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Prime Minister Imran Khan - A new era begins

PM will visit today...

Lol cia phsyops, classic, like the US ambassador encouraged Saddam to invade Kuwait saying it was an Iraqi internal matter. All credit to a moron and his army on nobs. Taking encouragement from a Zionist mouth piece.
How low have we sunk
How thick are pakis, it's breath taking. I'm shocked. Next if all the Zionist say that this pathetic government is the best thing since sliced bread, you all reckon things are rossy
How thick are pakis, it's breath taking. I'm shocked. Next if all the Zionist say that this pathetic government is the best thing since sliced bread, you all reckon things are rossy
Ik is a Zionist patsy, married into a Zionist family, facilitated by Zionist to destroy pakistab
Pathetic post
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Mate I can understand your bitter hate for PTI, again curse Pee Pee Pee for the Karachi lock down, Sindh falls under its domain, you can't change the public's mentality in a few days, the fault line lies in the education system and corrupt society and a lack of enforcing laws. yes Musharraf was good, the only fatal flaw he did was to give NRO which brought back status quo which has unfortunately led to this situation where Pakistan is? IK may be far from perfect, even I don't agree with some of his policies, but at this moment in time IK is the best man to lead the country.

1000% better than Patwaris and zardaris plus easy load fuc8997
Prime Minister Inspects Handcarts Market In Islamabad

Mon 21st June 2021

Prime Minister inspects handcarts market in Islamabad


Prime Minister Imran Khan Monday drove a vehicle and inspected handcarts (vendors) market recently set up in G-10 Sector of the Federal Capital

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Jun, 2021 ) :Prime Minister Imran Khan Monday drove a vehicle and inspected handcarts (vendors) market recently set up in G-10 Sector of the Federal Capital.

Driving the vehicle, the prime minister arrived at the market without any protocol and was warmly welcomed by the bystanders, handcart owners, residents and shopkeepers.

The prime minister has been frequently visiting different sectors of the capital to interact with the common people and inquire about their issues.

In the past, the prime minister also paid surprise visits to the main hospitals of the capital.
PM wants Pakistanis to gear up for 'biggest tree planting campaign'

Premier stresses on youth to participate in drive to begin this monsoon season

News Desk
June 27, 2021

prime minister imran khan at the launch of a miyawaki forest in pakistan photo express file

Prime Minister Imran Khan at the launch of a Miyawaki forest in Pakistan.

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan urged the nation on Sunday to gear up for "the biggest tree planting campaign in our history".

"I want all Pakistanis, esp our youth, to gear up for the biggest tree planting campaign in our history. We have a lot of catching up to do," the premier said on Twitter.
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