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Pray for people in Chair lift in batgram

Incidents like this make me think twice about risky things.
The people that have to use these cable cars never think twice, for them it is a way of life.

It is a daring operation no doubt but the planners need to think out of the box for this one.
Like lifting the whole cab with a larger helicopter.
instead of hoisting a single rescuer, why not sling an inflatable raft to the helicopter and then lower it down?
why not attach one side of the cable to the helicopter and lift it and let gravity take the cab to the other end of the cable?
I am not being insensitive and just blurting out ideas, I apologize in advance.
Sadly, we don't buy Chinooks or Ch-53 helos from America in exchange for women children and local people.
they would've faced similar issues, you don't need a jackhammer for something that can easily be accomplished by a hammer that you have nearby. :)
Can someone not climb down from a reasonable height (so that the lift is not swayed or effected) and secure the lift to a heavy chopper for now at least? That way they can try to evacuate the entire lift together. I hope they successfully rescues everyone soon.
It’s around 2000 feet. Not sure if that’s possible.

cant you lift them out ,by sending solider through a winch
I know about the risk but waiting will only weaken the cable more

I think that’s what they are attempting.
Helicopter operation suspended due to bad light.

New operation involves another chairlift being sent over, and two cables dropped either side to steady car.
Hats off to the soldier being lowered for the rescue , special type of brave that
Very nicely done to rescue the first two kids using the sling.

Did the rescuer go into the bucket? Or did he just drop them a sling and then go back into the heli? From the video it seems it's the latter, they gave them a sling to tie around them and then went back. Makes the most sense in this scenario, since the bucket is unstable.

Four rescued so far.

NDMA says only two for now.

Now a local crossing company is being used to rescue the remaining people, another guy is being sent with another dolley on the same line.
god sake they cant even air lift i saw on tv. why they are not using a more stable copter like chinook and beter rope with extra belt for passenger lift.
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