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price disclosure events hurt very much

Agreed, and specially in poor countries. Sadly, one of my friend from pakistan told me that politicians there are getting free vaccines from countries and charging as much as $50/shot to their residents. Idk how much truth there is to it. but it is extremely sad if that is happening

Your friend is a liar. Vaccines are totally free in Pakistan. Infact govt requesting ppl to vaccinate while ppl are reluctant.
@Beast, unfortunately our country ( mostly top level policymakers) is full of traitors and India stooges. They prefer Indian interest over Bangladesh.

It's true that because of relationship with China, Indian grasp is weakening in Bangladesh, still pro Indian dogs are very powerful in Bangladesh.

So I wish China will take the thing in consideration and will give us vaccine in old rate. Although I personally won't blame China if they don't take it in consideration.

However I wish China will support and provide help ( covertly) to Bangladesh to get rid off from Indian stooges.

Though it's long way to go. But I will only consider Bangladesh as a fully independent country, when indian stooges will be tamed. These snakes are real enemy of Bangladesh and it's people, even more than India itself. As sands are hotter than the sun itself; Indian stooges are more poisonous than Indian herself.
I could see most of them who pretend to be doing good for Bangladesh are just overseas Bangladeshi. They are holding foreign passport but brag saying what is best for BD. If BD is ruined, these stooges still enjoy their lives in foreign countries, doing the binding of the democracy or freedom preach by the countries passport they are holding. They have totally no idea how to bring a country from third world to a developed countries. Beware of these traitors.
Your friend is a liar. Vaccines are totally free in Pakistan. Infact govt requesting ppl to vaccinate while ppl are reluctant.
Indeed. there are plenty of serpent spreading fake lies and experience against the foes of US.
vai, do you have any undeniable proof that the official who disclosed the price was a mole of some galactic supa pawa?
No one have undeniable proof that even Rozina is raw agent,and that's why she is still alive.

But if you carefully study the case of rozina, you will see that this new case of Shahida Akhtar is just a continuation.

Please study the articles of Gautam das again ( I gave you the link few days ago in another thread) , and try to equate.

How it can be mistake? Shahida Akhtar is an additional secretary,a senior officer. When she knows that Rozina is already suspected because of stealing official secretes, so how come that she mistakenly disclosed the vaccine price?

After knowing it srilanka is upset, China is naturally embarrassed as they offered us vaccine in less pricr due to special friendship. So now we have a chance that we aren't getting the benefits, so it's not rocket science to equate the both situation.

The case of Rozina can't be a part of journalism, so a senior official like shahida Akhtar can't make such silly mistake, specially you when you know rozina was charged for espionage activities. How is it possible that she will make such mistake?

For better understanding please read this news of Dw.

এই ঘটনায় এরই মধ্যে মন্ত্রীপরিষদ বিভাগের অতিরিক্ত সচিব শাহিদা আক্তারকে ওএসডি করা হয়েছে৷ চুক্তির সাথে জড়িত একজন ঊর্ধ্বতন কর্মকর্তা বলেন, "আমরা এমনকি মন্ত্রীকেও চুক্তির শর্ত মেনে দাম জানাইনি৷ এই কর্মকর্তা কেন জানালেন সেটা নিয়ে ভাবার বিষয় আছে৷”

So if even if minister wasn't informed , then why Shahida Akhtar told it to press?

Well as an amateur analyst, I only can say at this moment.

Thank you.
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No one have undeniable proof that even Rozina is raw agent,and that's why she is still alive.

But if you carefully study the case of rozina, you will see that this new case of Shahida Akhtar is just a continuation.

Please study the articles of Gautam das again ( I gave you the link few days ago in another thread) , and try to equate.

How it can be mistake? Shahida Akhtar is an additional secretary,a senior officer. When she knows that Rozina is already suspected because of stealing official secretes, so how come that she mistakenly disclosed the vaccine price?

After knowing it srilanka is upset, China is naturally embarrassed AD they offered us vaccine in less pricr due to special friendship. So now we have a chance that we aren't getting the benefits, so it's not rocket science to equate the both situation.

The case of Rozina can't be a part of journalism, so a senior official like shahida Akhtar can't make such silly mistake, specially you when you know rozina was charged for espionage activities. How is it possible that she will make such mistake?

For better understanding please read this news of Dw.

এই ঘটনায় এরই মধ্যে মন্ত্রীপরিষদ বিভাগের অতিরিক্ত সচিব শাহিদা আক্তারকে ওএসডি করা হয়েছে৷ চুক্তির সাথে জড়িত একজন ঊর্ধ্বতন কর্মকর্তা বলেন, "আমরা এমনকি মন্ত্রীকেও চুক্তির শর্ত মেনে দাম জানাইনি৷ এই কর্মকর্তা কেন জানালেন সেটা নিয়ে ভাবার বিষয় আছে৷”

So if even if minister wasn't informed , then why Shahida Akhtar told it to press?

Well as an amateur analyst, I only can say at this moment.

Thank you.

Sure, but constantly saying BD is filled with raw moles based on analysis only is not a good idea. Our Pakistani counterparts like to claim the same albeit wrongly. Claims without concrete proof and based on analysis only made by you or other BD members server their false narrative. Good to analyze things but good to post with some wisdom too.
I could see most of them who pretend to be doing good for Bangladesh are just overseas Bangladeshi. They are holding foreign passport but brag saying what is best for BD. If BD is ruined, these stooges still enjoy their lives in foreign countries, doing the binding of the democracy or freedom preach by the countries passport they are holding. They have totally no idea how to bring a country from third world to a developed countries. Beware of these traitors.
Well I wouldn't call them (every expats) traitor , as I don't reach to conclusion so fast, I would say that they aren't aware of ground reality.

I don't blame them utterly for not knowing the ground reality, as if someone lives in a 10 storied house, he/she won't realise what is happening in ground flore. It's a literal meaning of a Bengali proverb. There is a poetry is bengali related to it and that is , "Chiro sukhi Jon vrome ki kokhon bathito Bedon bujhite pare , ki zatona bishe, bujhibe se kise kobhu ashi bishe dongsheni zare" , it's literally meaning is ,"A person who is rich and living a happy and safe life ,can't mistakenly understand the pain of victims. Before get bitten by snake no one understand the pain of snake bite." !

These expat people are suffering from this tendency. They are living a good and happy life in either usa ,UK or Canada ,or in other developed countries, surely they are doing good jobs , getting good salaries, have own houses and multiple cars in these countries and getting super class citizen benefits in those rich and developed countries.

Mistakenly don't understand that what's happening in Bangladesh.

Few of them believe that it's part of their patriotism, but they don't realise that it's a part of propaganda that Bangladesh is like Singapore!

They don't realise that from their position, can't understand the ground reality wearing the pink glass.

So the bottom line is , most of these expats are just deceived by propaganda.

They equate country with govt, they mistakenly think that patriotism and supporting the govt propaganda is same thing.

But loving the country isn't same as loving the govt. Govt will come amd go , but a country and it's people will remain forever.

Seriously they ( naive expats; not all but most of them) should understand that , sometimes taking the side of govt and it's officials can go against the interest of their motherland.
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Things started to shift after the visit to pentagon...bangladesh just joined quad axis?

What I can see is that our high official can be bribed as well. LOL even Saudi tried to bribe Jokowi, but Jokowi inform Indonesia Anti Corruption Body and give the present to them.

Previous Malaysia PM get bribed from Saudi as well, isnt it ?

Just example, it can be given by other countries as well

That's not a contradiction. Can you understand that some can be made public and some can't? Confidentiality agreements and transparency go hand in hand, just like men and women. Do you want to use men to negate women, or women to negate men?

Is it difficult to understand the signing of confidentiality agreements for procurement prices? Does compliance with the agreement mean corruption?

According to you, the democratic countries can't sign the non-disclosure agreement for large purchases, so why does Bangladesh sign this non-disclosure agreement with China? Just for fool China ?

Should Bangladesh maintain confidentiality due to the agreement?

Actually. I read about this incident a little better and clearly it is a mistake of people in the govt who leaked it, as a specific assurance of non disclosure was given in this situation. Another example of incompetence from officials.
Agreed, and specially in poor countries. Sadly, one of my friend from pakistan told me that politicians there are getting free vaccines from countries and charging as much as $50/shot to their residents. Idk how much truth there is to it. but it is extremely sad if that is happening
Nope I got my vaccine free of charge from government hospital so did my mother and couple of relatives I know

These were Chinese sino vac

You can buy vaccine from private stores also especially the western and Russian one
Sure, but constantly saying BD is filled with raw moles based on analysis only is not a good idea. Our Pakistani counterparts like to claim the same albeit wrongly. Claims without concrete proof and based on analysis only made by you or other BD members server their false narrative. Good to analyze things but good to post with some wisdom too.
Full of raw agents isn't Pakistani narrative. It's reality. All countries have other countries' espionage agents ; although it's a dirty job , but in order to survive and/ or elevate a country will do the intelligence operations in other countries, this is way of the world since antiquity.

Unfortunately we are getting the evidence that moles are very active in Bangladesh and they are trying to to bite their final bite.

Did I say such thing before ( I am here from 2018) ? No I didn't. So why I am recently saying so? Because you see that a state secrete is disclosed by a high official and she is already OSD. And before this , the rozina case.

So you already should be cleared why I am saying so.

And who was singing songs for Rozina? Singer konal right? When Rozina was accused of treason she and some other singers make some blood boiling song, that could easily provoke people.

Listen the songs if you missed them.

I can't find another at this moment but I posted it to another thread, i will give you link when I can find it, it's time consuming to find old posts.

However I also believe that nowadays Chinese espionage agents are also very active in Bangladesh , does it mean that I am talking like anti Chinese people, or serving their narratives? No not that.

Also good numbers of ISI agents and CIA agents, M16 and other espionage agents of various are active on Bangladesh, can be active in many countries specially when the country become geographically very important. All players want to win there. This is the way of world.

This is a reality, and only naive people or intellectuals will deny it.

However we just have to find out who are actively working against Bangladesh.

Since India is surrounding us from 3 sides and it has expansionist agenda and wet dream of becoming super power and they had been beneficial form us since our independence, so it's very clear that they won't lose the baper jomodari inside Bangladesh.

So bottom line is , all agents are in Bangladesh, but raw moles are actively working against Bangladesh
, and they are huge in numbers specially media is really disturbing in Bangladesh you already know. If I constantly blame the govt, you can say that, but I am just generalising. Even Jamat and hefajot aren't free from raw moles ,doesn't matter how much they rant about Muslim ummah and use anti Indian rhetoric. It's very easy for so called anti Indian to serve the purpose of India secretly and safely.

So dhalao vabe sobaike raw mole bola and reality bichar kore bolata kintu ek jinis na.

Thank you.
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I think you said the opposite, China has no need to pretend what snowflakes. As I said above, the biggest loser in this incident is China, and then Bangladesh. That's how it is sometimes , the most damage doesn't come from the enemy . Today Bangladesh violates the confidentiality agreement with China and hurts China, who can guarantee that tomorrow Bangladesh will not violate other agreements with other countries? the party that violated the agreement is here to accuse the victim of not pretending to be a snowflake ,I do not approve of this behavior 。

No one has seen the clause in the contract where it says " the contract or part of the contract to remain confidential". In absence of that the arguments about it are essentially pointless. Bangladesh buys $15 billion worth of stuff from China, I doubt anyone raised any question ever.

India materially breached the agreement to send vaccines to Bangladesh even when it was all paid in advance. So even if confidentiality was breached , it is not something out of the ordinary as these are not ordinary times.

Apparently Sri Lanka and Romania also revealed how much they paid, so its pretty much out there in the open making the existence of any binding NDA irrelevant.
Full of raw agents isn't Pakistani narrative. It's reality. All countries have other countries' espionage agents ; although it's a dirty job , but in order to survive and/ or elevate a country will do the intelligence operations in other countries, this is way of the world since antiquity.

Unfortunately we are getting the evidence that moles are very active in Bangladesh and they are trying to to bite their final bite.

Did I say such thing before ( I am here from 2018) ? No I didn't. So why I am recently saying so? Because you see that a state secrete is disclosed by a high official and she is already OSD. And before this , the rozina case.

So you already should be cleared why I am saying so.

And who was singing songs for Rozina? Singer konal right? When Rozina was accused of treason she and some other singers make some blood boiling song, that could easily provoke people.

Listen the songs if you missed them.

I can't find another at this moment but I posted it to another thread, i will give you link when I can find it, it's time consuming to find old posts.

However I also believe that nowadays Chinese espionage agents are also very active in Bangladesh , does it mean that I am talking like anti Chinese people, or serving their narratives? No not that.

Also good numbers of ISI agents and CIA agents, M16 and other espionage agents are active on Bangladesh, can be active in many countries specially when the country become geographically very important. All players want to win there. This is the way of world.

This is a reality, and only naive people or intellectuals will deny it.

However we just have to find out who are actively working against Bangladesh.

Since India is surrounding us from 3 sides and it has expansionist agenda and wet dream of becoming super power and they had been beneficial form us since our independence, so it's very clear that they won't lose the baper jomodari inside Bangladesh.

So bottom line is , all agents are in Bangladesh, but raw moles are actively working against Bangladesh specially media is really disturbing in Bangladesh you already know.

So dhalao vabe sobaike raw mole bola and reality bichar kore bolata kintu ek jinis na.

Thank you.

Ok great. I am done with this discussion. Thanks very much.
Ok great. I am done with this discussion. Thanks very much.
Okay just read the added part that I just inserted in the previous post.

Even Jamat & Hefajat aren't free from raw moles ,doesn't matter how much they rant about Muslim ummah and use anti Indian rhetoric
It's very easy for so called anti Indian to serve the purpose of India secretly and safely.
He added that the government will not be able to purchase the vaccine at the same price in future.

"We have to purchase vaccines at the price they sell to other countries," the minister said, adding that that price could be double or triple.


WHat happened? U claim China charge higher price than others. Now truth is out and what r u going to say? Dont bite the hand that feeds you. China try to be nice to Bangladesh and you ruined it and come back and say we over charge you? Are you a bangladeshi in first place or Indian in disguised?
You what I am finding hilarious ?

Why are Bangladeshis eager for to pay for a higher price ? When the rest of the world is trying to pay a lower price ? I get it.. BD bigger economy etc etc etc. But come on..

Its like Modi G negotiating for the Rafael with French...
Okay just read the added part that I just inserted in the previous post.

Even Jamat & Hefajat aren't free from raw moles ,doesn't matter how much they rant about Muslim ummah and use anti Indian rhetoric
It's very easy for so called anti Indian to serve the purpose of India secretly and safely.

Please stop. I am not talking about who is or who is not a mole. I am talking about not blurting out about things even if you think that is the case. Please, I don't want to discuss this further. Thanks.
No one has seen the clause in the contract where it says " the contract or part of the contract to remain confidential". In absence of that the arguments about it are essentially pointless
Are you God? You can know what people have seen? You claim that no one has seen it and then say a bunch of nonsensical things based on that.

China exports $2.3 trillion in goods and imports $2 trillion a year, you can question anything you want. . $15 billion is indeed too little for China and Bangladesh, two countries with large populations. Bangladesh's export capacity also needs to be strengthened quickly, and China would be happy to increase the amount of imports from Bangladesh. Now China's strategy is to increase imports from Southeast Asia and South Asia, and a lot of policies and trade agreements have been signed in the last few years.

Apparently Sri Lanka and Romania also revealed how much they paid, so its pretty much out there in the open making the existence of any binding NDA irrelevant.

Don't use other people's behavior to show that this behavior is appropriate. Human behavior is different on different occasions and in different situations, can you understand that? You can't say that just because Americans can speak English, it means that Chinese and Russians can speak English too. Each country is judging whether to publish prices based on agreements and their own circumstances. This vaccine procurement agreement between China and Bangladesh is a non-disclosure agreement when some countries have already published their own procurement prices, and that must be because it is necessary. You don't need to rationalize this breach of agreement here.

If today, you as my friend, I sell you a product at a low price and sign a confidentiality agreement. Some other regular buyers announce their purchase price, can you announce the price in this case? If you announce the price, do you want to compensate me for the loss? What does it matter to you if someone else publishes a price? Is this a justification for not following the agreement?

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