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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

:( My heart goes out to the victims...I don't know what's wrong with this world. When will this stop? Why UK is being targeted only? I mean first Manchester bombing and now this...

Is intelligence sharing not happening b/w UK and other allies?
i think these attacks were done to provide excuse to ban Muslims entry in west by cia and western agencies
LOL Isn't it?

More news coming in. There were/are three attackers. This is not on the news yet.
Will be interesting to see the reactions of some of our leaders like Corbyn who has said if elected he will be against the use of force by the police or anyone for that matter to stop terrorists like this one who are carrying out attacks against civilians, that we should instead try and negotiate with them. :D
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LOL Is it?

Will be interesting to see the reactions of some of our leaders like Corbyn who has said if elected he will be against the use of force by the police or anyone for that matter to stop terrorists like this one who are carrying out attacks against civilians, that we should instead try and negotiate with them. :D

Send Corbyn to negotiate with remaining two!!!
Read the comments of awan68 , already justifying the murders with the normal deflection line...
1. They are not muslims but intelligence agents of raw cia kgb etc.
2. They are not true muslims.

When proven to be muslims , then justifications ...
1. Look at cow murders and kashmir , iraq, palestine, etc.

For us, MUSLIMS, this group of deviants who go by the name and brand of ISIS/Daesh have nothing to do with Islam. They are the dogs of hell and should be killed wherever they are. For religious references, read the quoted text below.

So, therefore, no one, who believe the religious scriptures of Islam can claim or prove these khawarijs to be Muslims.

Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “There will be division and sectarianism in my nation and a people (the Kharijites) will come with beautiful words and evil deeds. They will recite the Quran but it will not pass beyond their throats. They will leave the religion as an arrow leaves its target and they will not return to it as the arrow does not return to its bow. They are the worst of the creation. Blessed are those who fight them and are killed by them. They call to the Book of Allah but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever fights them is better to Allah than them.”

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4765, Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

Ibn Kathir said, “If the Khawarij ever gained power, they would corrupt the entire earth, Iraq, and Syria. They would not leave alone a boy or a girl or a man or a woman, for in their view the people have become so corrupt that they cannot be reformed except by mass killing.”

Source: al-Bidāyah wal-Nihāyah 10/584

Hadith no: 172
Narrated / Authority Of: Abu Zubair
that Jabir bin Abdullah said: “The Messenger of Allah (saw) was in Jiranah and he was distributing gold nuggets and spoils of war which were in Bilal's lap. A man said: 'Do justice, O Muhammad (SAW)! For you have not done justice!' He said: 'Woe to you! Who will do justice after me if I do not do justice?' Umar said: 'O Messenger of Allah! Let me strike the neck of this hypocrite!' The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'This man has some companions who recite the Quran but it does not go any deeper than their collarbones. They will pass through Islam like an arrow passing through its target.'” (Sahih)

Hadith no: 173
Narrated / Authority Of: Ibn Abu Awfa
“The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'The Khawarij are the dogs of Hell.'” (Sahih)

Hadith no: 174
Narrated / Authority Of: Ibn Umar
that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “There will emerge people who will recite the Quran but it will not go any deeper than their collarbones. Whenever a group of them appears, they should be cut off (i.e., killed).” Ibn Umar said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: 'Whenever a group of them appears, they should be killed' - (he said it) more than twenty times - 'until Dajjal emerges among them.'” (Hasan)

Hadith no: 175
Narrated / Authority Of: Anas bin Malik
“The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: 'At the end of time or among this nation (Ummah) there will appear people who will recite the Qur'an but it will not go any deeper than their collarbones or their throats. Their distinguishing feature will be their shaved heads. If you see them, or meet them, then kill them.'”(Sahih)

Hadith no: 176
Narrated / Authority Of: Abu Ghalib
that Abu Umamah said: “(The Khawarij) are the worst of the slain who are killed under heaven, and the best of the slain are those who were killed by them. Those (Khawarij) are the dogs of Hell. Those people were Muslims but they became disbelievers.” I said: “O Abu Umamah, is that your opinion?” He said: “Rather I heard it from the Messenger of Allah (saw).” (Hasan)

Here comes conspiracy theorists.
There are always people like this on here, whenever there is a terrorist attack in a western country. However for some strange reasons they go silent and don't parrot the same slogan when these same Islamic extremists attack their home country they don't same the same thing. :p:

London attack: six people dead after van rampage on London Bridge and stabbings at Borough Market as three attackers killed by armed police

  • Nicola Harley

    • Luke Heighton

    • David Millward

    • Sophie Jamieson

    • Barney Henderson
4 JUNE 2017 • 5:42 AM

Six people have been killed and and multiple people are injured in a terrorist "rampage" at two central London landmarks.

Three attackers were shot dead by police in the attack on London Bridge and Borough Market. Police said they believed there were no more than three attackers.

A white transit van ploughed into a crowd of people on the bridge at speed shortly after 10pm. The three men then attacker people with knives at nearby Borough Market.


Credit: Gabriele Sciotto
The London Ambulance Service said more than 30 injured people had been taken to six hospitals. The Metropolitan Police force declared the attacks "terrorist incidents."

Hours after the attacks began, a large area of central London remained cordoned off and police told people to avoid the area, leaving tourists and revelers struggling to get home.

Bursts of gunfire echoed through the streets - likely from armed police - and at least three blasts rang out as police performed controlled explosions.

One picture from the Borough Market area showed a man lying on the ground who appears to have canisters strapped to him. Police later said the men were wearing hoax suicide vests.

People were evacuated from the area CREDIT: REUTERS / NEIL HALL
Holly Jones, a BBC reporter at London Bridge when the first incident happened, said a van had swerved off the road into a crowd of pedestrians.

"A white van driver came speeding - probably about 50mph - veered of the road into the crowds of people who were walking along the pavement," she told BBC News. People were thrown 20 feet into the air. One person reportedly jumped into the river to evade the attackers.

Within minutes there were reports of a second incident at Borough Market on the south bank of the Thames. One cab driver said three men ran towards the market stabbing people - including a young girl - as they ran.

An eyewitness on London Bridge, told the BBC he saw three men stabbing people indiscriminately, shouting "this is for Allah" in a "rampage".

Police entered bars and restaurants in the Southwark area around 11pm and told customers to get down on the floor amid reports that the incident was still ongoing. People outdoors were told by yelling police officers to run from the area as the atmosphere turned to one of “hysteria”.

Shortly before midnight police said they were attending a third incident in the Vauxhall area, but later said it was not connected.

British Transport Police said they were aware of reports of “multiple” casualties.

Prime Minister Theresa May, who was understood to be at her Maidenhead constituency when she was alerted to the news, will chair a Cobra meeting first thing on Sunday morning.

People were evacuated from hotels CREDIT: JEFF MOORE
The attack comes less than a fortnight after the Manchester suicide bombing and just three months after a terrorist ploughed into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge before stabbing a policeman to death at Parliament.

US President Donald Trump offered assistance to Britain via Twitter. "Whatever the United States can do to help out in London and the UK, we will be there - we are with you. God bless!".

5.30am summary
These are the facts of the London terror attack on Saturday night:

  • Police were called at around 10.08pm to reports of a vehicle striking pedestrians on London Bridge;
  • The white van then continued to drive to Borough Market;
  • Three men then left the vehicle and began to stab people, including a British Transport Police Officer;
  • The suspects were confronted and shot dead by police at Borough Market within eight minutes of the first call being made;
  • At least six people were killed, and more than 30 injured.

Juncker and Modi send their thoughts and prayers
The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, tweeted: "Following latest London incidents with horror. Thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Please stay safe." Indian Prime Minisiter Narendra Modi called the attack "shocking" and "anguishing".

"We condemn them," he said. "My thoughts are with the families of the deceased & prayers with the injured."

More than 80 medics responded to the attacks

Islamic State had called for 'all-out war' on West at start of Ramadan after Manchester attack
Josie Ensor reported last week:

European security services are bracing for more attacks during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, after Islamic State called on its followers to rise up in an “all-out war” on "infidels” in the West.

Saturday (May 27) marks the start of a 30-day period of fasting and reflection in the Islamic world, which has in recent years seen a large uptick in Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) terror attacks.

“Muslim brothers in Europe who can’t reach the Islamic State lands, attack them in their homes, their markets, their roads and their forums,” the jihadist group said in a message entitled Where are the lions of war? and published on YouTube.

Defending themselves after the suicide attack on Manchester Arena, which left 22 mostly children and teenagers dead, the group said: “Do not despise the work. Your targeting of the so-called innocents and civilians is beloved by us and the most effective, so go forth and may you get a great reward or martyrdom in Ramadan.”

There have been no claims of responsibility for the London terror attack.

Read the full article.

Police: London attackers were wearing hoax suicide vests

Police appeal for any images or video of the attack

Calls for General Election to be suspended
Several people on social media are calling for the General Election to be suspended.

British Transport Police officer 'seriously injured'
A British Transport Police (BTP) officer was stabbed in the face as he responded to the terrorist incident at London Bridge.

Emergency services rushed to the scene following reports of a vehicle ploughing into pedestrians around London Bridge and stabbings at Borough Market shortly after 10pm.

The BTP officer, who was on duty, was one of the first on the scene after he responded to calls for help from the public, the force said.

A spokeswoman said it was believed he was targeted by one of the three attackers who were later shot dead by police.

BTP said in a statement: "He received injuries to his head, face and leg, which, at this time, are believed to be serious but not life threatening."

"The officer is currently being treated in a central London hospital and his family are with him while he receives treatment."


Additional police deployed in London

Australian senator describes 'panic and dread'
An Australian politician has described the “panic and dread” of being caught up in the attacks in London.

Senator Sam Dastyari, who had been speaking to London Mayor Sadiq Kahn about terrorism earlier in the day, said he was having dinner near London Bridge at the time of the attack.

"We heard screaming — You could obviously tell there was an incident and someone starts running past, obviously covered in blood, kind of down the street," Senator Dastyari told ABC News.

“It takes you a moment to register whether or not obviously if it's a bar fight gone wrong or that kind of thing — you don't know whether it's anything more serious than that.

"The restaurants started to go into lockdown. There was a real sense of panic and dread that obviously runs through in these kind of scenarios."

He said police swept into their restaurant and moved the patrons upstairs to safety.

Mr Dastyari said he had been speaking to Mr Khan earlier in the day.

"We had a general chat. Sadiq said to me, 'The reality of being mayor is you have to be ready for these types of incidents now. They happen'."

'They could be anywhere, this is out of control'
Carrying her nine-year old daughter, Danny Farre, said: “This is a complete nightmare, we are stuck here while there are maniacs on the loose and nobody is helping us,” she told the New York Times. “They could be anywhere, this is out of control.”

Les Hunter, 33, from Liverpool, who was visiting a friend in London, stepped out of a pub as the incident unfolded at 10.15 pm

"We saw people running out of Borough Market and straight after heard gunshots,” he said.

“We went back into the pub and people starting running in telling us to get down and hide,” he recalled. “I ran up to the gents and hid, but when I looked out the window I saw a guy with blood all over his face and T-shirt.”

Six confirmed dead in London attacks
Six people have died in the terrorist incidents in London and three attackers have been shot dead by police, Scotland Yard said.

Police said they believed there were no more than three attackers.

"Armed response officers then responded very quickly and bravely and confronted the three male suspects who were shot and killed on Borough Market," Mark Rowley, Britain's top anti-terrorism officer, said.

"Sadly, six people have died in addition to the three attackers shot by police," he said.

"The suspects had been confronted and shot by police within eight minutes of the first call. The suspects were wearing what looked like explosive vests but these were later established to be hoaxes."

He added: "We believe three people were involved but we still have some more inquiries to be 100% confident on that."

Trump and May speak on the phone

Security tightened in New York
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement on Saturday that he had directed state law-enforcement officials to increase security at high-profile locations such as airports, bridges, tunnels and mass-transit systems.


'All they wanted to do was kill people'
Gerard Vowls said he was near the Borough market when he saw three attackers.

“All they wanted to do was kill people,” he said.

“It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever seen,” he told the Wall Street Journal.

Muslim Council of Britain 'appalled' by London attacks

Police appeal for people to let friends and family know they are safe

Attacker stabbed girl and said 'this is for Allah'

General Election disrupted by terrorism for second time within two weeks
The attacks on London Bridge and Borough Market mark the second time the General Election has been disrupted by an act of terrorism.

It comes less than two weeks after the parties suspended campaigning following the Manchester attack in which suicide bomber Salman Abedi killed 22 people attending an Ariana Grande concert.

There was no immediate announcement whether there would be a further suspension following the latest incident - which came just days before voters are due go to the polls on June 8.

Police officers walk at the scene of an apparent terror attack on London Bridge CREDIT: AFP

Amber Rudd: London attacks are horrific
Home Secretary Amber Rudd said the London attacks were "horrific":

This was an horrific attack in the heart of our capital city, targeted at people enjoying their evening with friends and family.

My thoughts are with the victims and all those affected by this incident.

As ever, in difficult and traumatic circumstances, I am extremely proud of and thankful to our police and emergency services who responded so swiftly and those who will work tirelessly as the investigation into this appalling act continues.

Met opens casualty bureau
The Metropolitan police have set up a casualty bureau. They have also set up phone lines for anyone seeking information about friends or relatives who may have been caught up in the attack:

  • 0800 096 1233
  • 020 7158 0197

Justin Trudeau: 'Awful news from London'

Friends search for journalist missing after the London terror attack
Friends of Geoff Ho, a business editor with Express Newspapers, are desperately searching for him after he was injured during the terror attack.

They believe Mr Ho was stabbed during the attack and was taken in an ambulance, but they have been unable to find out which hospital he was taken to.

Close friend Azeem Rasool said Mr Ho frequents the Borough Market area and was in a pub when the attack unfolded.

Mr Rasool described Geoff as his "big brother".

"I’ve known him my entire life, from high-school days," Mr Rasool said. “He’s an amazing guy and we love him and we just hope he’s safe".

Another friend Isabelle Oderberg tweeted: "We know he was stabbed and in an ambulance. We need news".

Police 'still searching for one suspect'


Latest statement from the Met Police

'They ran up and stabbed this girl - I don't know how many times - 10 times, maybe 15 times'
A witness named as Gerard described the series of stabbings by three men near Borough Market. "They were stabbing everyone. They were running up and going 'This is for Allah'," he told BBC News.

"They ran up and stabbed this girl - I don't know how many times - 10 times, maybe 15 times.

"She was going, 'Help me, help me' and I couldn't do nothing. I threw something - there was a bike on the floor. I threw something at them like a bike or a chair."

'France stands by the UK, today more than ever!'

People fleeing in terror

Police 'cannot confirm all terrorists accounted for'
Police are unable to confirm that all the terrorists involved in the London attack have been accounted for, Sky reports.

River Thames closure lifted

At least 20 injured
London Ambulance Service states it has taken at least 20 patients to six hospitals across London.

"We have taken at least 20 patients to six hospitals across London following the incident at London Bridge," the London Ambulance Service's assistant director of operations, Peter Rhodes, said in a statement on Sunday.

"We have also treated a number of people at the scene for less serious injuries," he added.

Hospitals on lockdown
Three major London hospitals said on Sunday that they were on lockdown after attacks near London Bridge late on Saturday in which up to seven people are feared dead.

"Due to the ongoing incident in central London, Guy's, St Thomas' & @EvelinaLondon are on lockdown to keep patients, relatives and staff safe," the authority that runs the hospitals said on Twitter.

Guy's Hospital is next to London Bridge rail station, and St Thomas' Hospital and the Evelina children's hospital are located a mile away.

'All Americans stand in solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom'
The US State Department said America "condemns the cowardly attacks targeting innocent civilians in London this evening". Spokeswoman Heather Nauert said: "The United States stands ready to provide any assistance authorities in the United Kingdom may request.

"Our hearts are with the families and loved ones of the victims. We wish a full and quick recovery to those injured in the attacks.

"All Americans stand in solidarity with the people of the United Kingdom."

Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop said: "We stand ready to support the British government as it responds to these attacks and our thoughts are with those injured and their families."

'Three men arrested'
Neal Tate said he saw two or three young men in their 20s being arrested in Borough High Street. He told reporters he was walking around the back of Guy's Hospital when he saw police cordons closing the streets off.

I found myself in an alleyway trying to get through to Borough High Street and then I found myself behind a civilian car with loads of police vans there.

Suddenly there was an arrest being made - two, maybe three guys being pushed up against the shutters of a shop.

The police were shouting at them and they were being very compliant.

The police to me looked like regular riot police. They didn't seem like the armed tactical group.

Explosions 'are police monitored'

Attacker stabbed girl and said 'this is for Allah' - witness

One eyewitness, named only as Gerard, told the BBC: "I saw a geezer lying on the floor saying he'd been stabbed

"I saw these three Muslim guys run up and started stabbing this girl. They attacked her and stabbed another guy.

"They started running up the road, stabbed the bouncer at the Tavern.

"I was throwing bottles at them, pint glasses, stools, chairs, but I was defenceless.

"They were running up saying 'this is for Allah'.

"They stabbed this girl maybe ten, 15 times. She was saying 'help me, help me'."

He claimed he had hit one of the attackers on the back of the head by throwing things at him, and was chased, but escaped unharmed.

John Stokes, London bus tour guide, said he counted eight people lying in the road or pavement receiving medical treatment on London Bridge.

He had arrived on the scene with a bus full of tourists moments after the attack, initially thinking it was a one-off traffic accident before seeing the number of casualties.

After the police arrived, he said, an office banged on the bus door and told everyone on the bus to run towards Monument.

"All the tourists on our bus ran for their lives," he said.

Ariana Grande sends her prayers to London
The popstar is due to play a benefit concert in Manchester today after her show was attacked by a suicide bomber two weeks ago.

Diners locked into restaurants as they hide from attackers
Jacky Dixon, 72, was having dinner with her husband in Applebee's restaurant in Borough Market when a girl ran in shouting: "There's someone out there with a gun and a machete."

She said: "She was absolutely beside herself. I think she actually saved our lives because the manager just shouted 'run' and we all went upstairs as he locked the doors.

"There were around 35 of us, all the customers and staff. We were up there for about 90 minutes and there was a lot of noise outside and a lot of shooting.

Members of the public, wrapped in emergency blankets leave the scene of the terror attack CREDIT: CHRIS J RATCLIFFE /AFP
"There was a burst of gunfire and then a second long and very big burst.

"When someone said we could leave, we all had to file out with our hands on our heads.

"There were loads of police and two robots. I didn't want to look but the others said three people had been shot. I heard they were wearing some form of canisters and the robots were there to disarm them.

"The police just shouted 'go, go, go' and we just ran for ages. We didn't know what to do. You feel very vulnerable on the street."

Richard who was in Arabica Bar in the centre of Borough Market said: "They shut everyone in and told us to get down because there was an attack happening.

"Everyone panicked there were 32 people in restaurant. People were screaming. No kids in there but a pregnant woman was with us.

"People got down then there was an incident in another bar and lots of drunk people were panicking.

"I saw someone covered in blood holding a wound go past the window.

"People tried to get out of the fire escape of the restaurant but I said we should stay inside. Police fired guns, it sounded like ten shots close together an automatic style weapon.

"I thought there was more than one gun my friend thought one we are not sure

"Another sweep was done of the street by police more coming and going then third sweep then police came back to evacuate us. I went past some people who hadbeen badly injured and were being attended to by ambulances

"I think both of the injured people I saw were women. One was in a very bad way, she was face down being attending by paramedics.

"The other was holding her neck and walking away and there was blood everywhere."

Another explosion heard at London Bridge
Our reporters on the scene have heard an explosion in the London Bridge area.

The police have not confirmed if it was a controlled explosion carried out by officers.

Picture shows man on ground with canisters strapped to him

A picture has been shared on social media showing a man lying on the ground who appears to have canisters strapped to him.

It was taken in the Borough Market area.

The BBC earlier tonight reported an unnamed eyewitness, a security guard who works across multiple bars and pubs in Borough Market, claiming to have seen a man with a canister strapped to his abdomen.

Stressing that the reports were unverified, the news channel claims the man saw the attackers after receiving a call from a colleague in another bar who said people had been stabbed.

The eyewitness described people running away screaming from three men, one wearing a red and black top. He claimed one man had a canister taped to his abdomen.

The man and his colleagues tried to throw chairs at the three attackers, who were going in and out of different bars, before helping to evacuate the area

Sadiq Khan condemns 'deliberate and cowardly attack'
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has released a full statement thanking emergency services and condemning the "deliberate and cowardly attack".

“The Metropolitan Police are responding to the horrific terrorist attack at London Bridge and Borough Market.

“My thoughts are with everyone affected, and I'd like to thank the brave men and women of our emergency services who were first on the scene and will be working throughout the night.

“I am in close contact with the Met Commissioner and senior officers and am being kept updated on all developments. I will be attending the government's emergency Cobra meeting later this morning.

“London Bridge Station is closed and we are asking people to avoid the area.

“The situation is still unfolding and I would ask all Londoners and visitors to our city to remain calm and vigilant. Please report anything suspicious to the police, but only call 999 in an emergency.

“We don't yet know the full details, but this was a deliberate and cowardly attack on innocent Londoners and visitors to our city enjoying their Saturday night. I condemn it in the strongest possible terms. There is no justification whatsoever for such barbaric acts.

“For further updates or information please follow the Metropolitan Police on Twitter.”

'Explosions' heard at Borough Market
Three explosions were heard at Borough Market at 1.25am. Reporters on the scene believe them to have been controlled explosions by the police.

"The first was small," said Telegraph reporter Kate McCann.

"The second a lot louder and then there has just been a third."

Emergency services rush to treat wounded
Alex Shellum, who was in the Mudlark pub with his girlfriend and two other friends, told the BBC: "At around 10pm a woman who appeared to be in her early 20s staggered into the blood bleeding heavily from the neck and her mouth.

"It appeared to myself and my friends that her throat had been cut.

"People went to her aid and the pub was shut.

"I could see to my left another individual outside the pub having CPR from the emergency services."

Redmond Shannon, journalist, tells the BBC that the violence was so extreme that witnesses he has spoken to are too traumatised to explain it.

One young man, he said, "told me that he saw a knife. He saw something happen which he said he couldn't articulate. He was extremely traumatised. He said if it had been two minutes later it would have been him."

People were evacuated from the scenes CREDIT: TOLGA AKMEN/LNP
Twenty walking wounded are being treated at the Andaz Hotel near Liverpool Street Station.

How to let friends and family know you are safe
As in previous attacks, Facebook has created a tool for people in the area to mark themselves as safe.

The feature allows users in the area to broadcast to their Facebook friends that they are safe, and for those concerned to check on their friends.

The Facebook page, titled "The Attack in London, United Kingdom", can be found here. People in the area can use it to "check in" as safe, and others can see which of their friends in the area have and have not checked in.

Video shows the scene at London Bridge

Acts of kindness amid terror attack
People on social media are offering refuge for those stuck in London.

Lara Al Ostta told Sky News she had been offered a lift by a stranger.

"We saw people running. We got into the nearest car, somebody offered us a lift. We saw a body on the floor people around him," she said.

"We got to London Bridge, there were two pedestrians on the bridge

""We saw someone covered in blood. His shorts were covered in blood. I have never seen anything like it."

Quoting a further eye witness, Sky reported that an assailant came into a restaurant in Borough Market brandishing a foot long knife, there were four other assailants outside. Diners hurled chairs and bottles to force them back.


Families ushered to safety as local hotel is evacuated
Our reporter Victoria Ward reports from a pub just outside the Borough High St cordon which is packed full of families, some with young children still wearing their pyjamas, who were evacuated from the Premier Inn.

Arron Miles, with two daughters aged eight and 11, was in bed when the fire alarm. "We just thought it was an incident in the building but we got to the door, the streets were swarming with police. I've never heard so many sirens.

"We were ushered down the street and were outside for a while before someone called us into the pub."

Barman Nathan Williams said they were preparing to close after a quiet night when three young men in their 20s had burst in, shouting that there had been a terrorist attack at London Bridge.

"They were talking about people being shot and lying on the floor," he said.

"One of them was very pale and it took a long time to get him to sit down.

"We bolted the doors and stayed put but then we became aware of a huge number of people, including young children, out in the street so we got them all inside."

Vauxhall incident unconnected to London Bridge and Borough Market
Police have said that the incident at Vauxhall was a stabbing, unconnected to the terrorist incidents at London Bridge and Borough Market.

Police have now officially declared the London Bridge and Borough Market attacks as 'terrorist incidents'.

Knifeman shouted 'this is for Allah' - reports
An eyewitness on London Bridge, told the BBC he saw three men stabbing people indiscriminately, shouting "this is for Allah".

He told how he saw a van driving on the pavement with people running out of the way, before three men got out.

"They literally just started kicking them, punching them, they took out knives. It was a rampage really," he said.

Armed Police on London Bridge CREDIT: DOMINIC LIPINSKI /PA
"They headed down towards Southwark Cathedral towards the bar, and starting running at people.

"People at the bar started fighting back. then the three of them decided to make their way up to the bridge

"A woman was staring at them and they started stabbing her.

"Throughout the whole way across the bridge, there were people littered across bleeding. People were trying to help each other."

He added he had heard them shouting "this is for Allah".

People were told to leave the area amid a 'major incident' CREDIT: DOMINIC LIPINSKI /PA
The BBC also reports an unnamed eyewitness, a security guard who works across multiple bars and pubs in Borough Market, claiming to have seen a man with a canister strapped to his abdomen.

Stressing that the reports were unverified, the news channel claims the man saw the attackers after receiving a call from a colleague in another bar who said people had been stabbed.

The eyewitness described people running away screaming from three men, one wearing a red and black top. He claimed one man had a canister taped to his abdomen.

The man and his colleagues tried to throw chairs at the three attackers, who were going in and out of different bars, before helping to evacuate the area.

Theresa May: This is a 'potential act of terrorism'
Theresa May has said that the "terrible incident" in London is being treated as a "potential act of terrorism".

The Prime Minister said: 'Following updates from police and security officials, I can confirm that the terrible incident in London is being treated as a potential act of terrorism.

'This is a fast moving investigation. I want to express my huge gratitude to the police and emergency services who are on the scene. Our thoughts are with those who are caught up in these dreadful events.'

Sources say SAS forces have been deployed in central London.

Jeremy Corbyn: 'Brutal and shocking incidents'

US President Donald Trump responds
Donald Trump has just started tweeting about the London incident, our US correspondent Harriet Alexander reports.

First he tweeted a demand that he be allowed to bring in his travel ban - something which will raise eyebrows here in the US.

He said: "We need to be smart, vigilant and tough. We need the courts to give us back our rights. We need the Travel Ban as an extra level of safety!"

He then tweeted an offer to help the UK in any way.

Tourists left seeking accommodation as hotels are evacuated
Staff working at a Premier Inn on Borough High St said that just after 10.30pm, a crowd of people suddenly burst into the hotel in panic.

One woman was hurt in the stampede. It was unclear if they had seen anything or were just reacting to the commotion.

Many of the 180 guests who had been staying there were evacuated as the police cordon extended and have been moved to a pub down the road.

Scores of others who were either staying in hotels in the area or live there were desperately trying to find alternative accommodation.

'Run Hide Tell' say police
The fact that police have initiated the "Run Hide Tell" policy signals this is a major ongoing incident.

Witnesses at the scene have described quick the police response was. People in the area have been told to stay inside and lock the doors. They are urging people to remain calm as they deal with the ongoing incident.

Liam lives in flat above Southwark Tavern with fiancé Claudia and told Radio 5: "Out of nowhere we heard screams. The restaurant opposite had been completely smashed up and people were shouting 'he's down there he's down' there pointing down to Borough Market. We then heard five or six very loud gunshots.

"Then we heard in the Slug and Lettuce just across the road in the other direction another big bang and armed police ran in there."

Another witness said someone had been stabbed inside the Southwark Tavern.

"We saw him, he was covered in blood. He was knocking on an ambulance saying please help me I've been stabbed."

Theresa May to chair a Cobra meeting on Sunday morning
Theresa May will chair a Cobra meeting about tonight's incidents first thing on Sunday morning.

It is understood that the Prime Minister was in her Maidenhead constituency when she was alerted to the news. So-called Cobra meetings are named after Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, where crisis response meetings are held. They usually include the Prime Minister and senior cabinet ministers as well as intelligence and security officials.

Mrs May held two Cobra meetings in one day less than two weeks ago on the day of the Manchester bombing.

The Shard and the Globe evacuated
The incidents have taken place in the heart of a popular area of the city for tourists.

Armed police have evacuated the Shard, the Globe and businesses in a mile radius of the scene.

People near London Bridge were told to 'run as fast as they could'
Members of the public in the London Bridge area were told by police to "run as fast as they could" westbound, witnesses have told our reporters at the scene.

Giovaanni Caccabelo was leaving Monument with friends when they heard they saw the van mount the pavement and strike people.

Credit: Ben Cawthra/LNP
He told the Telegraph: "I was actually outside the underground and I saw a white van drive into people. People were on the ground everywhere.

"The van was just mowing people down, everyone was screaming. People have been injured, they are trying to save their lives on the ground. The police made us get into a building and have put it on lockdown."

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, a group of TFL workers evacuated from Bank Station said that some "nutter" had gone "on a rampage on London Bridge".

Paul Henderson, a TFL worker, said: "We got asked to come up about five minutes ago. Apparently some nutter has gone on a rampage on London Bridge, and we were told that there's been stabbings on the high street."

People in bars told to get down
A man who was in a pub right by Borough Market said police rushed in and told everyone to get down.

He said: "We were on the floor for about 15 minutes while the police secured the pub, then we had to get down again a few minutes later.

"After 40 minutes they told everyone to get out. We were told to run so we legged it."

Video has emerged of police storming a bar.

Footage from the scene shows members of the public, mostly young and dressed for a night out, walking with their hands on their heads as they leave the Borough Market area under the supervision of police.

'At least two killed' in London Bridge area
Police sources have said at least two people have been killed in the London Bridge area.

Theresa May returns to Downing Street

Prime Minister Theresa May, who has been campaigning in the General Election, was returning to Downing Street to receive further briefings from security officials, No 10 said.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer said US president Donald Trump had been briefed on the incident by his national security team.

Another incident in Vauxhall

Van driver 'travelling at 50mph' veered into crowds of people, witness says
Holly Jones, a BBC reporter who was on London Bridge at the time of the incident, said she had seen a man in handcuffs being taken away from the scene.

She said a white transit van had knocked several pedestrians over, estimating five or six casualties injured or seriously injured.

"A white van driver came speeding - probably about 50mph - veered of the road into the crowds of people who were walking along the pavement," she told BBC News.

"He swerved right round me and then hit about five or six people. He hit about two people in front of me and then three behind.

I'd say there are about four severely injured people. They all have paramedics assisting them at the moment."

Chris Wimpress, who works for the BBC, described the aftermath as "pandemonium".

He went to the bridge after being told of an unfolding incident.

"I was told there was something major happening," he said. "As I walked down Southwark Street heading east, I started to see dozens of people running away, clearly distraught. Mostly young people, many of them in tears.

"Men walking in an almost zombified state, looking shocked

"It appears a van came down from the city into the London Bridge area."

He added that witnesses had told him there was a stabbing in the Southwark Tavern, while others heard at least 12 gunshots in the area.

Two people, he said, had told him there were "men dressed in black"

"I saw people outside running ... police told us to leave the area quickly"
Our reporter Eleanor Steafel is in Southwark Street where people have been told by police to run.

People in the area are are hysterical, she reports, with one girl on the phone screaming, "It's happening!"

Armed police are walking horses of people away from the area and a lot buildings between the Globe and the bridge seem to be in the process of being evacuated.

Telegraph reporter Patrick Sawer spoke to bar manager Taylan Bonadie who told how he suddenly saw dozens of people fleeing away from London Bridge past his pub, the Trinity, in Borough High St.

He said: "People looked scared. They were running and police were telling everyone to leave. Somebody said there was another incident in Borough Market.

"We locked the doors to keep the customers safe until police advised them to leave and make their way home."

One drinker, Emma, who had been in a pub close to a London Bridge with friends, said they had been forced to abandon their night out as police cleared the area.

"We were having a drink when suddenly I saw people outside running and the next thing police told us to leave the area quickly. It was terrifying," she said.

Reports incident is ongoing - Police tell people in local bars and restaurants to get on the floor
Police have been entering bars and restaurants in the area and telling customers to get down on the floor amid reports that the incident is still ongoing.

London Bridge is closed both ways Transport for London (TfL) said, warning the public to avoid the area.

Trains are currently not stopping at London Bridge or Borough stations.

Scotland Yard said officers were at the scene and it would update with further information.

London Ambulance said multiple resources were attending the area.

Latest pictures from the scene

Credit: Dominic Lipinski /PA
Credit: Dominic Lipinski /PA
Credit: Dominic Lipinski /PA
Credit: Dominic Lipinski /PA
Credit: Will Heaven
Credit: jo55adams

Police told everyone in Southwark Street to "run", our reporter at scene
Eleanor Steafel says: "I'm in Southwark Street where everyone has just been told by police to run. People are hysterical. One girl is on the phone screaming "it's happening!"."

Second incident at Borough Market, say police
Police dealing with two incidents, London Bridge and Borough Market

Police entering bars and restaurants
Police have been entering bars and restaurants in the area and telling customers to get down on the floor amid reports that the incident is still ongoing.

"Significant" gunfire reported and up to six shots fired near the Shard
There are now reports of" five or six shots" fired or explosions of some kind from witnesses on Southwark Street, about 300 yards from the Shard.

"The sense I'm getting is that this is not a situation that is over," LBC's reporter on ground has said. "This is still an incident that is very much ongoing".

Second incident reported at Borough Market
Police are reportedly dealing with a second incident at Borough Market half a mile away.

Police start mass evacuation of all buildings surrounding London Bridge
Armed police are evacuating people within a mile radius of the scene, buildings including the Globe and the are being evacuated.


Van "swerved into crowd"
Holly Jones, a BBC reporter saw a van swerve into a crowd.

"A white van driver came speeding - probably about 50mph - veered of the road into the crowds of people who were walking along the pavement," she told BBC News.

"He swerved right round me and then hit about five or six people. He hit about two people in front of me and then three behind.

"I'd say there are about four severely injured people. They all have paramedics assisting them at the moment."

Witness first thought somebody lying on the ground was drunk
Nick Archer was swiftly on the scene.

"We had been drinking and came out the on to the road and looked and looked to my left and there as a guy, I thought he was just drinking but he was lying on the floor," he told Sky News

"And then a couple of seconds later, about three police vans flew past.The guys who were with the guy on the floor flagged the car down."

Reports bomb disposal unit has arrived at London Bridge as injured being given CPR
The bomb squad has arrived on the scene, while several people thought to be suffering from knife wounds are being given CPR by ambulance staff.

Witness say they 'saw people being stabbed'
One woman said: "We were in London Bridge station. An announcement came on which said that due to an emergency the station was closing and to leave via the nearest exit.

"We left the station and crossed the road. There were lots of blue lights to our left on the bridge and to our right. "We crossed over to tooley street and then saw crowds of people running which created a sense of panic.

"We ended up walking towards the river with a crowd of people. A few people jumped the fence.

"We got to the river and walked down to Hayes galleria. There were helicopters and police boats on the river. We went into cote.

"There was a woman and her husband crying. They said a van had mowed people down on London Bridge and were stabbing and shooting people. They were both very upset."

Report Bank Station has been closed
There are reports that Bank station, just a few hundred yards north across the Thames from London Bridge, has also been closed.

"Police got out of BMW 4x4 , they were carrying machine guns"
Will Heaven, the managing editor of the Spectator was in a cab on London Bridge minutes after the incident began.

"It was ten past ten, quarter past 10, quarter past ten. I was in an Uber going over London Bridge.

"I saw there was somebody on the ground with a small crowd around them. It looked as if somebody had collapsed.

"Then there was another person, not on the pavement but on the ground. Then the penny dropped that something had happened," he said.

"Police got out of a BMW 4x4, they were carrying a machine guns," he added. "I saw one person getting into an ambulance, they were clearly in a bad way, they were being comforted by first responders.

"There was tremendous gunfire"
Tony Murphy, a former serviceman, heard the incident unfold from his nearby flat on Upper Thames Street. "There was tremendous gunfire. At first I thought it was fireworks, then I recognised it was significant gunfire"


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