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price disclosure events hurt very much


Mar 1, 2015
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Incident of the price disclosure , although seemingly small, has seriously damaged both countries and is really distressing. This damage is not only an immediate harm, but also a lasting one. Bangladesh's credibility is bound to be reduced as a result, which will increase the cost of diplomacy for Bangladesh. if other countries take this incident into account when signing confidentiality agreements with Bangladesh, it will certainly cost Bangladesh more, a cost that is borne by all the people of Bangladesh . I, as an ordinary person,also feel that Bangladesh really can't be full trusted because of this incident .

China has even more to lose, after all, China exports vaccines to the world, and the disclosure of such confidentiality agreements is bound to hurt a large number of order agreements. Such losses would be well over $100 million or even $1 billion. Diplomatic losses cannot be measured in monetary terms, but they are also very large.

Talking about the price, inactivated vaccines are traditional vaccines and cost high, AstraZeneca and Russian vaccines are the same adenosine vaccine and cost low, while Pfizer and Modena are mRNA vaccines and cost low. They are both new technologies. The traditional inactivated vaccine has no price advantage, but this type of vaccine is the most mature. . These 3 vaccines have 3 costs due to 3 technical routes. Vaccines are sold to each country at one price one country , after all, many factors will be considered. Sri Lanka to buy the price is higher than Bangladesh for sure, the number is not the same, GDP per capita is not the same ,the relationship between the country is not the same, the price is certainly not the same ah . Western countries are now hoarding a large number of vaccines for domestic injection, and by the end of this year, the West will have a large number of vaccines to sell to other countries .

In the Indian and Western media , It doesn't matter what the facts are, China does is wrong and bad . Just like the West colonized the world and slaughtered the indigenous people, they always find all kinds of suitable reasons to commit genocide to legitimize their colonization . The British found every reason to legitimize their colonization of South Asia, as you know better than me .

Some members here are always eager to repost articles from Indian and Western media , I can feel this members (even with display the Bengali flag ) are not speaking out for the interests of Bangladesh, but for India/w .I would like to see more original news and articles from Bangladeshi media rather than those from Indian and Western media .
Incident of the price disclosure , although seemingly small, has seriously damaged both countries and is really distressing. This damage is not only an immediate harm, but also a lasting one. Bangladesh's credibility is bound to be reduced as a result, which will increase the cost of diplomacy for Bangladesh. if other countries take this incident into account when signing confidentiality agreements with Bangladesh, it will certainly cost Bangladesh more, a cost that is borne by all the people of Bangladesh . I, as an ordinary person,also feel that Bangladesh really can't be full trusted because of this incident .

China has even more to lose, after all, China exports vaccines to the world, and the disclosure of such confidentiality agreements is bound to hurt a large number of order agreements. Such losses would be well over $100 million or even $1 billion. Diplomatic losses cannot be measured in monetary terms, but they are also very large.

Talking about the price, inactivated vaccines are traditional vaccines and cost high, AstraZeneca and Russian vaccines are the same adenosine vaccine and cost low, while Pfizer and Modena are mRNA vaccines and cost low. They are both new technologies. The traditional inactivated vaccine has no price advantage, but this type of vaccine is the most mature. . These 3 vaccines have 3 costs due to 3 technical routes. Vaccines are sold to each country at one price one country , after all, many factors will be considered. Sri Lanka to buy the price is higher than Bangladesh for sure, the number is not the same, GDP per capita is not the same ,the relationship between the country is not the same, the price is certainly not the same ah . Western countries are now hoarding a large number of vaccines for domestic injection, and by the end of this year, the West will have a large number of vaccines to sell to other countries .

In the Indian and Western media , It doesn't matter what the facts are, China does is wrong and bad . Just like the West colonized the world and slaughtered the indigenous people, they always find all kinds of suitable reasons to commit genocide to legitimize their colonization . The British found every reason to legitimize their colonization of South Asia, as you know better than me .

Some members here are always eager to repost articles from Indian and Western media , I can feel this members (even with display the Bengali flag ) are not speaking out for the interests of Bangladesh, but for India/w .I would like to see more original news and articles from Bangladeshi media rather than those from Indian and Western media .

i agree with everything except for a few points

- the cost for pfizer is $20/shot. it costs more to maintain pfizer because the vaccine has to be kept at -70 degrees. and pfizer pumped alot of money in R&D which the inactivated vaccine did not require
-the traditional inactivated vaccine in this had the lowest efficacy of all 3 vaccines with mRNA coming at top.

China chose to give different prices and there is nothing wrong with that. afterall chinese companies have to make money too

The problem arises if china said to other countries that it will give them the lowest or if the prices are the same for everyone, or if other countries had the assumption that china will treat all of them the same
For china the problem is going to be going forward every country will expect the price of $10/shot minimum and feel confident that they can negotiate it to that price
I don't see any problem. A contract is more than just price. Payment method, purchase quantity, additional conditions. If Bangladesh buys more quantities and has a stronger ability to pay, there is no problem with lower prices.

I remember that Bangladesh also participated in the third phase of the vaccine trial, so Bangladesh is not only a customer, but also a partner in vaccine research and development.
I'm sorry but the BD Govt has a duty to make public the details of any large purchases. Transparency is a base pillar of any democracy.
Firstly there is no democracy in Bangladesh. Secondly Transparency is an alien word in Bangladesh.

And finally this news already cancelled your statement.

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i agree with everything except for a few points

- it costs more to maintain pfizer because the vaccine has to be kept at -70 degrees. and pfizer pumped alot of money in R&D which the inactivated vaccine did not require
Pfizer has solved this problem and now this temperature is no longer -70 degrees Celsius.
Research funding for conventional vaccines is also high. The cost of conventional vaccine manufacturing is too high. China's MRNA vaccine is in Phase III clinical trials.

China chose to give different prices and there is nothing wrong with that. afterall chinese companies have to make money too

The problem arises if china said to other countries that it will give them the lowest or if the prices are the same for everyone, or if other countries had the assumption that china will treat all of them the same
For china the problem is going to be going forward every country will expect the price of $10/shot minimum and feel confident that they can negotiate it to that price

The price will certainly be different, as with all commodities, there are no exceptions, there are very few commodities with consistent prices worldwide, and the same goes for vaccines.

Not only is the price different, but so is the order of priority. The West also supplies all of its vaccines to its own countries and allies first, and the West and India have now been in breach of contract, not shipment as agreed.

Price wise, we definitely have to give lower prices to those low income countries because we are going to need to get more people vaccinated.

If a person, a country is under the illusion that they can buy everything at the lowest price, it's not the seller's problem, it's their own problem. The price to buy one is certainly not the same as buying 100 or 1000. Long-term customers are not the same as short-term customers either.

Is the price of vaccines in Western countries the same? The same price for everyone?
Incident of the price disclosure , although seemingly small, has seriously damaged both countries and is really distressing. This damage is not only an immediate harm, but also a lasting one. Bangladesh's credibility is bound to be reduced as a result, which will increase the cost of diplomacy for Bangladesh. if other countries take this incident into account when signing confidentiality agreements with Bangladesh, it will certainly cost Bangladesh more, a cost that is borne by all the people of Bangladesh . I, as an ordinary person,also feel that Bangladesh really can't be full trusted because of this incident .

China has even more to lose, after all, China exports vaccines to the world, and the disclosure of such confidentiality agreements is bound to hurt a large number of order agreements. Such losses would be well over $100 million or even $1 billion. Diplomatic losses cannot be measured in monetary terms, but they are also very large.

Talking about the price, inactivated vaccines are traditional vaccines and cost high, AstraZeneca and Russian vaccines are the same adenosine vaccine and cost low, while Pfizer and Modena are mRNA vaccines and cost low. They are both new technologies. The traditional inactivated vaccine has no price advantage, but this type of vaccine is the most mature. . These 3 vaccines have 3 costs due to 3 technical routes. Vaccines are sold to each country at one price one country , after all, many factors will be considered. Sri Lanka to buy the price is higher than Bangladesh for sure, the number is not the same, GDP per capita is not the same ,the relationship between the country is not the same, the price is certainly not the same ah . Western countries are now hoarding a large number of vaccines for domestic injection, and by the end of this year, the West will have a large number of vaccines to sell to other countries .

In the Indian and Western media , It doesn't matter what the facts are, China does is wrong and bad . Just like the West colonized the world and slaughtered the indigenous people, they always find all kinds of suitable reasons to commit genocide to legitimize their colonization . The British found every reason to legitimize their colonization of South Asia, as you know better than me .

Some members here are always eager to repost articles from Indian and Western media , I can feel this members (even with display the Bengali flag ) are not speaking out for the interests of Bangladesh, but for India/w .I would like to see more original news and articles from Bangladeshi media rather than those from Indian and Western media .

Well we have loads of Indians pretending as Bangladeshis in this forum (with Bangladeshi flags).

Unless you open people's pants and check, there is no way to really tell.

Bangladeshi Muslims will be circumcized.

This is an open secret. Just keep that in mind. :-)
Pfizer has solved this problem and now this temperature is no longer -70 degrees Celsius.
Research funding for conventional vaccines is also high. The cost of conventional vaccine manufacturing is too high. China's MRNA vaccine is in Phase III clinical trials.

The price will certainly be different, as with all commodities, there are no exceptions, there are very few commodities with consistent prices worldwide, and the same goes for vaccines.

Not only is the price different, but so is the order of priority. The West also supplies all of its vaccines to its own countries and allies first, and the West and India have now been in breach of contract, not shipment as agreed.

Price wise, we definitely have to give lower prices to those low income countries because we are going to need to get more people vaccinated.

If a person, a country is under the illusion that they can buy everything at the lowest price, it's not the seller's problem, it's their own problem. The price to buy one is certainly not the same as buying 100 or 1000. Long-term customers are not the same as short-term customers either.

Is the price of vaccines in Western countries the same? The same price for everyone?

Vaccine is free in the US. I got my Pfizer shot just by making an appointment . And then after 21 days I got an email confirming my second dose.

and They give u goody bag with candy, mask and sticker if u get both shots
Vaccine is free in the US. I got my Pfizer shot just by making an appointment . And then after 21 days I got an email confirming my second dose.

and They give u goody bag with candy, mask and sticker if u get both shots

It's the same in China, most countries have free vaccinations. This should not be charged. We also have all sorts of little prizes over here to entice people to get vaccinated.🤝
It's the same in China, most countries have free vaccinations. This should not be charged. We also have all sorts of little prizes over here to entice people to get vaccinated.🤝

Agreed, and specially in poor countries. Sadly, one of my friend from pakistan told me that politicians there are getting free vaccines from countries and charging as much as $50/shot to their residents. Idk how much truth there is to it. but it is extremely sad if that is happening
I'm sorry but the BD Govt has a duty to make public the details of any large purchases. Transparency is a pillar of any democracy - with a history of corruption, do you want us just to assume that best value is being achieved by our leaders.
That's not a contradiction. Can you understand that some can be made public and some can't? Confidentiality agreements and transparency go hand in hand, just like men and women. Do you want to use men to negate women, or women to negate men?

Is it difficult to understand the signing of confidentiality agreements for procurement prices? Does compliance with the agreement mean corruption?

According to you, the democratic countries can't sign the non-disclosure agreement for large purchases, so why does Bangladesh sign this non-disclosure agreement with China? Just for fool China ?

Should Bangladesh maintain confidentiality due to the agreement?
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Incident of the price disclosure , although seemingly small, has seriously damaged both countries and is really distressing. This damage is not only an immediate harm, but also a lasting one. Bangladesh's credibility is bound to be reduced as a result, which will increase the cost of diplomacy for Bangladesh. if other countries take this incident into account when signing confidentiality agreements with Bangladesh, it will certainly cost Bangladesh more, a cost that is borne by all the people of Bangladesh . I, as an ordinary person,also feel that Bangladesh really can't be full trusted because of this incident .

China has even more to lose, after all, China exports vaccines to the world, and the disclosure of such confidentiality agreements is bound to hurt a large number of order agreements. Such losses would be well over $100 million or even $1 billion. Diplomatic losses cannot be measured in monetary terms, but they are also very large.

Talking about the price, inactivated vaccines are traditional vaccines and cost high, AstraZeneca and Russian vaccines are the same adenosine vaccine and cost low, while Pfizer and Modena are mRNA vaccines and cost low. They are both new technologies. The traditional inactivated vaccine has no price advantage, but this type of vaccine is the most mature. . These 3 vaccines have 3 costs due to 3 technical routes. Vaccines are sold to each country at one price one country , after all, many factors will be considered. Sri Lanka to buy the price is higher than Bangladesh for sure, the number is not the same, GDP per capita is not the same ,the relationship between the country is not the same, the price is certainly not the same ah . Western countries are now hoarding a large number of vaccines for domestic injection, and by the end of this year, the West will have a large number of vaccines to sell to other countries .

In the Indian and Western media , It doesn't matter what the facts are, China does is wrong and bad . Just like the West colonized the world and slaughtered the indigenous people, they always find all kinds of suitable reasons to commit genocide to legitimize their colonization . The British found every reason to legitimize their colonization of South Asia, as you know better than me .

Some members here are always eager to repost articles from Indian and Western media , I can feel this members (even with display the Bengali flag ) are not speaking out for the interests of Bangladesh, but for India/w .I would like to see more original news and articles from Bangladeshi media rather than those from Indian and Western media .
China is in the big league now. You can't be acting like a snowflake, get all mushy when your feelings are hurt ! Cold war is essentially fought in the shadows, in the media, and by polishing public opinions.
Firstly there is no democracy in Bangladesh. Secondly Transparency is an alien word in Bangladesh.

And finally this news already cancelled your statement.

He added that the government will not be able to purchase the vaccine at the same price in future.

"We have to purchase vaccines at the price they sell to other countries," the minister said, adding that that price could be double or triple.


WHat happened? U claim China charge higher price than others. Now truth is out and what r u going to say? Dont bite the hand that feeds you. China try to be nice to Bangladesh and you ruined it and come back and say we over charge you? Are you a bangladeshi in first place or Indian in disguised?

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