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Prime Minister Imran Khan address to the nation

Once again the mall cop of the world decided to derail a perfectly legitimate democratic system because it doesn’t suit its own foreign policy interests.

To quote Lupe Fiasco:

If Pakistanis in general don’t stand up to this overt bullying and destabilising action - will we be able to look at our grandchildren in the face and say “we did right by the interests of our country?”

The love-hate partnership between America and Pakistan was similar to domestic violence, where the battered and abused partner is made to feel guilty for being the victim of abuse and yet chained though false morality to remain part of this toxic twining.

Like a great man once said “Absolutely NOT”.
Himmat e Mardaan, Maddad e Khuda
So much for your EU/UK/France theory...
the decision needs to be made by the quom. we all know what the quom is like. it will he happy with a bit of subsidised relief on commodities.
He looks extremely relaxed and keeps smirking. His body language and facial features tell me he has something up his sleeve or knows something big lol
PM Khan is now an target for assassination by American jackals.
No, complete speech was shown on tv, maybe youtube streaming ended. I was watching ptv and it ended with anthem after speech finished
Was his speech stopped?

Something is wrong why it ended abruptly

Was his speech stopped?

No, complete speech was shown on tv, maybe youtube streaming ended. I was watching ptv and it ended with anthem after speech finished
On youtube I am pretty sure it was ended by the American swines at they don't want him to win a public support. But why on PTV it was ended like that which is the channel of the incumbent government. Now that's scary that probably means in his own government there is some conspiracy against him.
That also shows some serious foreign involvement which is making their local agents go against the sitting PM of a country fearlessly.
Something big is definitely going to happen this weekend.
That unfortunately is the issue as well. Public perception of what the military is thinking or doing is likely completely disconnected from the reality. They may be as “panicked” about wanting to keep out of this situation while trying to ensure that the tight relationship built over decades with the military of the accused foreign power isn’t jeopardized due to some state department messaging/actions being used for political life saving.
This is the key point most of the people are missing. It should have been handled as a threat to the state if it was so but never as a political gimmick. Which sadly is being done now.
Russia is dying, it's not worth mentioning, still, US and EU plus China are the gates to reach for Pakistan. But now it seems to be more difficult!
We, desi people, tend to jump to conclusions early. Russia is not dying,it's still have an upper hand in Ukraine and that region in particular. That war has just started and it will continue for quite some time. Western media propaganda doesn't change ground realities.
now this is turning out e a little surprised for US also .... a 3rd world highly dependent country is openly challenging a superpower.

Obviously, things will go bad to worst from here....IK has done great job here...NC motion will be successful but it will erode PDM remaining popularity very fast ....general opinion will be developed ..... PDM as American backed stooges ...and ultimately disastrous for them.

On the other hand PTI will emerge as most popular party......

Yes establishment remains neutral purposely .... to let the entire Pakistan know ...who are the real stooges ...insiders.... ...Trojan horses ....
If I see the situation as a neutral observer, then I find that Pakistan has ruined by "Chest Thumpers" like you and those "Chest thumpers'' who are sitting in the power.
This is not how foreign policy works. Foreign policy should be based on mutual interests, not on challenging some big powers.
Pakistan couldn't offer much to America other than land and bases. You are not a business hub of the world. So Shahbaz sharif was right when he said that Imran Khan has made a blunder by saying " absolutely not'' to America. Actually Imran Khan didn't say "Absolutely not" to America in real sense, but to mutual interests between US and Pakistan.
Then another blunder was made by Chest thumpers, was Russia's trip just on the day Russia attacked Ukraine. Even Imran Khan hinted in his speach that it was a big mistake.
The another blunder was made by chest thumpers, they celebrated Taliban victory in Afghanistan officially in the parliament and by online keyboard warriors also of course. It irked US.
The chest thumpers have forgot that US never got out from the region, it is sitting in your parliament and in the middle of your establishment and getting regime change done.

The fact is, the chest thumpers of Pakistan itself has invited this situation in Pakistan without checking and realizing their reach and value on the world stage.
If I see the situation as a neutral observer, then I find that Pakistan has ruined by "Chest Thumpers" like you and those "Chest thumpers'' who are sitting in the power.
This is not how foreign policy works. Foreign policy should be based on mutual interests, not on challenging some big powers.
Pakistan couldn't offer much to America other than land and bases. You are not a business hub of the world. So Shahbaz sharif was right when he said that Imran Khan has made a blunder by saying " absolutely not'' to America. Actually Imran Khan didn't say "Absolutely not" to America in real sense, but to mutual interests between US and Pakistan.
Then another blunder was made by Chest thumpers, was Russia's trip just on the day Russia attacked Ukraine. Even Imran Khan hinted in his speach that it was a big mistake.
The another blunder was made by chest thumpers, they celebrated Taliban victory in Afghanistan officially in the parliament and by online keyboard warriors also of course. It irked US.
The chest thumpers have forgot that US never got out from the region, it is sitting in your parliament and in the middle of your establishment and getting regime change done.

The fact is, the chest thumpers of Pakistan itself has invited this situation in Pakistan without checking and realizing their reach and value on the world stage.
America should also realize that this is Pakistan, not some miserable defenceless nation Pakistanis will lynch those who are found and proven to be American puppets this is not a threat but mere facts. If Pakistan goes down so will the fcking world.
America should also realize that this is Pakistan, not some miserable defenceless nation Pakistanis will lynch those who are found and proven to be American puppets this is not a threat but mere facts. If Pakistan goes down so will the fcking world.
But will they really though? ...
If I see the situation as a neutral observer, then I find that Pakistan has ruined by "Chest Thumpers" like you and those "Chest thumpers'' who are sitting in the power.
This is not how foreign policy works. Foreign policy should be based on mutual interests, not on challenging some big powers.
Pakistan couldn't offer much to America other than land and bases. You are not a business hub of the world. So Shahbaz sharif was right when he said that Imran Khan has made a blunder by saying " absolutely not'' to America. Actually Imran Khan didn't say "Absolutely not" to America in real sense, but to mutual interests between US and Pakistan.
Then another blunder was made by Chest thumpers, was Russia's trip just on the day Russia attacked Ukraine. Even Imran Khan hinted in his speach that it was a big mistake.
The another blunder was made by chest thumpers, they celebrated Taliban victory in Afghanistan officially in the parliament and by online keyboard warriors also of course. It irked US.
The chest thumpers have forgot that US never got out from the region, it is sitting in your parliament and in the middle of your establishment and getting regime change done.

The fact is, the chest thumpers of Pakistan itself has invited this situation in Pakistan without checking and realizing their reach and value on the world stage.

That's the difference between Pakistani and other people.

We have faith in Allah and we rely on him alone. We are unstoppable unless Allah wishes us to stop.
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