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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

For us, MUSLIMS, this group of deviants who go by the name and brand of ISIS/Daesh have nothing to do with Islam. They are the dogs of hell and should be killed wherever they are. For religious references, read the quoted text below.
We are not interested.

For the surviving victims, do you really believe that as they recovers, they are going to think that what happened to them have nothing to do with Islam ? Wrong. Whether you like it or not, these attacks are associated with Islam. You can try to minimize the association all you want, even down to zero percentage, but for each attacker, his mind and his deed had 100% association to Islam. When was the last time a Buddhist killed for Islam ?
Sad News , Hope Every 1 is Safe , i really dont get it what they get in harming innocnet people
These Scums Should be Stopped
We are not interested.

For the surviving victims, do you really believe that as they recovers, they are going to think that what happened to them have nothing to do with Islam ? Wrong. Whether you like it or not, these attacks are associated with Islam. You can try to minimize the association all you want, even down to zero percentage, but for each attacker, his mind and his deed had 100% association to Islam. When was the last time a Buddhist killed for Islam ?

Hence the term a sect.

But this is what happens when you let the spread of wahabism in your place. Nothing will be done and more such incidents will occur. Its easy for these fu*kers to pick a knife and start stabbing innocent people or simply get a driving license then drive the vehicle over crowd. And who would you blame for giving them driving license or selling them knives?

Strong measures needs to be taken to tackle wahabism and radicalisation. Targeting a terrorist or two won't do a thing. Someone else will fill in for them and commit another similar attack someday. The fight has to be against ideology. Start by closing down mosques that preach wahabism. Deport wahabi Imams. Stop preaching Islam in the prisons. Closely monitor Saudi funded mosques. Trace down where these institutions get their money from. Simply showing anger in facebook or twitter won't accomplish anything.
Sad News , Hope Every 1 is Safe , i really dont get it what they get in harming innocnet people
These Scums Should be Stopped

These dogs of hell will never stop... their ideology is killing innocent people Everywhere of all nations and all religions and races.


But this is what happens when you let the spread of wahabism in your place. Nothing will be done and more such incidents will occur. Its easy for these fu*kers to pick a knife and start stabbing innocent people or simply get a driving license then drive the vehicle over crowd. And who would you blame for giving them driving license or selling them knives?

Strong measures needs to be taken to tackle wahabism and radicalisation. Targeting a terrorist or two won't do a thing. Someone else will fill in for them and commit another similar attack someday. The fight has to be against ideology. Start by closing down mosques that preach wahabism. Deport wahabi Imams. Stop preaching Islam in the prisons. Closely monitor Saudi funded mosques. Trace down where these institutions get their money from. Simply showing anger in facebook or twitter won't accomplish anything.

Too late for that... most of their indoctrination is done online. You cant close the internet because their extremist websites will keep coming up as fast as you shut them down... you mention money... terror is done on the cheap... $2 for a knife

They have gone social media
Isn't it better? Why do Muslims flock to non Muslim countries when they can follow their own religion without prejudice on their own land?
Same reason why other people flock to developed countries is this even an argument?
Too late for that... most of their indoctrination is done online. You cant close the internet because their extremist websites will keep coming up as fast as you shut them down...

They have gone social media
Yes their ideology can be found online. But for someone to be influenced enough to commit such acts probably requires personal direction from someone. You are likely to be more influenced when someone personally explains you the ideology then tells you what rewards you are gonna get by blowing yourself up in public. And then angers you by stating how unfair this infidel society is treating you. You can't get this much online. Outlawing wahabi ideology is a move long overdue.
RIP its just sad seeing terrorism become a norm all over the world :-(

We are not interested.

For the surviving victims, do you really believe that as they recovers, they are going to think that what happened to them have nothing to do with Islam ? Wrong. Whether you like it or not, these attacks are associated with Islam. You can try to minimize the association all you want, even down to zero percentage, but for each attacker, his mind and his deed had 100% association to Islam. When was the last time a Buddhist killed for Islam ?
So you want someone in Islamabad who had nothing to do with this act to feel guilty for something most likely a born and bred in Britain committed ?
We are not interested.
We do not give a Fu@k whether YOU are interested or not. We can feel your pain vis-a-vis China and Russia and your decreasing control in the region. Go deal with your own internal problem first...... TRUMP.
Sad News , Hope Every 1 is Safe , i really dont get it what they get in harming innocnet people
They get paradise. No one ever came back from the afterlife to tell what the afterlife really is like. So for each of us it is faith on what the afterlife is like. For the atheist, there is literally nothing. For the religionist, the afterlife is whatever his/her religion say it is. In this life, there are guidelines on what to do to get the afterlife, which so far for every religion, it is either a reward or a punishment. We do not want punishment so we works for the reward.

No one thinks that if there is an afterlife, it is neither reward nor punishment. When you think about it, the idea that an afterlife is neither punishment nor reward is appalling for the believers of the three Abrahamic religions. It would mean this life is essentially pointless. All your goals and achievements are petty. God say 'feed the hungry poor'. Why do you need God to say it ? Because the majesty of the speaker have a direct effect on motivating the actor. So if God tells you to act this way and that way, and at the end of your life, you will be rewarded with a mansion on a street paved with gold in a land flowing with milk and honey, what are you going to do ?

The victims are not 'innocents' in the eyes of the attackers. They are guilty of < insert crime here > . At the very least, they are guilty of the crime of not believing in Islam and of not being Muslims. Anything else their governments did compounds the guilt.

We do not give a Fu@k whether YOU are interested or not.
Then do not post your scriptures.
Who will decide, which group is Khawarij and which group is Muslim, if they chant the same slogans and read from the same religious text!!!!!
Do a little research online and you'll quickly find that almost all of the Islamic Institutions worldwide have declared these IS / Daesh and Khawarij.

Then do not post your scriptures.

If you had read the scriptures posted above together with the fact that almost all the islamic institutions across the world have declared these IS/Daesh terrorists as Khawarij, then you should be able to understand that EVERY SINGLE MUSLIM is duty-bound to contribute towards killing/eradication of these terrorists from the face of this earth.
Take the debates elsewhere. They contribute nothing productive and just clutter the thread.
Folks your last chance now. Post anything that's not directly related to the attack, and I will ban you. You guys took no notice of my first post.

You may set up another thread about causes, solutions etc. I want this clean from rubbish, so people can flow the events clearly.
Shocking.... this happening with high frequency these days...

May those innocent who lost their lives find Eternal Harmony. May their loved ones find Solace.

I fear for my Netherlands... May the Universe keep my countrymen safe.

There has to be some EU wide anti-terror mechanism. Why can't we prevent such horrors?

European countries need to form proactive intel-sharing mechanisms and dedicated structures to deal with expanding threat.

Rot in Hell you terror scums.
Quite Strange SIS and MI5 did not caught this one in time to be honest.

From the last attack (The Ariana Grande Concert attacks) is merely 11 days, the person responsible is most likely the same group of people and preliminary intel suggest these group is also on SIS watch list, but still, both GCHQ, SIS and to some extend MI5 did not do anything for it.

This attack is also called "Ripple Attack", this cell is most likely have some sort of connection and/or relation toward the May 23 Attack, and the effect of the last attack was brought on with this one.

However, there are also chances that this is an individual attacks (ie two or more cell operate in the UK) but somehow I feel that this attack was let down by the British Intelligence Community
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