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Poverty of the biggest democracy

Modi is a hardcore follower of cronie capitalism and power hungry.... healthcare , education and human index growth in Gujarat is pathetic . Corporates love Modi as he goes easy on their audacious policies and the same corporates control news media today...... He was given 7 times more coverage than his opponents during election campaign by the corporate Media .

Modi`s victory is in fact a very serious defeat for secular & progressive forces in India .....
Written by some Lal Khan :rofl: Can I subscribe to this magazine? Just incase I run out of toilet papers :sarcastic:

Typical anti-Modi , anti-BJP drivel by a Pakistani writer Lal Khan.

Now how do I know he is Pakistani ?

His spelling- Narindera Modi :lol:

Lal Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the 1970s, Lal Khan was a student of medicine in college and a political activist in Pakistan when the military coup of General Zia ul Haq toppled the Pakistan Peoples Party government, and subsequently hanged the country's first democratically elected prime minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto.[3]
Modi is a hardcore follower of cronie capitalism and power hungry.... healthcare , education and human index growth in Gujarat is pathetic . Corporates love Modi as he goes easy on their audacious policies and the same corporates control news media today...... He was given 7 times more coverage than his opponents during election campaign by the corporate Media .

Modi`s victory is in fact a very serious defeat for secular & progressive forces in India .....

Would you please provide some stats to back up your assertions ?

Gujarat was ranked 11th in HDI in the year 2011 in India, above the national average and Gujarat had started from a lower base. Considering Gujarat's growth in the last 3 years I am sure Gujarat must be ranked higher now.

Gujarat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In terms of literacy Gujarat's literacy rate was 77.3 % in 2011 , again higher than national average in 2011.

Indian states ranking by literacy rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In terms of education - states with one of the highest primary educated population rate - Gujarat stands 9th.

Most educated states – India, 2013 | The Ultimate Renaissance

For healthcare I can't find any state-wise stats. Since you are so sure about it, would like you to provide it.

If Gujarat was 'pathetic' under Modi , they wouldn't have elected him for a continuous third term. Respect the people's decision and choice, especially of a country that you don't understand or know.

There is a reason why the Economist calls Gujarat India's Guangdong- Gujarat's economy: India's Guangdong | The Economist

SO MANY things work properly in Gujarat that it hardly feels like India. In a factory packed with kit from Germany and China, slabs of rubber and bags of carbon black are turned into tyres. After being X-rayed for imperfections, they will be distributed across India or sent for export within three days. Sandeep Bhatia, a manager for CEAT, the firm that owns the project, says it took only 24 months to complete, including the normally fraught process of buying land. There is constant electricity, gas and abundant water. The state government, he says, kept red tape to a minimum, did not ask for bribes, and does not interfere much now.
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Typical butt hurt BS article by some pro-pakistani writer..

n some pakistanis are commenting on indian state.. lol .. pathetic.. !!!
Modi's economic policy and growth claims :

There is no policy beside helping crony capitalist forces. Giving away cheap lands, loans, contracts and helping them in wrong-doings. Growth is only superficial and cosmetic, limited to major urban cities and targeted only to elites and neo-rich middle class. Not real, not inclusive, not sustainable so - not acceptable.

In fact thousands of SMEs have closed down during Modi's tenure in Gujarat. MOUs are the biggest sham & scam of Modi's Vibrant Tamasha.






Enjoy the egg! Tank Sahib!

PS- Pakistani taking a dig at MoU's.......Priceless! :lol:
Modi's economic policy and growth claims :

There is no policy beside helping crony capitalist forces. Giving away cheap lands, loans, contracts and helping them in wrong-doings. Growth is only superficial and cosmetic, limited to major urban cities and targeted only to elites and neo-rich middle class. Not real, not inclusive, not sustainable so - not acceptable.

In fact thousands of SMEs have closed down during Modi's tenure in Gujarat. MOUs are the biggest sham & scam of Modi's Vibrant Tamasha.

You means to say that whole population of Gujarat is idiot and they tend to imagine development all around them where there is none and word of a butthurt Marxist like you carry more weight than collective opinion of million of Gujaratis.
lol... someone gave the positive rating for posting this article....
typical butthurt reaction.....:rofl::rofl:
Written by some Lal Khan :rofl: Can I subscribe to this magazine? Just incase I run out of toilet papers :sarcastic:

Lal Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, its not difficult to understand where this garbage coming from. :o::o:

acha ji, tum nacho tu dance, hum nachein tu nangapan?

I corrected it.:yes4::yes4:

Modi's economic policy and growth claims :

There is no policy beside helping crony capitalist forces. Giving away cheap lands, loans, contracts and helping them in wrong-doings. Growth is only superficial and cosmetic, limited to major urban cities and targeted only to elites and neo-rich middle class. Not real, not inclusive, not sustainable so - not acceptable.

In fact thousands of SMEs have closed down during Modi's tenure in Gujarat. MOUs are the biggest sham & scam of Modi's Vibrant Tamasha.

This one Modi's effect today. ;)

Rupee rises 32 paise to hit fresh 11-month high of 58.47 against dollar - The Times of India
Typical anti-Modi , anti-BJP drivel by a Pakistani writer Lal Khan.

Now how do I know he is Pakistani ?

His spelling- Narindera Modi :lol:

Please dont ever do this to Pakistanis. Let them be happy. You did a sin by bursting their bubble. Mr Think Tank was so happy after reading this piece of shit from Mr Lal Khan that he came out with his same useless rants as usual. They dont have anything to cheer mate.
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