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Its as though the GOI did not knkw what the reaction of the Chinese is gonna b!!!! The Govt. knew very well the implications of having Isa here. I guess we even knew what the implications of hosting millions of Tibetans and the Dalai Lama in India would be. But despite that we have them here dont we?? Hoisting the free Tibet flag and holding elections for the Tibetan people in exile. Hiw much more overt do we need to be so as to convince our Pak counterparts that we dont give shit about yiur daddy Chini!! In this case we might have had some assurances from the Chinese or maybe we just wanted to make a point and hence the VISA was withdrawn. So Pak bris pls stop the Cheerleading!!
Its as though the GOI did not knkw what the reaction of the Chinese is gonna b!!!! The Govt. knew very well the implications of having Isa here. I guess we even knew what the implications of hosting millions of Tibetans and the Dalai Lama in India would be. But despite that we have them here dont we?? Hoisting the free Tibet flag and holding elections for the Tibetan people in exile. Hiw much more overt do we need to be so as to convince our Pak counterparts that we dont give shit about yiur daddy Chini!! In this case we might have had some assurances from the Chinese or maybe we just wanted to make a point and hence the VISA was withdrawn. So Pak bris pls stop the Cheerleading!!

Thank god for that sane reply.

For some a visa withdrawal is more important than hosting a Tibetan government in exile. RIP Logic.
The Policy is pretty transparent. It is to positively engage with China and US to strengthen Indian interests in our region.

There is no deviation in the policy, only in the tactics which is how it is suppose to work. Granting visa to a single individual is hardly a "policy". I would think that is fairly obvious.

In 48 hrs many things change. In any case the visa application would have been made many days in advance. BEFORE the NSA and DM trip to China was planned.

So far the GoI decision has been fairy Reliable and Consistent . You are free to PROVE me wrong.

Its foolish to assume that a Visa issued to a chinese dissident before our China visit was made as a "knee jerk" reaction. Clearly it was in play MUCH before it happened and the news Leaked to the media.

Even a 12 yar old child knows the Chense reaction would be to "object". Why would the GoI not anticipate such an obvious reaction ? how can one even make such a ridiculous statement in good faith ?

its beyond absurd.
You seem to have a problem with comprehension, i was replying to your earlier post. Also why am i arguing and wasting my time with a kid?
You seem to have a problem with comprehension, i was replying to your earlier post. Also why am i arguing and wasting my time with a kid?

Actually it appears it is YOU who seems to have a problem with comprehension and logic.

But your attempt to wuss out by making person attack is duly noted as a mark of your character. (rather lack of it)
Actually it appears it is YOU who seems to have a problem with comprehension and logic.

But your attempt to wuss out by making person attack is duly noted as a mark of your character. (rather lack of it)
Read your first post , again i was replying to it. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Read your first post , again i was replying to it. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

And my reply showed why your reasoning was wrong and biased.

To which you replied with a personal attack. Where is the confusion ?
When you make a decision, you should follow through with it.

You don't earn respect by flip-flopping and changing your decisions under the slightest pressure.

I couldn't even care less if that guy gets a visa to India, it's irrelevant. Might as well do it to show you can follow through with your threats, which currently lack any kind of reliability and consistency.

But your PRC wont take that lightly .
Dalai Lama is already in here.If we allow this man in here it would be a serious matter in Beijing .
This was a practical diplomacy .You can see the real outcome during the next UN movement of India against terrorists.
perhaps this is a warning to china( i am sure it is wake up call for china ) , i guess there is no need to make conclusions . the party has just begun things will unfold by the passage of time !
ANIand other news outlets reported that the visa granted to the Uyghur leader, whom China calls a 'terrorist', has been cancelled.
Good move by India. Wud surely help in diffusing tensions. Hence my earlier stance validated.

Its not bowing down .Indians have played very well .First after Masood Azhar they threatened China .Now next time China is obliged if they Veto on some thing like this
China is never obliged except to friends.
Government of India should implement the following policies immediately and consistently

1) Does not recognize one China policy unless China recognizes that J&K is integral part of India

2) Issue stapled visas to Tibetans until China stops issuing stapled visas to people from Arunachal Pradesh

3) Build listening posts in Vietnam/SCS close to Hainan submarine base until they withdraw their listening posts from coco islands (Myanmar)

4) Strongly support build up of Vietnam defenses until they stop their military support to Pakistan

5) Provide full support to uyghur freedom fighters until China stops supporting terrorists and terrorism in India

Alas! all this is just a dream when we either have governments that are overtly subservient or nationalist governments that are high on theatrics and less on substance.
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Government of India should implement the following policies immediately and consistently

1) Does not recognize one China policy unless China recognizes that J&K is integral part of India

2) Issue stapled visas to Tibetans until China stops issuing stapled visas to people from Arunachal Pradesh

3) Build listening posts in Vietnam/SCS close to Hainan submarine base until they withdraw their listening posts from coco islands (Myanmar)

4) Strongly support build up of Vietnam defenses until they stop their military support to Pakistan

5) Provide full support to uyghur freedom fighters until China stops supporting terrorists and terrorism in India

Alas! all this is just a dream when we either have governments that are overtly subservient or nationalist governments that are high on theatrics and less on substance.

All that is good and dandy only you failed to tell us what all this is supposed to achieve for India.
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