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Sep 20, 2014
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New Delhi/Beijing: Just days after it emerged that India has granted visa to World Uyghur Congress (WUC) leader Dolkun Isa to visit Dharamsala and meet the Dalai Lama, New Delhi is on Monday reported to have done a U-turn on the issue.

ANIand other news outlets reported that the visa granted to the Uyghur leader, whom China calls a 'terrorist', has been cancelled.

ANIbased the report on sources in the Ministry of Home Affairs.

India denied me visa to maintain bilateral ties with China: Dolkun Isa
The Hinduquoted Isa as saying that Indian officials have sent him an email stating that the visa issued to him has been cancelled.

“I really wanted to visit India. But I received an email on Saturday informing that my visa which was issued on April 6 has been cancelled. No explanations were given. No Indian official called me personally to convey this decision. It’s a very sad situation for us,” Isa toldThe Hindufrom Berlin where he is based.

This is why India cancelled visa granted to Chinese dissident leader Dolkun Isa
India's move to grant visa to Isa had reportedly angered China. The cancellation of visa is being seen as a reaction to protest from China over the issue.

When Indian had granted visa to Isa, it was seen as New Delhi's response to Beijing's move to block a ban on Jaish-e-Muhammad (JeM) chief Maulana Masood Azhar at the United Nations.

China, which considers WUC leaders as supporters of terrorism in its volatile Muslim-dominated Xinjiang province, had stated that Dolkun is a “terrorist” on Interpol’s Red Corner.

It is the obligation of all countries to bring him to justice, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying had said.

Dolkun Isa issues statement on India withdrawing visa issued to him: Full Text
“What I want to point out is that Dolkun is a terrorist in red notice of the Interpol and Chinese police. Bringing him to justice is due obligation of relevant countries,” Hua added.

Isa and other WUC leaders were granted visa to attend a conference on democracy and China in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh. Isa was also due to meet exiled Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama.

Xinjiang, which has over 10 million Uyghur population of Turkik-origin Muslims, has been on the boil for several years over Uyghur protests against the large-scale settlements of Han Chinese from different parts of the country.

China blames East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), a militant Islamist group, for terrorist attacks in Xinjiang and other parts of the country.

  • The Truth
    an hour ago
    If this news is true and if govt really gave in the pressure by China then this is the worst diplomatic move by this Govt. We need to show some guts here.

tommy wilson
2 hours ago
Interesting geopolitical development. Wish the world was simpler.

Akhilesh Technobrat
2 hours ago
Really felt sad to see this move from the Government .!!

Mahendra Naik
3 hours ago
Seems some hidden agreement with china...still bad for India's reputation around the world


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Hmmmmmmmmmmmm there must have been some mistake ...................... Super power India governed by super duper 56 breast Modi........................... giving in to China's pressure? I am waiting and trying to guess how can Afghanistan blame Pakistan for this..............................
When you make a decision, you should follow through with it.

You don't earn respect by flip-flopping and changing your decisions under the slightest pressure.

I couldn't even care less if that guy gets a visa to India, it's irrelevant. Might as well do it to show you can follow through with your threats, which currently lack any kind of reliability and consistency.
When you make a decision, you should follow through with it.

You don't earn respect by flip-flopping and changing your decisions under the slightest pressure.

I couldn't even care less if that guy gets a visa to India, it's irrelevant. Might as well do it to show you can follow through with your threats, which currently lack any kind of reliability and consistency.

If one makes a decision one should follow through with it only if it makes sense.

Decision are made in situations and as situations change, decisions change too

Apparently India too does not care if that person gets the visa or not either.

At present India has show that its flexible enough to accommodate many requests, both Chinese and American. That is a invitation but can also be a threat. That is the message.

Its not a message about reliability or consistency. That message is sent out by Dalai Lama.
If one makes a decision one should follow through with it only if it makes sense.

Decision are made in situations and as situations change, decisions change too

Apparently India too does not care if that person gets the visa or not either.

At present India has show that its flexible enough to accommodate many requests, both Chinese and American. That is a invitation but can also be a threat. That is the message.

Its not a message about reliability or consistency. That message is sent out by Dalai Lama.
Read what you wrote again.
Its not bowing down .Indians have played very well .First after Masood Azhar they threatened China .Now next time China is obliged if they Veto on some thing like this
Why ?

Maybe you would like to explain what is wrong in what I have written ?

I fail to see anything wrong.
First of all this is the GOI not some simple man conducting a small business . Goi decision should be made on a clearly defined policy (which does not seem to exist). Once defined , one should not deviate till you have achieved the desired result. Not be flexible as you said , it makes you look weak . especially since 48 hrs haven't passed since you offered the visa.
And do you really want to say the GOI decisions should not be "reliable or consistence" ?
Fact is that the visa was offered as a knee jerk reaction. not some well thought out policy . It seem stupid not to have anticipated that the GOI did not anticipate Chinese response.
First of all this is the GOI not some simple man conducting a small business . Goi decision should be made on a clearly defined policy (which does not seem to exist). Once defined , one should not deviate till you have achieved the desired result. Not be flexible as you said , it makes you look weak . especially since 48 hrs haven't passed since you offered the visa.
And do you really want to say the GOI decisions should not be "reliable or consistence" ?
Fact is that the visa was offered as a knee jerk reaction. not some well thought out policy . It seem stupid not to have anticipated that the GOI did not anticipate Chinese response.

The Policy is pretty transparent. It is to positively engage with China and US to strengthen Indian interests in our region.

There is no deviation in the policy, only in the tactics which is how it is suppose to work. Granting visa to a single individual is hardly a "policy". I would think that is fairly obvious.

In 48 hrs many things change. In any case the visa application would have been made many days in advance. BEFORE the NSA and DM trip to China was planned.

So far the GoI decision has been fairy Reliable and Consistent . You are free to PROVE me wrong.

Its foolish to assume that a Visa issued to a chinese dissident before our China visit was made as a "knee jerk" reaction. Clearly it was in play MUCH before it happened and the news Leaked to the media.

Even a 12 yar old child knows the Chense reaction would be to "object". Why would the GoI not anticipate such an obvious reaction ? how can one even make such a ridiculous statement in good faith ?

its beyond absurd.
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