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"President Doesn't Make Things Up": Trump's Advisor On Kashmir Comment

India begins ruining relationship with US over (what is probably) a misunderstanding by calling Trump a liar and Kudlow, who has a voice in Trump's ear, calls accusations rude. Bharti PM still has not made any statement himself, still hiding. Thank you Trump.
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Indians are over-reacting, what if Modi actually ask Trump to mediate ? Why Indians always turn humans into God's or idols ? that they are incapable of doing anything wrong or lying ? Indians have very weak faith ..
Indians are over-reacting, what if Modi actually ask Trump to mediate ? Why Indians always turn humans into God's or idols ? that they are incapable of doing anything wrong or lying ? Indians have very weak faith ..

This is always the problem with India they don't want to move on past Kashmir and simultaneously think they can boss around Pakistan. Indians (for some reason) legitimately believe in their superiority but its good for Pakistan since on the world stage PM is trying to resolve the issue and India is the one stopping it from being resolved.
This is always the problem with India they don't want to move on past Kashmir and simultaneously think they can boss around Pakistan. Indians (for some reason) legitimately believe in their superiority but its good for Pakistan since on the world stage PM is trying to resolve the issue and India is the one stopping it from being resolved.

Indian deep state of Establishment wants to keep Kashmir issue alive, and i am sure Army plays a huge role in it cause they take a lot of benefit from Kashmir Issue , so it wont be good for them if Both countries solve their long standing Problems .
wht a masterwork
this apple just fell ok ik.
played beatifully
now trump as we know him will take it personal insult
i m hoping a tweet
this just putts last 10 years of gobar diplomacy into gutter where it belongs
now we talking like men
no hugging no tc
straight talk
ik has been successful in having goodwill of nancy and trump at the same time while both are blood thirsty of each other
cherry on top
K words got into minds of everyone now we will sit back enjoy while indians r trashed by trump
Shameful Modi lying again what a pathetic leader and what a pathetic nation lolz lmao :P
Trump has been disrespected as POTUS.

Ghazwatul Trade war al Hind should be launched to avenge honor of one of Indian gods.
From the past 5 months poor indians were trying hard to convince themselves & world that Actually PAF shot downs a Pak F-16.. Now they are again busy proving Donald trump is liar... Kia zindgi ha bechary Supaa pawaaa india ki.. Kutty ki itni beizti hoti to jaan day daita... :lol:
Modi is making fool of Indians all the time. Trump has uncovered a stinking mess and showed real Modi. Modi needs to man up and call Trump an lair and show him who is the real Super Power. recall all the call centers and shut down USA just using IT Power.

India begins ruining relationship with US over (what is probably) a misunderstanding by calling Trump a liar and Kudlow, who has a voice in Trump's ear, calls accusations rude. Bharti PM still has not made any statement himself, still hiding. Thank you Trump.
Kashmir will be liberated that's true. But what is coming after that is more surprising.
Although it has put India and Modi in a difficult place and it is fun to watch, I can't help thinking maybe Trump should have kept his mouth shut. Sometimes something that is acceptable behind the scenes is not acceptable in the open until such time as the process has reached a certain point. A question of timing.
The counter scenario to this is that Modi tried the old Indian trick of sounding to be amenable to an an agreement while having no intentions whatsoever of actually going through with it in order to sound the peace seeker and statesman and got his bluff called by Trump by announcing it in the open which Modi never thought would happen.
Whichever it turns out to be, it is a lose lose scenario for India, it has to now reach out to a peace process or lose credibility with the world and be seen for what it is, a two faced bully that had been holding the Kashmiris hostage by force for the last 70 years.
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