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Prime Minister Modi congratulates Pakistan's new PM Shehbaz Sharif

Imran was reportedly in favor of trade with India, but was not able to get his cabinet to approve. Maybe that will change with Shahbaz :enjoy:
has Biden called? :rofl:
that will really put the cat amongst the pigeons

I see India and Pakistan forming a bloc and China getting sidelined.
Interesting that the Chinese bots here are so quiet nowadays ?
Its as if a switch has been turned off.
China has been wiped out from South Asia. Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan all have been tamed. Taming Bangladesh in process. Pakistan knows India is the big brother now in this neighborhood. Better relationship with India is in Pakistan's interest. Classic example of American strategic superiority coupled with India's rising power projection in her neighbourhood.
has Biden called? :rofl:
he doesn't need to..

a wink is just enough for them

Better relationship with India is in Pakistan's interest. Classic example of American strategic superiority coupled with India's rising power projection in her neighbourhood.

what a load of crap.

If you think this CIA sponsored set up regime change is going to last, then you indians are in for a bigger suprise than india had on 27 feb 2019.

keep in mind unlike indian military that once it gets clobbered runs away , Imran Khan doesnt give up and comes back with a bang.

Imran was reportedly in favor of trade with India, but was not able to get his cabinet to approve. Maybe that will change with Shahbaz :enjoy:

it is hard to see relations with india improve, as it's military continues to mass murder, rape and oppress Kashmirs.
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