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PPP senator Anwar Baig joins PML-N

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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PPP Senator Anwar Baig joins Nawaz-League
By Mudasser Aziz - Apr 11th, 2012 (No Comment)
Islamabad: Pakistan Peoples’ Party leader Senator Anwar Baig on Wednesday joined the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).
Speaking to media along with PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif, Baig said that the county was passing through crucial time and the PML-N was the only party that could steer Pakistan out of all the crises.
Nawaz Sharif has appointed Baig in the Central Executive Council (CEC) of the party.
Speaking on the occasion, Nawaz chief Nawaz Sharif reiterated his demand for early election, saying as long as the incumbent government rules, problems would increase in the country.
The former prime minister said that the nation was not ready to tolerate the government anymore. “Government had better announce election,” he said.
“Scandals of corruption have been emerging on daily basis,” he said and added that the record increase in corruption was being witnessed.
Answering a question regarding memogate, he said that he had not backed off from the case as he was who moved the Supreme Court.
PPP Senator Anwar Baig joins Nawaz-League
By Mudasser Aziz - Apr 11th, 2012 (No Comment)
Islamabad: Pakistan Peoples’ Party leader Senator Anwar Baig on Wednesday joined the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).
Speaking to media along with PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif, Baig said that the county was passing through crucial time and the PML-N was the only party that could steer Pakistan out of all the crises.
Nawaz Sharif has appointed Baig in the Central Executive Council (CEC) of the party.
Speaking on the occasion, Nawaz chief Nawaz Sharif reiterated his demand for early election, saying as long as the incumbent government rules, problems would increase in the country.
The former prime minister said that the nation was not ready to tolerate the government anymore. “Government had better announce election,” he said.
“Scandals of corruption have been emerging on daily basis,” he said and added that the record increase in corruption was being witnessed.
Answering a question regarding memogate, he said that he had not backed off from the case as he was who moved the Supreme Court.
Nusrat Javed yesterday broke this news in program Bolta Pakistan yesterday
Though I hate to admit it, it seems PML-N not PTI may be about to win the next elections.

People haven't learned anything from their mistakes. They are willing to vote in Sharif's and Bhutto's all over again. I am sometimes forced to wonder if ever Pakistan will change.
Though I hate to admit it, it seems PML-N not PTI may be about to win the next elections.

No..NO….We don’t like a “Favorite” Tag..., So just don’t lose hope so early……….
There is a brighter side, TIME predicts IK premiership…It might turns out true...nothing is definite..!!
That might be if Pasha got extension.....,
Now we got the backing of Zaheer-ul-islam :)

We don't need Military backing unlike your party.
I dare you to say that PMLN was not created by the military dictator Zia.

(if you do say it, you will lose any credibility you had left)
But I don't even expect you to respond to me since you know I am telling the truth.

And Just to make it a bit more interesting.

We don't need Military backing unlike your party.
I dare you to say that PMLN was not created by the military dictator Zia.

(if you do say it, you will lose any credibility you had left)
But I don't even expect you to respond to me since you know I am telling the truth.

And Just to make it a bit more interesting.


Bro, if i'm not wrong PML-N was PML before Muharraf took over & created PML-Q..... hmmm
He was one of the few decent people in PPP.

- Now he's one of the few decent people in PML-N
Bro, if i'm not wrong PML-N was PML before Muharraf took over & created PML-Q..... hmmm

that was during Musharaf's era.

This picture is from the 80s.
Back then Zia (the guy 2nd from right) was the military dictator of Pakistan.
He created PML with Nawaz as it's head.
So PMLN is showing it's moral bankruptcy when they accuse other of being backed by the military when they themselves were made entirely by the military.

You still have not told me if your party was created by Zia or not.

Why are you avoiding the question?
Are you ashamed?
That might be if Pasha got extension.....,
Now we got the backing of Zaheer-ul-islam :)

Give some respect to the man who just joined your party... a well catch indeed !!
You still have not told me if your party was created by Zia or not.

Rusty you are wrong PMLN was not created by Zia but yes Zia groomed NS who himself accepts it, their is no point of denial.
I have accepted in a lot of my posts earlier your compatriots of PTI here in PDF knows it better. Groomed or not, you survive on your ideals and when NS in his first term refuse to take dictations somewhere in 1991....that is the point of his maturity...he moves on from that point quite remarkably so am i.....!!!

Give some respect to the man who just joined your party... a well catch indeed !!

Leader...Seriously i didn't knows in detail what qualifications or experience he possess....If you can enlighten me....???
just hear Rumors that he might be the husband of Late Nazia hassan....is that true...???
Rusty you are wrong PMLN was not created by Zia but yes Zia groomed NS who himself accepts it, their is no point of denial.
I have accepted in a lot of my posts earlier your compatriots of PTI here in PDF knows it better. Groomed or not, you survive on your ideals and when NS in his first term refuse to take dictations somewhere in 1991....that is the point of his maturity...he moves on from that point quite remarkably so am i.....!!!

Leader...Seriously i didn't knows in detail what qualifications or experience he possess....If you can enlighten me....???
just hear Rumors that he might be the husband of Late Nazia hassan....is that true...???

1. Ok so you admit that Nawaz was brought by Zia, a military dictator. I want to make this clear for the record.
2. what does "groom" mean? It means that Zia was making nawaz in his own image, he was preparing nawaz to be the leader of Pakistan.
3. A: Zia was military B: Zia trained Nawaz C: Nawaz was brought to power by military
A+B= C it's pretty clear to anyone with half a brain :angel:

4. Now that we have established that Nawaz was brought by military (even you agree)
IF PTI is brought by military (I am not saying it is) then why is this a bad thing?
Why can military bring you people, but they can't bring anyone else?
Kindly answer these questions.
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