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"President Doesn't Make Things Up": Trump's Advisor On Kashmir Comment


Dec 20, 2014
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A day earlier, President Trump offered to be the "mediator" between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue as he met Prime Minister Imran Khan at the White House.


Donald Trump claimed that PM Modi asked him to mediate on the Kashmir issue with Pakistan

On Monday, Donald Trump claimed PM asked him to mediate on Kashmir
Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said PM never made that request
India has not been engaging with Pakistan since 2016 Pathankot attack

US President Donald Trump "does not make up things", a top presidential advisor said on Tuesday when asked about a question on his stunning claim that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had asked him to mediate on the Kashmir issue, remarks which have been strongly refuted by India.

It is "a very rude question," Donald Trump's Chief Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow told reporters at the White House when a journalist following up on the president's remarks asked if it was made up.

"The President doesn't make things up," Mr Kudlow said.

A day earlier, President Trump offered to be the "mediator" between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue as he met Prime Minister Imran Khan at the White House.

Donald Trump, who is known to make inaccurate statements, claimed that PM Modi asked him to mediate on Kashmir when they met in Osaka, Japan on the sidelines of the G20 Summit last month.

India has not been engaging with Pakistan since an attack on the Air Force base at Pathankot in January of 2016 by Pakistan-based terrorists, maintaining that talks and terror cannot go together.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar refuted that PM Modi ever made that request.

A day earlier, President Trump offered to be the "mediator" between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue as he met Prime Minister Imran Khan at the White House.


Donald Trump claimed that PM Modi asked him to mediate on the Kashmir issue with Pakistan

On Monday, Donald Trump claimed PM asked him to mediate on Kashmir
Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said PM never made that request
India has not been engaging with Pakistan since 2016 Pathankot attack

US President Donald Trump "does not make up things", a top presidential advisor said on Tuesday when asked about a question on his stunning claim that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had asked him to mediate on the Kashmir issue, remarks which have been strongly refuted by India.

It is "a very rude question," Donald Trump's Chief Economic Advisor Larry Kudlow told reporters at the White House when a journalist following up on the president's remarks asked if it was made up.

"The President doesn't make things up," Mr Kudlow said.

A day earlier, President Trump offered to be the "mediator" between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue as he met Prime Minister Imran Khan at the White House.

Donald Trump, who is known to make inaccurate statements, claimed that PM Modi asked him to mediate on Kashmir when they met in Osaka, Japan on the sidelines of the G20 Summit last month.

India has not been engaging with Pakistan since an attack on the Air Force base at Pathankot in January of 2016 by Pakistan-based terrorists, maintaining that talks and terror cannot go together.

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar refuted that PM Modi ever made that request.


so according to the indians they are telling the truth, while Trump is liar?...


View attachment 570640
Yes, trump never makes up his words or never tell a lie.

and yes our wholesome indian never like.... their airforce flew in Pakistan Airspace for 20+ min, surgical strikes, fake encounters, Fake F-16 story, fake surgical strike, indian soldiers kidnapping kashmir women raping and then murdering them and then dumping their bodies in a river, etc etc
The same for Pakistan too. OBL, 71, Kargil, Baluchistan

OBL... : fake raid , according Seymour Hersh

Kargil : Pak army beat the crap out of you where Pak soldiers used to bet among each other how many indians they will wack each day and you ran to america to save your brown hairy arses..

Baluchistan: India sponsors state terrorism. RAW terrorist Yadav caught, ICJ didnt refuse Pakistan assertion he was a spy. Only ask for a review of death penalty under our laws.

any thing else?

Fury in India over Donald Trump's Kashmir claims

Tue 23 Jul 2019 15.53 BSTFirst published on Tue 23 Jul 2019 14.35 BST

During a meeting in the White House with Imran Khan on Monday, Trump said he would be ‘willing’ to mediate between the two countries. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
India’s foreign minister has firmly denied Donald Trump’s claim that the US president was invited by the Indian government to mediate in the Kashmirdispute, following a furious response from opposition MPs.

Trump’s remarks, made sitting alongside the Pakistani prime minister, Imran Khan, on Monday, provoked uproar in the Indian parliament and demands for the prime minister, Narendra Modi, to respond.
While Pakistan has called for third-party involvement over the long-running dispute, India has always insisted the issue can only be resolved through direct talks with Islamabad.
Kashmir, in the Himalayas, is claimed by India and Pakistan in full and ruled in part by both. An insurgency has waxed and waned on the Indian-administered side for three decades, and tens of thousands of people have been killed in the conflict.

Trump says he could win Afghan war 'in a week … but I don't want to kill 10m'

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Trump’s suggestions were quickly rebutted by Delhi on Monday night and, following heated exchanges in parliament on Tuesday, the foreign minister, Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, issued a strenuous denial.
“It has been India’s consistent position that all outstanding issues with Pakistan are discussed only bilaterally,” he said, amid jeering from MPs. “I would further underline that any engagement with Pakistan would require an end to cross-border terrorism.”
Opposition members walked out in protest, demanding a response from Modi.
During his first visit to Washington as Pakistan prime minister this week, Khan told Trump: “You will have the prayers of over a billion people if you can mediate or resolve this issue.”

Khan later appeared on Fox News, where he said Pakistan and India were poles apart: “Bilaterally, there will never be [an end to the Kashmir conflict] ... I really feel that Indiashould come ... [to] the table. The US could play a big part; President Trump certainly can play a big part.”
Responding to Khan’s comments, Trump said on Monday he had a similar request from India. “It is impossible to believe that two incredible countries who are very, very smart with very smart leadership can’t solve a problem like that,” Trump said. “If you would want me to mediate or arbitrate, I would be willing to do it.”
Analysts believe it is more likely that Trump misinterpreted India’s calls for it to place greater international pressure on Pakistan to crack down on extremism. If Modi had asked for US intervention, this would amount to India “changing its policy on third party involvement entirely, and turning it on its head,” said Rajeshwari Krishnamurthy, associate director of Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies in Delhi.

“One of the possible scenarios, that could have been misinterpreted by Mr Trump, is that during any conversation India might have had with the US, [India may] have asked the US to exert pressure on Pakistan to end terror sanctuaries,” added Krishnamurthy.
Brad Sherman, a Democratic congressman and member of the House foreign affairs committee, said he apologised to the Indian ambassador in Washington for Trump’s statement. “Everyone knows PM Modi would never suggest such a thing. Trump’s statement is amateurish and delusional. And embarrassing,” he tweeted.

Ahead of Khan’s visit, Pakistan arrested Hafiz Saeed, the founder of the terrorist group behind the 2008 attacks in Mumbai. The arrest is likely to have been highlighted by Pakistan as it seeks concessions on military aid and sanctions.

On Tuesday, Khan said that he would try to persuade the Taliban to meet with the Afghan government. “I will meet the Taliban and I will try my best to get them to talk to the Afghan government,” he said, during an appearance at the US Institute of Peace in Washington. The Taliban refused to negotiate with the Afghanistan government of Ashraf Ghani, which it regards as a US puppet.

Following Trump’s remarks, the US state department sought to calm the fallout. Alice Wells, the acting assistant secretary of the department’s Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, said: “While Kashmir is a bilateral issue for both parties to discuss, the Trump administration welcomes Pakistan and India sitting down and the United States stands ready to assist.”
• Afghanistan separately called on Tuesday for an explanation of Trump’s comments in which he said he could win the Afghan war by wiping out Afghanistan but did not want to kill 10 million people. The remarks followed his meeting with Khan at which the US president voiced optimism that Pakistan could help broker a political settlement to end the nearly 18-year-old war.
Senior Afghan politicians largely refrained from comment despite the presidential palace’s demand for clarification, but former intelligence chief Rahmatullah Nabil said: “Your insulting message to [Afghanistan] is either accept the [Pakistani] proposal for peace or eventually you may have to use nukes.”

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/ ... in-kashmir
This is a matter between India and US. They shall settle it. In the mean time, we have nothing to do, but thoroughly enjoy it, for whatever is its worth.
As if you understand everything in this world. Jali Na tereko jali Na.

If OBL was a fake raid then why the PM is owing it now on behalf of ISI.

it is a fake raid as it was done in collaboration with the Pakistan military...
for education of the less privileged.

Bin Laden killed in US-Pakistan deal, Seymour Hersh says
Seymour Hersh repeats his claim that Pakistan was aware of the Navy Seals’ 2011 raid in Abbottabad
Published: April 27, 2016 16:03PTI

Islamabad: Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan’s detention for years and was killed after the country struck a deal with the US, a top American journalist has claimed citing new evidence and disputed Islamabad’s assertion that it was not aware of the raid that killed the Al Qaida leader.

Legendary US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh repeated his claim that Pakistan was aware of the Navy Seals’ raid that killed Bin Laden in 2011 in his compound in Abbottabad town near Pakistan army’s elite training school.

Bin Laden was the founder of Al Qaida, the group that claimed responsibility for the September 11 attacks on the United States.

In an interview to Dawn, Hersh said since last year, he had seen new evidence that cemented his belief that the official US account on Bin Laden’s killing was deceptive.

He also reiterated his claim that Pakistan had detained Bin Laden in 2006 and kept him prisoner with the backing of Saudi Arabia.

The US and Pakistan then struck a deal that the US would raid his compound but make it look as if Pakistan was unaware.

“Pakistan is in constant alert because of India. Their radars are watching, their F-16s are up all the time,” said Hersh while arguing that it was not possible for US helicopters to enter Abbottabad without alerting the Pakistanis.

When asked if he still believes Pakistan helped the United States get Bin Laden, he said: “More than ever.”
When Hersh first made this claim in an article published last year, it shook Washington and forced the White House to reject the story as false.
Major US media outlets also rejected his claim as incorrect.

But Hersh repeated the claim in his new book, ‘The Killing of Osama Bin Laden’ published this week, insisting that he was right.
He said the then army and ISI chiefs had made this deal with the Americans, which upset other Pakistani generals.

“The then head of Pakistan’s Air Defence Command was very, very upset. He was ready to go public,” said Hersh, claiming that the disgruntled general was made PIA chairman after his retirement to keep him silent.

https://gulfnews.com/world/asia/pakista ... 3852636298
That is why Musharraf ran to America for help. That is why so many NLI men were taken as prisoner so many dead bodies which Pakistan refused to take back.

General Zinni US commander of CENTCOM


" I persuaded the Pakistanis to withdraw"

Ha ha ha ha haha. Go through what IK said in 2011

go do some basic research and apply your self.
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