make use of civilians to improve security without a proportional increase in gun crime internally against fellow citizens.
Having said this, private citizens should not be allowed access to Heavy Machine guns, RPG's or Mortars. This will ensure that Pakistan's military will still be able to exert authority over these areas.