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President calls for promotion of book reading culture

Try building one online. The smartphone penetration in Pakistan is growing by leaps and bounds, as it becomes more accessible to the masses.
Vast majority of the people around the world including me don't like e-books. In order to make people enjoy reading books, you need to create a suitable environment which is something libraries do very well. There are many successful platforms for buying and reading e-books online with large amounts of capital. Plus e-books are so easy to pirate, look at me I just pirated two editions of Treasure Island. We need large and majestic looking libraries that make you never want to leave them once you enter in them.
This is something I've long said. To do so we should create more libraries.
  • We should have purpose build libraries.
  • We should have mobile libraries for remote communities.
  • We should have libraries in schools.
  • We should have micro-libraries in masjids.
They should be linked to a central database, borrowing should be linked to ID card, there should be apps to help you borrow, reserve books,

The public library at the bottom of my street contributed to my love of reading and my education immensly as a child. I grew up in a working class household. We were a large family, my father also sent money regularly to Pakistan to support his parents and siblings. We couldn't afford to buy books, but every day we were reading because we'd go to the library every saturday and borrow books.
You are spot on, reading your post just realised how scarce the libraries are in Pakistan.
I still go to my local library, its the best place to read new books for free.

During my travels in Pakistan I have not seen or come across a single library. They should increase their footprint. In Islamabad (I don't remember the name of the place) there was a market that sold some really good books at affordable costs. But not everyone can stump 4-500Rs every month on a new book. The state should promote libraries.
Bro, don't build one. Lets build a thousand small ones.

What do you need for each one?

A few shelves, a few hundred second hand books, a volunteer who can be paid a nominal amount to record keep keep of the comings and going's of the books, space inside a masjid for a few shelves, probably less than 1 metre squared.

Look into setting up an NGO to do this. We could get people to donate books, donate cash for shelves and provide a monthly sponsorship to cover the cost of maintenance. Each community could have it's own little library.
Boring libraries only attract those who already like books.
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