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President Zardari in Dubai for treatment;Speculations,True lies and Rumors

resigning on pressure of SC, good, on army directives, god help pakistan!!
Ab issay duaon ki nehi, bud-duaon ki zaroorat hai.
Comeon guys this is obviously fake news .

To have a heart problem you need to have a heart & Zardari's heart is his money which is safe somewhere in Swiss banks where Pakistan cannot reach .
You Don't have Any Idea how Pakistani politics works don't you?! Rehman Malik????? Oh boy!

Mere bhai! I mean't nobody on this forum would want that. I bet you choose anyone of us from this forum and he/she would be able to run pakistan better than that bilawal (including indians) lol
Pretending nothing else Our President is the biggest Drama Queen!! Memo case wasn't that easy to get away huh Mr.10% ...Days are not far when zardari will be back in the Hole along with his cartoon team...taking on army was the biggest mistake :)
Don't let him go unless we have our looted money from him. Don’t exile him but execute him together with other looters.
He is in Dubai to save his @$$$$. may be he will resign from there. The doctors will say that he is not fit for flight and need continuous check up.. who knows.
^ Pakistani Army flexing its muscle in internal politics of Pakistan.. Looks like the feel good factor of having a civilian govt will take a hit.
May Allah allow him the chance of Toba before he dies-
i am sure next year he will die when wikileaks the information about the money in his swiss accounts-
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