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Powerful earthquake rocks southern Iran and Dubai: Dust rises from shaking mountains, was it Iran's first nuclear test?


Sep 18, 2019
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United States




Iran is unfortunately on a tectonic plate and earthquakes are reality it has to live with. Luckily, there was no major loss of life this time. The building codes need to be strengthened. Dubai is all sub-quality glass towers on sand built by slave Asian labor and will suffer greatly if a major quake hit the southern shores of the Persian Gulf.
Almost every time an earthquake happens in Iran some people in social media say it was Iran's "first" nuclear test.
This is probably our third or fourth "first nuclear test" in recent years according to these people.

It was a strong earthquake though, followed by another strong earthquake. Both earthquakes were over magnitude-6 in the Richter scale. Fortunately, casualties are not many and only two very unlucky people have died so far. The majority of the injured are doing well and are not in critical conditions.
Iran is unfortunately on a tectonic plate and earthquakes are reality it has to live with. Luckily, there was no major loss of life this time. The building codes need to be strengthened. Dubai is all sub-quality glass towers on sand built by slave Asian labor and will suffer greatly if a major quake hit the southern shores of the Persian Gulf.
Here comes typical Pakistani journalism:

Iranian nuclear tests cause earthquakes in Delhi and Dubai.🤭
Almost every time an earthquake happens in Iran some people in social media say it was Iran's "first" nuclear test.
This is probably our third or fourth "first nuclear test" in recent years according to these people.

It was a strong earthquake though, followed by another strong earthquake. Both earthquakes were over magnitude-6 in the Richter scale. Fortunately, casualties are not many and only two very unlucky people have died so far. The majority of the injured are doing well and are not in critical conditions.

It's pretty rare for there to be an earthquake that far south though? Dubai hasn't had an earthquake like this in years.
It's pretty rare for there to be an earthquake that far south though? Dubai hasn't had an earthquake like this in years.
I have no idea. Magnitude-6 earthquakes aren't that common after all but if we consider Sistan and Baluchistan of Iran as south, then there was a magnitude-7 earthquake there in 2013. It didn't attract media attention though, because there weren't casualties, probably because the region is not densely populated.

But I don't think a magnitude-6 earthquake can be caused by a first nuclear test. I mean a country's first nuclear test is usually done with low yield weapons (below 50 kilo-tonnes) but an earthquake of this magnitude is caused by much stronger weapons, close to the order of mega-tonnes.

I would suspect a nuclear test if we observe a magnitude-4 or magnitude-5 earthquake somewhere near Semnan in inhabitable areas of the Great Salt desert like Rig-e Jenn.

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Stupid irani loving Pakistanis ....desperate to see Iran getting nuclear
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Almost every time an earthquake happens in Iran some people in social media say it was Iran's "first" nuclear test.
This is probably our third or fourth "first nuclear test" in recent years according to these people.

It was a strong earthquake though, followed by another strong earthquake. Both earthquakes were over magnitude-6 in the Richter scale. Fortunately, casualties are not many and only two very unlucky people have died so far. The majority of the injured are doing well and are not in critical conditions.
I have seen videos posted by travellers on the highway.
May God Have Mercy on all those people in the area facing such violent force of nature.
Dubai is all sub-quality glass towers on sand built by slave Asian labor and will suffer greatly if a major quake hit the southern shores of the Persian Gulf.

Don't you think your head is stuck in your back side and just got to show ignorance of a small man. Those so called slaves get paid for their work and travel to and from to their countries of origin by air and no one brings them to the Gulf chained to the deck of the boats. They have the choice, If they don't like the working conditions and living conditions they can leave by the end of their contracts. If you got issue with the Gulf states deal with it and don't try to spread your toxicity elsewhere.
Instead of thanking the high mighty for no loss of life so far due to earth quake, stop spreading your disdain for others. Get out of the gutter mindset and don't think of yourself mightier then others as those so called slaves contribute to the world by their labour instead of wasters like some.
nuclear iran is more dangerous than nuclear hindutava!

atleast we know hindutava is open enemy iran is fox disgusted in sheeps clothing always ready to butcher muslims!
BOOOHHH we Iranians are coming to eat you. Quick, hide!
Don't you think your head is stuck in your back side and just got to show ignorance of a small man. Those so called slaves get paid for their work and travel to and from to their countries of origin by air and no one brings them to the Gulf chained to the deck of the boats. They have the choice, If they don't like the working conditions and living conditions they can leave by the end of their contracts. If you got issue with the Gulf states deal with it and don't try to spread your toxicity elsewhere.
Instead of thanking the high mighty for no loss of life so far due to earth quake, stop spreading your disdain for others. Get out of the gutter mindset and don't think of yourself mightier then others as those so called slaves contribute to the world by their labour instead of wasters like some.
He is right. Many workers in these Persian gulf states have died because of subpar working conditions. A quick google search of one single PG state will show you this

'' But Dubai and the UAE have long been the subject of complaints of mistreatment of workers. Migrant workers say they often face brutal work conditions, shifts of 12 hours or more, and that companies withhold paychecks or workers' passports so as not to let them quit or return home. ''

Slaves get treated like that^^ so he is correct.
BOOOHHH we Iranians are coming to eat you. Quick, hide!

He is right. Many workers in these Persian gulf states have died because of subpar working conditions. A quick google search of one single PG state will show you this

'' But Dubai and the UAE have long been the subject of complaints of mistreatment of workers. Migrant workers say they often face brutal work conditions, shifts of 12 hours or more, and that companies withhold paychecks or workers' passports so as not to let them quit or return home. ''

Slaves get treated like that^^ so he is correct.
i am sure you cultist have this dream of reviving persian empire!
It's pretty rare for there to be an earthquake that far south though? Dubai hasn't had an earthquake like this in years.
there might be sumthing to it @Aspen . There is a chance however small that this was not an earthquake. seeing those dust from the hills, I dont know man.
Stupid irani lover Pakistanis ....desperate to see Iran getting nuclear
I cannot comprehend what u mean. why so much hate? Do you love America?
nuclear iran is more dangerous than nuclear hindutava!

atleast we know hindutava is open enemy iran is fox disgusted in sheeps clothing always ready to butcher muslims!
"fox disgusted in sheep clothing" ...... Brother what does this sentence mean? I have seen statistics that over 41% of Pakistans population are illiterate. Are you one of them ?
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