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Did permanent servitude to China for the last 50 years help your standard of living?

Now that is just desperate and pathetic.

You think you can avoid rational debate by insulting India ? that you can get away with not answering the question ?

You are required to PROVE "permanent servitude to china".
Now that is just desperate and pathetic.

You think you can avoid rational debate by insulting India ? that you can get away with not answering the question ?

You are required to PROVE "permanent servitude to china".

Indeed it's insulting to the people of India when government after government has demonstrated their servitude to China.
Highly disappointing disillusioned foreign policy. UPA had a better foreign policy than NDA. The fault lies entirely at Modi's feet.
Let Sushma work by herself or change her to another work.

Highly disappointing disillusioned foreign policy. UPA had a better foreign policy than NDA. The fault lies entirely at Modi's feet.
Let Sushma work by herself or change her to another work.


Which part are you disappointed with ?
China is never obliged except to friends.
International relationships are like chess game and each moves are calculated with a larger goal in mind .Its between the lines messages are given .For China strategy is simple not to involve in any sort of confrontation with any one
For China strategy is simple not to involve in any sort of confrontation with any one
Sir no one wants to involve in confrontation with anyone except those who drags you into it. China had kept its steady stance and thats has pressed India to cancel the visas. Like U said Foreign Relations are all about interests and here interests of China have been served well.
Sir no one wants to involve in confrontation with anyone except those who drags you into it. China had kept its steady stance and thats has pressed India to cancel the visas. Like U said Foreign Relations are all about interests and here interests of China have been served well.
My friend If i explain it to you ,All moves are made with next 2 moves in mind ,Today India has given message if you do this we can do that but we are not doing that ,next time China did some thing similar they will tell Look we did this for you in the past so kind of problem for Chinese any ways I wish may i be wrong bcas if i have to do this i would have done on a similar lines
My friend If i explain it to you ,All moves are made with next 2 moves in mind ,Today India has given message if you do this we can do that but we are not doing that ,next time China did some thing similar they will tell Look we did this for you in the past so kind of problem for Chinese any ways I wish may i be wrong bcas if i have to do this i would have done on a similar lines

Sir Tit for Tat moves had been taking place between the two but never have China laid down its guard or had been obliged to them. Their stance on many issues are clear. Like can now we expect China to Favor India for NSG sans Pakistan? Ofcourse not. This stance of theirs is totally clear from day one. Whatever India did, it made not even a single ripple in China but it was India who had to go back from its earlier move.

Government of India should implement the following policies immediately and consistently

1) Does not recognize one China policy unless China recognizes that J&K is integral part of India

2) Issue stapled visas to Tibetans until China stops issuing stapled visas to people from Arunachal Pradesh

3) Build listening posts in Vietnam/SCS close to Hainan submarine base until they withdraw their listening posts from coco islands (Myanmar)

4) Strongly support build up of Vietnam defenses until they stop their military support to Pakistan

5) Provide full support to uyghur freedom fighters until China stops supporting terrorists and terrorism in India

Alas! all this is just a dream when we either have governments that are overtly subservient or nationalist governments that are high on theatrics and less on substance.

1-J& K is contested land between India and Pakistan, Taiwan is not. Not recognize one China mean not recognize one India, we will validate and committed to Winston Churchill's will which India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country than the Equator.

2-Tibet is not a contested land, AP or South Tibet is. A stapled visas to Tibetans mean stapled visas to people living in Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh as well.

3- fair enough, I think Vietnam will be glad to provide India support

4- fair enough, sell more Brahmos or warships to Vietnam

5- if you complain that China's veto on Masood Azhar affair then wait until we bring some terrorist case to UN to avenge yourself and vote against China. We didn't support any terrorist in India, terrorist in India has no link to China, if you provide support to Uyghur freedom fighters then you can expect to get same retaliation, we can also provide support not only the freedom fighters in J&K but Maoist, ULFA, Khalistan, Nagaland, Tripura, tamiaddu....the list of those wish to get China's support is long...
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Might be India and China had reached certain tacit agreement. He said he wanna visit India, make me wanna laugh.well done India.
The Indian government can be faulted on two counts.

Firstly - and though this may be unbelievable - before issuing the e-visa, it did not verify that Isa was on Interpol's Red Corner Notice.

But this theory of there being a technical glitch cannot be believed because India must have checked the credentials of someone like Isa, who is considered a "terrorist" by China. It must have known that it would have to withdraw the visa if China objects to it on the ground of the Red Corner Notice.

Moreover, India issued tourist visa instead of business visa to Isa, knowing fully well that he was coming to address a conference. The Centre must have known that he was coming to address the controversial conference. It cannot be so naive that it will overlook this aspect of diplomacy.

In spite of this, the Indian government issued the visa to the dissident Chinese leader, though it was aware that China would object to it and raise the issue with Interpol, forcing India to withdraw the visa. The BJP-led NDA government at the Centre is facing flak now.

However, those trying to put the Narendra Modi government in the dock over this issue may be off the mark. Because, it may eventually turn out that this step was neither a blunder on the part of India, nor was there any technical glitch.


Chinese dissident leader Dolkun Isa.
On April 1, China vetoed the UN's bid to declare Pakistan national and Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) chief Masood Azhar a terrorist. And within days, India issued the visa to Isa (on April 6). Hence, in all likelihood, this episode may turn out to be a calculated and strategic step by the government to settle a deal with China.

Or, the following may have been the Modi government's objective, in which it has largely been successful:

1. It has exposed China's double standards on terrorism. While the communist country vetoes any move to have the JeM chief declared a terrorist, it protests when importance is attached to its own "terrorist" Isa.

2. India's purpose has been achieved. It has hit China where it hurts. The Modi government should not be seen to be taking things lying down.

It shows that China has felt the pinch. Henceforth, it should make China wary of taking India for granted.
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