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Presidential System and my model of New Pakistan

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May 11, 2020
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How does the Presidential Sytem works

  • In Parliamentarian system, the AWAM (public) get only ONE chance to go to the ballot box and choose the member for national assembly. Then those MPs (members of Parliament) choose the Prime Minister on bases of party system. Then this Prime Minister forms the Government.

  • But in Presidential system, the importance of AWAM (people) increases as it gets TWO Chances to go to ballot box. Firstly in order to choose the members for Parliament. And secondly, when this AWAM (people) choose the President DIRECTLY. And then this directly elected President forms the government.

This President is free of blackmailing of different small Parties and independent candidates in Parliament while AWAM choose him directly.

How should the Police System Work

  • National police
The National Police is a state police. It is attached to the Ministry of the Interior. The police officers and trainees who compose it are civil servants of the State.

Its missions are the guarantee of individual and collective freedoms, the defense of the institutions of the Republic, the maintenance of peace and public order and the protection of people and property.

  • Municipal Police
A municipal police force designates a police force under the direct authority of a mayor. Some municipal police have investigative powers, such as the United States municipal police.

  • New Map of Pakistan
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How does the Presidential Sytem works

  • In Parliamentarian system, the AWAM (public) get only ONE chance to go to the ballot box and choose the member for national assembly. Then those MPs (members of Parliament) choose the Prime Minister on bases of party system. Then this Prime Minister forms the Government.

  • But in Presidential system, the importance of AWAM (people) increases as it gets TWO Chances to go to ballot box. Firstly in order to choose the members for Parliament. And secondly, when this AWAM (people) choose the President DIRECTLY. And then this directly elected President forms the government.

This President is free of blackmailing of different small Parties and independent candidates in Parliament while AWAM choose him directly.

How should the Police Sytem Work

  • National police
The National Police is a state police. It is attached to the Ministry of the Interior. The police officers and trainees who compose it are civil servants of the State.

Its missions are the guarantee of individual and collective freedoms, the defense of the institutions of the Republic, the maintenance of peace and public order and the protection of people and property.

  • Municipal Police
A municipal police force designates a police force under the direct authority of a mayor. Some municipal police have investigative powers, such as the United States municipal police.

  • New Map of Pakistan
Neither, both suck. I prefer the Chinese system where the representatives are elected at the grass roots level and everyone works for the betterment of the country. The representatives are fully accountable in a pyramid structure built from the people up. In the present system in Pakistan like the UK once a legislature is elected he does what he wants to do and acts king. You then have a gang of corrupts ruling the country and screwing the people and sending money to Swiss accounts with no accountability or minimal selective accountability.
Parliamentary system is best IMO, but it needs to be implemented properly, it should be completely sovereign and the outlying political structure, and underlying societal structure, both need to be brought forward to enter at least 20th century levels of successful nation states, let alone 21st century. I think using Pakistan's system today as a basis for comparison vs a presidential system is wrong. Both systems when implemented in Pakistan have been shambolic.

The presidential system could work, but this system has been used to undermine democracy a lot of times, and even when it is legitimate, it needs to properly accommodate for the diversity of Pakistan by proper decentralisation of power.
The presidential system could work, but this system has been used to undermine democracy a lot of times, and even when it is legitimate, it needs to properly accommodate for the diversity of Pakistani by proper decentralisation of power.

So far only presidential system has managed the successful devolution of power at grass root level but the parliamentary system has always kept the benefits to provincial capitals, more like a one man show.

I myself see this parliamentary system as a proportionate national resources sharing formula among the feudal capitalist combo or may I say remnants of his majesty, sighing and sobbing due to nostalgia, there fast dwindling influence over the masses and writ of the state gradually putting them in there place. You know those Malaks, navabs and Tribal lords.

P:S: a commoner doesn't care whether it's parliamentary or presidential system, what matters is the execution of the constitutional guarantee to let people have admin and financial autonomy at district level which parliamentary system has always failed to deliver. I mean you can only drag the divinity of parliamentary ideas with your viceroys to a certain point, after that it all tends to fade away.
Parliamentary system is best IMO, but it needs to be implemented properly, it should be completely sovereign and the outlying political structure, and underlying societal structure, both need to be brought forward to enter at least 20th century levels of successful nation states, let alone 21st century. I think using Pakistan's system today as a basis for comparison vs a presidential system is wrong. Both systems when implemented in Pakistan have been shambolic.

The presidential system could work, but this system has been used to undermine democracy a lot of times, and even when it is legitimate, it needs to properly accommodate for the diversity of Pakistan by proper decentralisation of power.
Parliamentary systems can work if it actually is representative... it all depends on the constituencies that are being represented and is receptive to their demands and concerns, so far so good. Let's take an example, Britain has Labor and Tories... so they're representing certain entrenched political constituencies and these then enable further legislation that furthers the cause of their respective supporters.

Pakistan has no such inherent constituencies it's society has different paradigms, different dynamics. How can you have a representative political structure? What ends up happening is that politics becomes a circus, a clown show... one that pits siblings against each other with no apparent benefit to either one or nation/state at large. If I'm honest then parliamentary multi party democracy is worst amongst all the other popularity contests, and that is what it is, a popularity contest. It has no merit and no accountability in case of failure, which is why every now and then a third actor is needed to stabilize the system and run the contest again...
What happens when a President is elected and he/she is presented with an assembly which is his opposition. The country is 'fked' up for next 5 years. That's the issue with US Federal system. It has not one but two checks in the form of Congress and Senate and President has to virtually bargain for anything to be done.

Parliamentary democracy for all its fault is really representative.
A country like Pakistan needs a technocratic body which makes policy to manage the affairs of the state. A team for security, police, economy, education, health etc. These people make policies for the next 30 years, and can keep updating the policy as new challenges emerge.

The new government which will be elected can send their team to work alongside these expert people, they can make statements to the media if they are dying for publicity.

Otherwise those people we elect have never been to parliament, have any idea about policies or experience to make laws. This is why nothing good is being done or it takes many years to make a simple policy.

So when the new PM comes, he already has a team of people who are experts at their jobs, they have already discussed on what policy is best etc. I am talking about managing the most important foundations of a state.

Economy, foreign policy, defense, education, utility, health, police, anti corruption, tax etc

How does the Presidential Sytem works

  • In Parliamentarian system, the AWAM (public) get only ONE chance to go to the ballot box and choose the member for national assembly. Then those MPs (members of Parliament) choose the Prime Minister on bases of party system. Then this Prime Minister forms the Government.

  • But in Presidential system, the importance of AWAM (people) increases as it gets TWO Chances to go to ballot box. Firstly in order to choose the members for Parliament. And secondly, when this AWAM (people) choose the President DIRECTLY. And then this directly elected President forms the government.

This President is free of blackmailing of different small Parties and independent candidates in Parliament while AWAM choose him directly.

How should the Police Sytem Work

  • National police
The National Police is a state police. It is attached to the Ministry of the Interior. The police officers and trainees who compose it are civil servants of the State.

Its missions are the guarantee of individual and collective freedoms, the defense of the institutions of the Republic, the maintenance of peace and public order and the protection of people and property.

  • Municipal Police
A municipal police force designates a police force under the direct authority of a mayor. Some municipal police have investigative powers, such as the United States municipal police.

  • New Map of Pakistan

Excellent effort!
Let me just pen some of key differences between U.S. presidential system and Islamic historical precedence.

* No direct democracy,
Islamic process is selective and qualified, a meritocracy of sorts and not popularity/politics of candidate. Candidates can be both appointed for selection or self enlisted(process). Each vote is representative of each constituency or community. After consensus everyone settles in unanimity.
* Non Partisan,
No key constituencies get to make a party, overwhelm or co-opt the system to their advantage.
* Minority rule
Minorities get to rule themselves as a constituency, keep their religion and laws intact.
* Judiciary,
While law enforcement is under executive branch judges are able to summon the executive.

I'll try to update, if or when I get more time to meditate over it...
What happens when a President is elected and he/she is presented with an assembly which is his opposition. The country is 'fked' up for next 5 years. That's the issue with US Federal system. It has not one but two checks in the form of Congress and Senate and President has to virtually bargain for anything to be done.

Parliamentary democracy for all its fault is really representative.
Senators were state appointed but 17th amendment put paid to that... which changed the politics of Senators, direct elections meant they're subject to popular/party politics instead of issues plaguing their respective states.
We need a strong presidential system like Turkey. We should use what we know from our strong and very successful allies, both Turkey and China, to fix our political system.

Caretaker government should be appointed by the military, judiciary should be re-appointed, and qualifications/salary for police and civil servants need to be improved.

I like the idea of smaller provinces. Punjab needs to be divided into three/four. North Punjab, Central Punjab, South Punjab, and Hazara division.
I don't know how did you just mark the boundries of provinces. The very first flaw I see in this map is this is not based on data (population or administration figures otherwise) and you just drew the lines randomly i.e. the least populated province is divided into 7 new provinces and the most one into 4.
Here's my wish (cannot happen cuz of 18th amendment and court's decision on 58-2B): abolish provincial boundries, turn districts into all powerful autonomous administrative units except defence, foreign affairs and collecting federal taxes. New districts to be formed on population basis; all to be run by metropolitan or city governments with party based elections after every 4 years. On federal level, there is no need for national assembly. The presidential system should be at work with common people electing a president having powers to choose cabinet members of his own choice (with 50% members should be technocrates). Last but not the least, the president should not have the authority to dismiss a district government.
I don't know how did you just mark the boundries of provinces. The very first flaw I see in this map is this is not based on data (population or administration figures otherwise) and you just drew the lines randomly i.e. the least populated province is divided into 7 new provinces and the most one into 4.
Here's my wish (cannot happen cuz of 18th amendment and court's decision on 58-2B): abolish provincial boundries, turn districts into all powerful autonomous administrative units except defence, foreign affairs and collecting federal taxes. New districts to be formed on population basis; all to be run by metropolitan or city governments with party based elections after every 4 years. On federal level, there is no need for national assembly. The presidential system should be at work with common people electing a president having powers to choose cabinet members of his own choice (with 50% members should be technocrates). Last but not the least, the president should not have the authority to dismiss a district government.

  1. Construction of new houses/apartments/Infrastructure in these newly created regions
  2. Sell (loans) these newly built homes to people in need in other populated provinces (Sindh, punjab)
Imagine Zardari as president (which he was also)
He would be king, promote corruption, and he would use money to buy votes for delegates/mna
This way presidential system does not work
We need similar to Chinese system
And have division of power where clergy, beaurocrats, military, industrialist & businessmen(e.g head of chamber of commerce) will have equal representation in house of common/parliament, so if president Zardari/Bilawal can have check and balances
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