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Poverty in Iran under the Mullah regime

One of the highest drug-addiction rates in the world.

In fact the highest heroin drug addiction. Officially "only" (LOL) 2 million heroin addicts but according to most sources that number is underrated.

Imagine 2 MILLION heroin addicts in a country with a population of 75 million. That is extreme.

Heroin is the most dangerous, addicting and deadly addiction.
The poverty in Iran is due to the draconian sanctions and embargo by the US and its allies.

These kind of propaganda is so childish.
Says a guy from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the number 1 state sponsor of terror. Wherever there are terrorist networks around the world, you can bet the terrorist sympathising Saudi Royal family funding and arming radical islamic jihadist terrorists.
Yes, sure it is. Iran was extremely poor until oil and gas was discovered in the Arab Al-Ahwaz. Even under the officer-son most of Iran was very poor and backward.

Today we know how poor the country is.

The GDP per capita in Iran is way lower than in KSA for example despite Iran having more gas and similar riches of oil and over twice the population.

But well this happens when you are ruled by lunatic Mullah's that are sanctioned by the whole world expect fellow pariah states such as North Korea, Venezuela and others.

Among the most hated countries in the world too. No friends or allies.



sanaa :




the troll just embarrassed himself by this post
isnt it true?@Masters @armchairPrivate
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Says a guy from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is the number 1 state sponsor of terror. Wherever there are terrorist networks around the world, you can bet the terrorist sympathising Saudi Royal family funding and arming radical islamic jihadist terrorists.

Sorry it is Iran and NOT us that have been declared as a terrorist state by the world society. Besides the biggest enemy of Al-Qaeda is the House of Saud and we defeated Al-Qaeda a few years ago.

Besides worry about China.

Iran and state terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those pictures are not even from Sana'a. All you have posted are Somali immigrants that are the poorest in Yemen. Besides I do not live in Yemen. You live in Iran. A much poorer state than KSA. Isolated, backward, poor, sanctioned, hated, drug, mut'ah and crime infected etc. The list is long.

In fact the highest heroin drug addiction. Officially "only" (LOL) 2 million heroin addicts but according to most sources that number is underrated.

Imagine 2 MILLION heroin addicts in a country with a population of 75 million. That is extreme.

Heroin is the most dangerous, addicting and deadly addiction.

Yes, I've read such reports.

They try and blame it on the war in Afghanistan which increased poppy production, but drug addiction was already high before this.

I think it's a problem in Iranian society. Maybe a sense of helplessness under the Mullah regime, I don't know.
@al-Hasani @haman10

You guys will not get away with this trolling fest you have started in this section.
polluting the forum with your nonsense will have its consequences.

dont play "im a mod " for me
instead of calling me a troll , look who started it!!! look who has nothing to do but trolling
+no forum rule was breached
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Sorry it is Iran and NOT us that have been declared as a terrorist state by the world society. Besides the biggest enemy of Al-Qaeda is the House of Saud and we defeated Al-Qaeda a few years ago.

Besides worry about China.

Iran and state terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those pictures are not even from Sana'a. All you have posted are Somali immigrants that are the poorest in Yemen. Besides I do not live in Yemen. You live in Iran. A much poorer state than KSA. Isolated, backward, poor, sanctioned, hated, drug, mut'ah and crime infected etc. The list is long.


Iran has always been peaceful, they have never supported terrorism. Saudi Arabia are the main source of funds, arms and terrorists for terrorist networks worldwide.

Saudi Arabia has always supported Al-Qaeda.

16 out of the 19 hijackers in 9/11 were Saudi Arabian.

Saudi Arabia and terrorism are joint at the hip.
Iran and state terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing more to add. Distinguish between individuals that act alone and the state. Two very different things.

There have probably been 1000 times as many Chinese terrorists than Saudis throughout history. Just in the Uyghur region alone.

Yes, KSA has always supported a group that wants to target and HAVE targeted Saudi Arabia repeatedly. You make no sense.

List of militant incidents in Saudi Arabia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Besides we still have a LONG way to have "idols" such as Mao Zedong who killed 45 MILLION of you Chinese people and you still adore him, LOL.

A LONG way.
@Serpentine : for the sake of other members i stop posting here for now

i hope ur friends serve justice fast , or els i know what to do
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I mean, look.

China in the 50s, 60s, 70s, was dirt poor not because the governmental system or the people were not hard working, but because the almighty US's interference.

If US would take its dirty hands off Iran, Iran would be advancing in leaps and bounds, unlike the sly dirty sand fleas who rely on the black gold and kissing up to the Satan.

The Iranians are well educated, intelligent, forward looking, creative, hard working, entrepreneurial, before long when the great US power wanes, the Iranian people will rise up and Iran will again be restored to its rightful place.
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