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Prince of humantarians enjoys killing humans as if its a xbox video game


Nov 27, 2011
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Kabul: Britain's Prince Harry, who compared shooting insurgents in Afghanistan to playing video games, "has probably developed a mental problem", the Taliban said on Tuesday.

"There are 49 countries with their powerful military failing in the fight against the mujahideen, and now this prince comes and compares this war with his games, PlayStation or whatever he calls it," Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said.

Harry, third in line to the throne, said he had killed Taliban insurgents during a 20-week posting flying scores of missions over the restive southern province of Helmand in an Apache attack helicopter.

As co-pilot, Harry was in charge of the weapons systems in a two-man cockpit, firing Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, rockets and a 30-millimetre gun.

"It's a joy for me because I'm one of those people who loves playing PlayStation and Xbox, so with my thumbs I like to think I'm probably quite useful," he said in interviews released Monday after the end of his posting.

"This is a serious war, a historic war, resistance for us, for our people," Mujahid said by telephone from an undisclosed location.
"But we don't take his comments very seriously, as we have all seen and heard that many foreign soldiers, occupiers who come to Afghanistan, develop some kind of mental problems on their way out."

Asked by Britain's Press Association if he had killed from the cockpit, Harry said: "Yeah, so lots of people have.

The Taliban have been waging a war of independece in Afghanistan for 11 years since being ousted from power for harbouring al Qaeda chief Osama bin laden after the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

During the war, they have faced more than 140,000 troops from over 50 countries but remain a serious threat to the Western-backed government with NATO troops due to withdraw in 2014.

Prince Harry compares war to PlayStation; Taliban says he has 'mental problem' | NDTV.com
Once Iran nukes up.... soon it will be the Taliban's turn.
Yes , If you consider these Talibaboons Humans . I don't .

We can understand why are you indians so scared of talibans...But there ceratin protocols and rules to be followed in wars as well and these things dates backs to wars that were fought thousands of years back..Now we have geneva convention and all but still what we see in these wars led by humantarians..US Soldiers urinating on dead humans,killing innocents children and women after getting into their homes(the US soldier who killed 16 civilians and many other cases) and now this shitty prince who feels killing humans is just like a game.I wonder you were not able to feel indifference towards humanity in general in his words and let me be t .Its infact such people who gives birth to extremism...You will never hear taliban peeing on dead Nato soldiers or other such VERY HUMAN things..
We can understand why are you indians so scared of talibans...But there ceratin protocols and rules to be followed in wars as well and these things dates backs to wars that were fought thousands of years back..Now we have geneva convention and all but still what we see in these wars led by humantarians..US Soldiers urinating on dead humans,killing innocents children and women after getting into their homes(the US soldier who killed 16 civilians and many other cases) and now this shitty prince who feels killing humans is just like a game.I wonder you were not able to feel indifference towards humanity in general in his words and let me be t .Its infact such people who gives birth to extremism...You will never hear taliban peeing on dead Nato soldiers or other such VERY HUMAN things..

Its people like you in Pakistan who are pretty messed up in the heads . Taliban Fighting in Afghanistan are warriors of Islam or Mujaheddin and Taliban Fighting in Pakistan are the Enemies of Islam . While your Government and Military Establishment completely support U.S. and allies ops in Afghanistan you guys dance to a different tune .

While You are beating your Chest and breaking your spindly rib cage over one off Incidents by U.S. and Allies ( Including Pakistan) when it comes to Atrocities of Taliban you look the other way around . Like beheading soldiers , tying them up and shooting them at the back of their heads and many others .
Its people like you in Pakistan who are pretty messed up in the heads . Taliban Fighting in Afghanistan are warriors of Islam or Mujaheddin and Taliban Fighting in Pakistan are the Enemies of Islam . While your Government and Military Establishment completely support U.S. and allies ops in Afghanistan you guys dance to a different tune .

While You are beating your Chest and breaking your spindly rib cage over one off Incidents by U.S. and Allies ( Including Pakistan) when it comes to Atrocities of Taliban you look the other way around . Like beheading soldiers , tying them up and shooting them at the back of their heads and many others .

First of all afgan taliban arnt fighting for islam they are fighting for their homeland against foreign aggression...A thing any independent nation has a right to do...

SO called Pak taliban arent fighting for their homeland or independence they are scumbags financed by US,india and israel to weaken pakistan and includes paid uzbek,tajiks mostly n some pak national brainwashed by frontmen of above mentiond nations..And yes the relatives of mostly innocent victims of drone strikes falls prey to such recruiters more easily..

Taliban do cut the heads of aggressors just to teach them a lesson but they take it as a serious war and dont resemble it to some Ninja fight...

Taliban dont claim to be the world humantarians so can be excused for their crimes but individuals like harry who on his own cant even face a 12 year old afghan saying such things do make common people wonder about the respect they actually give to humanity..
Should this feminine looking kiddo get caught by the Resistance, then can you imagine what some Pashtuns may do to him?

Should this feminine looking kiddo get caught by the Resistance, then can you imagine what some Pashtuns may do to him?
We can understand why are you indians so scared of talibans...But there ceratin protocols and rules to be followed in wars as well and these things dates backs to wars that were fought thousands of years back..Now we have geneva convention and all but still what we see in these wars led by humantarians..US Soldiers urinating on dead humans,killing innocents children and women after getting into their homes(the US soldier who killed 16 civilians and many other cases) and now this shitty prince who feels killing humans is just like a game.I wonder you were not able to feel indifference towards humanity in general in his words and let me be t .Its infact such people who gives birth to extremism...You will never hear taliban peeing on dead Nato soldiers or other such VERY HUMAN things..
Because they usually are either dead or fled the battle. Anyway, they reserve their atrocious behaviors on their women and young boys. And we hear plenty about that, do we? :lol:
First of all afgan taliban arnt fighting for islam they are fighting for their homeland against foreign aggression...A thing any independent nation has a right to do...

Afghanistan is a Nation with a government . What are you singing about ?

SO called Pak taliban arent fighting for their homeland or independence

But Afghan ones Are . Mother of flying Spaghetti Monster , Don't you see your Hypocrisy in the above two statements .

they are scumbags financed by US,india and israel to weaken pakistan and includes paid uzbek,tajiks mostly n some pak national brainwashed by frontmen of above mentiond nations.

Same old Rhetoric . Added nothing to the discussion .

.And yes the relatives of mostly innocent victims of drone strikes falls prey to such recruiters more easily..

Ask your government about it .

Taliban do cut the heads of aggressors just to teach them a lesson but they take it as a serious war and dont resemble it to some Ninja fight...

Ok Son , So ya telling me that Taliban Cutting head is Justifying and Humane and U.S. soldiers doing are not . Again I detect Hypocrisy .
Taliban dont claim to be the world humantarians so can be excused for their crimes

Are you stupid ??

Since Taliban does not claim to be Humanitarian its Excusable for them to be Inhumane . That statement of yours is ultimate stupidity and displays your intellect .

but individuals like harry who on his own cant even face a 12 year old afghan saying such things do make common people wonder about the respect they actually give to humanity..

yeah only Afghan Taliban will send 12 year old to fight . Such Bravery and Humane acts . Kudos .
@ cherokee

Ofcourse you aint here for some fruitful discussion and I am amused by the way you are saving the *** of your masters who ruled upon you for hundred of years talking all your resources and building castles...

You compare that puppet afghan gov with a democratically elected one??? Indeed you are a genius...

What hypocrisy the whole world knows taliban were the established rulers of afghanistan when US attacked and captured their homeland ? what was their fault...Supporting terror heh? when US asked them to handover osama they asked for a proof a thing any independent nation would do but instead of the proof they gave them missiles and bombs...They indeed are fighting for their survival while the guys in pak are mostly paid miscreants...Just named taliban to avert people from the real talibans who indeed are fighters in their true spirit..

So dumb peice of **** cutting head is an old thing done in war throughout history but urinating on dead human is a new thing invented by yr friends and the flag holders of huanity but how would you understand as you belong to nation who doesnt only rape women but also inserts rod inside them on the roads of capital

Muhammad bin qasim was only 16 when he conquered sindh from its raja ...Its not age its the motive that drives a human being only if yu had brain and gut to admit I m right n dun give me such bullshit again ..If u can talk sense yu r welcome otherwise remain away from this thread SON...
Because they usually are either dead or fled the battle. Anyway, they reserve their atrocious behaviors on their women and young boys. And we hear plenty about that, do we? :lol:

Yeah you are right thats why after spending 12 years in afghanistan and having the finest armies of the world still 2012 saw the greatest number of nato casualities since the war began...Now taliban are conducting attacks on nato bases every other day and dun seem weakened in any way on the other hand Nato troops are going mental and suicide rates among soldiers are increasing with every passing day..

Suicide Rate In Military At Highest Level In Ten Years | ThinkProgress

.Twisting truth wont make a lie a truth...Truth is capitalist and imperialist have failed in their agenda's and the billions of dollars india invested in afghan are gonna go down the gutter very soon...
Which Family , If you mean the Queen of UK i share your feelings about them .

Its not only queen its the bush the obama's and the hollande all those who are playing at the hands of one world and new world order believers who are maligning muslims while supporting extremist among muslims through front men and then making their billions by waging wars against them...Now osama is dead why US is still there??

Libyans were a peaceful nation but a few among them were armed and an uprising was staged and now what??? europeans are getting free oil till their expenses of weapons they used to "liberate" libyans are recovered...

Saddam was given a green signal by US to attack kuwait and was later bombed and then again in 2003 why no WMD were found after killing thousands of muslims but HUMANTARIANS like you dint highlighted that issue coz they were muslims and in this war against muslims indians are united with all our enemies and the thoughts of a common illiterate indian like you who has no idea how this world works reflects it completely...

And yes Iraqi people has to pay the billions of dollars of war bill and they r still paying? I wonder why you people cant see all that?????
Because they usually are either dead or fled the battle. Anyway, they reserve their atrocious behaviors on their women and young boys. And we hear plenty about that, do we? :lol:

This is no laughing matter old man. The senseless slaughter perpetrated by Americans and their lackeys is so common that it is now a mundane every day occurance.
Also, what do you expect Taliban insurgents to do when facing the American led murder machine? Stand and fight? Then again your the old Vietnamese dude who pictures himself as Clint Eastwood in all his 'white' glory.
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