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Preparation of Indian army in Ladakh : Long winter ahead

Leh airbase is above 12000 ft from the sea level, it's not medically advisable to get active the moment you disembark from the plane without necessary acclimatization. 'without any discrimination of rank' is typical wording used in official communiques which repeated in the media. Yes, these aren't propaganda videos and mostly focus on the internal audience.
You don't understand the true sense of the word propaganda
One more Indian soldier and one more equipment at the LAC means one less soldier and equipment at the LOC...

The reason why pakistan lost all wars against India is the foolish assumptions on which pakistanis base their strategy.
The reason why pakistan lost all wars against India is the foolish assumptions on which pakistanis base their strategy.
The only thing the IA doesn't lack is soldiers. I think they can probably increase strength on the LAC while still maintaining the same numbers or even increasing on the LOC ... it will just cost them extra, which judging by their purchase of quarter billion per unit Rafales looks like something they will do.

We have more than enough to bleed both of them dry. Our soldiers are far too superior and battle hardened. You are in for a shock.

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