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Poverty in Azerbaijan


According to Forbes magazine Armenia had the second worst economy in the world in 2011.

Armenia, whose economy shrank by 15% in 2009 as an expatriate-financed construction boom fizzled along with the world economy. With a mediocre growth forecast for the next few years, this landlocked former Soviet republic, dependent upon Russia and Iran for virtually all of its energy supplies, is struggling to keep up with the rest of the world. Per-capita GDP of $3,000 is less than a third of neighboring Turkey, and inflation is running at 7%. On top of that, Russia cut back on supplies of diamonds, hurting Armenia’s once-thriving diamond-processing industry.

Azerbaycan tower


Baku is growing day by day.
omg, all we needed was the infamous Ottoman-Turk in this thread. The mods perm banned his IP and he still keeps showing up! What dedication. The guy has to go to friend's houses to register again!!! This is probably his 26th account. Anyway, this thread isn't about Armenia, don't derail the thread.

I'm reading the article now and this caught my eye.

Out where the esplanade ends, an immense 23,000-square-foot Azerbaijan flag flops from a 531-foot-high flagpole; it was meant to set the world flagpole record, and it did until Tajikistan topped it by about 10 feet last year. (The affront is said to have caused the Azerbaijan president, Ilham Aliyev, to boycott a scheduled conference in Tajikistan.)

literally a dick measuring contest on an international level
Azerbaijan is like a leaf which fell from a tree and now it is acting like it is a tree.
we will take back our land, and shave aliyevs moustache.
Azerbaijan is like a leaf which fell from a tree and now it is acting like it is a tree.
we will take back our land, and shave aliyevs moustache.

how will you take back your land?you got no modern jet fighters...no modern tanks..plus it took you 10 years to fight off saddam..and still u dident managed to occupy iraqi land.....russia has refused to sell you latest arms....situation looks pretty grim....you should concentrate on defence rather than waging war,going on offensive and occupying others countries.
Azerbaijan is like a leaf which fell from a tree and now it is acting like it is a tree.
we will take back our land, and shave aliyevs moustache.

how will you take back your land?you got no modern jet fighters...no modern tanks..plus it took you 10 years to fight off saddam..and still u dident managed to occupy iraqi land.....russia has refused to sell you latest arms....situation looks pretty grim....you should concentrate on defence rather than waging war,going on offensive and occupying others countries.
both of you stop this stupid discussion right here plz

Azerbaijan is its own nation and not part of Iran; nobody's taking anything back.

Don't derail the thread plz.

According to Forbes magazine Armenia had the second worst economy in the world in 2011.

Armenia, whose economy shrank by 15% in 2009 as an expatriate-financed construction boom fizzled along with the world economy. With a mediocre growth forecast for the next few years, this landlocked former Soviet republic, dependent upon Russia and Iran for virtually all of its energy supplies, is struggling to keep up with the rest of the world. Per-capita GDP of $3,000 is less than a third of neighboring Turkey, and inflation is running at 7%. On top of that, Russia cut back on supplies of diamonds, hurting Armenia’s once-thriving diamond-processing industry.

Azerbaycan tower


Baku is growing day by day.

If I had a dollar for every time one of you ignorant, uneducated Turks copy and pasted that report, I'd have ten times the Turkish GDP.

If you read that article, you wouldn't have posted those stupid pictures. Every one of those towers is empty. And what Azeri do you know of that can afford a yacht???? Other than that tard Annar Mammadov that got all ethnic Azeris banned from the UAE for a month.

Not sure why you are defending this country. If Aliyev had the chance, he would kill you in heartbeat if he was promised more property in Dubai. Instead of actually investing in manufacturing and industry, all oil wealth either goes in Aliyev's pocket, to the military, or for stupid Western sh*t like those towers or Eurovision.

You people are disgusting.
Azerbaijan is awesome. I don't know their history and infrastructure before, however, Baku is a beautiful place now. I didn't see any poverty, just huge SUV's and pretty wealthy people. It kind of gave me a Dubai feeling.
You probably didn't get enough protein as a young child and now your brain is only 1% formed.
was Iran fighting Iraq to take their land you imbecile? we was protecting our land.
it takes more than modern tank and planes to win wars, it takes a great will.
America got raped in Vietnam,Israel got raped by Israel and they had much better weapons.
we fought Iraq for 8 years and we could had used chemical weapon but our leader rejected that.
if we used chemical weapon they would had surrendered very quickly cause they were fighting cause of fear.

Iran does not need to have moden anything to take back what belongs to us, what we need is a great leaders.
Persians created first superpower on earth from nothing but tribes and that was done by a great leader, I am sure if you were alive back then and I said do you think Persia will be a superpower you would has said "No way, they have no modern weapon".

you got owned by arabs too...so what is that supposed to mean?
crying and living in past wont get you anywhere.....
keep crying and ranting....i hope this time you get banned permanently.........iranis like you intentionally destroy the overall mood of this forum just like your indian brothers.

the sort of language that you use in your posts is usually used by pimps and thugs...not educated civilized people...you hardly represent iran.

I read women are trafficked out of this country as sex slaves and sex workers due to lack of employment for the men and poverty, i hope that's not true, as a Muslims and human being i can't tolerate the fact that women should have to go through such shameful and dishonorable acts to support their families.

BTW, i can't understand why Pakistanis are so ardently taking sides in the Iran vs. Arab conflict, its not our fight so stay out before people start bashing our country.
Azerbaijan is awesome. I don't know their history and infrastructure before, however, Baku is a beautiful place now. I didn't see any poverty, just huge SUV's and pretty wealthy people. It kind of gave me a Dubai feeling.
lol read the article it talks about that anfd how fake everything is.

and watch this

everydau hundreds and even thousands cross to Iran to buy goods b/c they can't afford to buy even grocery in azerbaijan

they even come to Iran for medical reasons

"My son was having treatment here in Azerbaijan but it wasn't doing anything," Ismail says. "The doctors didn't say what his problem was. That's why some people advised me to go to Tehran.

"We went there, they carried out a stomach operation and it was successful. My attitude [towards Iran] is very positive. I went there with big hopes - for my son to be cured there. It was successful. So I'm happy."

Ismail says that his son's operation cost $6,000. He has paid a first instalment to the Iranian hospital and has promised them he will pay the remainder.
BBC News - Why Azerbaijan is closer to Israel than Iran
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Abii, how many times are you going to repeat it while you receive your response all the time. These people are only from little border towns, and they go to Iran because its much cheaper there with Azerbaijan's currency. If you were not the moron which you are, you would read what you post more correctly, as it exactly notes it in that article.

As for this thread, isn't it really ironic to mention povery while representing the schithole Armenia? Even the most poor in Azerbaijan lives better off then the schithole Armenia.

People from Central Asian countries such as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan comes to Azerbaijan for much better wages, I don't need to explain the difference between Azerbaijan and these countries including Armenia.

Every one of those towers is empty.

Must be the reason why all of new constructions finds buyers even before the construction is finished.

lol read the article it talks about that anfd how fake everything is.

Is it fake that so many people have luxury cars etc...? Or are you going to tell me that such a big part of Baku is all relatives of the president?
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