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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.

Unfortunately this will lead to strict checks and possible deportation of some who might have no bad intention at all. World works on some level of basic trust. If people break and not follow then this world will become a mess. People should understand the war also needs to follow rules, else we are going back to medival ages.

Nothing will happen.
Everyone will pretend the attacks are ghastly, give some politically correct speeches and go to sleep until the next attack. Rinse & repeat.

This is not the first and won't be the last.
Nothing will happen.
Everyone will pretend the attacks are ghastly, give some politically correct speeches and go to sleep until the next attack. Rinse & repeat.

This is not the first and won't be the last.
I disagree. I am highly active on twitter and I have seen sea change in how people use to express. It's building up and someday will come out. Some of this will play into how police behaves and you will not realize it today.
I disagree. I am highly active on twitter and I have seen sea change in how people use to express. It's building up and someday will come out. Some of this will play into how police behaves and you will not realize it today.

People have no say in policies. Imagine a JK Rowling, sitting pretty & safe behind the sturdy walls of her palace preaching about how we should welcome everyone, all the while not letting even one homeless person into her palace? Worse thing is more people follow her than the people you follow.

This is not being done in isolation. The narrative is already decided and "people" will be deceived into buying it.

Nothing will happen buddy. We will cry, pretend outrage and will still twiddle thumbs at taking action against known terrorists in order not offend certain sections. Let's not pretend otherwise.
Reports coming in that two of the attackers were shot dead by police. These are unconfirmed though.
All the big things have already happened I don't know what do you mean by "nothing big will happen" , could you elaborate ?
I meant nothing big in stopping these attacks will happen. This same shite will be repeated in some other European cities after few days. These things are a part and parcel of Europe now.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan labels attacks as 'deliberate and cowardly
Shit man, woke up to another terrorist attack just 2 week after Manchester bombing

RIP to the dead, glad that you are save @waz
Yes that's accurate.
A woman witness said she saw at least 3 people with their necks cut near the bridge!
Really sad happening, and above all in England..
This isnt half over, these animals throng east London, and a dozen other cities. These are the offspring of the same seed that has child molestation gangs , it is the same seed that makes issues with whether you wear a cap or not or the length of your leg garments.

Ataturk was right to wipe them out, but like a virus they lived. And now my favorite city has to bear its openness and tolerance for such scum
I didnt knew attaturk wiped out zionists or mosad or cia....with the level of knowledge u have atleast comment responsibly...

This menace wont stop and will reach all corners of the world unless the people in the west rise up and start questioning the notorious activities and peculiar allegiences of segments deep inside their intel agencies and govt, this wont stop until we start pointing fingers at the right people, most people believe this terrorism etc are the acts of maniancs but in reality these are cold and calculated global designs of people who are benefiting massively form this blood of innocents, may the latest victims of these animals rest in peace...
I didnt knew attaturk wiped out zionists or mosad or cia....with the level of knowledge u have atleast comment responsibly...

This menace wont stop and will reach all corners of the world unless the people in the west rise up and start questioning the notorious activities and peculiar allegiences of segments deep inside their intel agencies and govt, this wont stop until we start pointing fingers at the right people, most people believe this terrorism etc are the acts of maniancs but in reality these are cold and calculated global designs of people who are benefiting massively form this blood of innocents, may the latest victims of these animals rest in peace...
Here comes conspiracy theorists.
I didnt knew attaturk wiped out zionists or mosad or cia....with the level of knowledge u have atleast comment responsibly...
With the level of knowledge I have, I dont make copy paste statements of zionists(you probably should learn by noe that Mossad is the intellegence arm of the zionist state of Israel, no need to repeat the same thing twice even in a copy paste instinct in your mind) or cia or raw. Just a whitewash of trying to hide from the truth.

I suppose your level of knowledge blames Christians in Pakistan for being blasphemous and then getting killed by "innocent" mobs??

There is a problem, a problem in muslims all over the world. It isn't Islam because Islam at the end is a collection of scriptures that people who call themselves Muslims choose to believe and express as a function of their own character. This problem isnt confined to Islam nor will be over time or in past years- but at the end Muslims are people we connect with and frankly the ones that bother us.

So Ill continue to use whatever knowledge and information I have to call them out where it is clear that there is malignancy within the body
With the level of knowledge I have, I dont make copy paste statements of zionists(you probably should learn by noe that Mossad is the intellegence arm of the zionist state of Israel, no need to repeat the same thing twice even in a copy paste instinct in your mind) or cia or raw. Just a whitewash of trying to hide from the truth.

I suppose your level of knowledge blames Christians in Pakistan for being blasphemous and then getting killed by "innocent" mobs??

There is a problem, a problem in muslims all over the world. It isn't Islam because Islam at the end is a collection of scriptures that people who call themselves Muslims choose to believe and express as a function of their own character. This problem isnt confined to Islam nor will be over time or in past years- but at the end Muslims are people we connect with and frankly the ones that bother us.

So Ill continue to use whatever knowledge and information I have to call them out where it is clear that there is malignancy within the body
So u r in the buisiness of passing verdicts n judgements now??, eh? no im not one of those who believe in mob justice, so stuf it next time before lobbing acusations in to thin air...n i take my words back , u have zero knowledge of things.....how dare u accuse my religion....i can lob accusations too n believe me libararies can be filled by the topic "terrorism n christianity"....islam maybe a collection of scriptires to u, but not to us, so keep ur extremist views to urself.....if there is a problem in muslims according to u, than why do u fail to mention the problem jews of israel have when they slaughther palestinians for their territorial genocide and the many many problems christianity has from klu klux clans to religious racism towards blacks to forced conversions and genocides of aborginals, africans and redindians to capatalistic wars in ME which created these groups, was there isis in iraq before the west invaded it.....these are humans murdering each other for capataliam nothing else, dont drag religion into it just because the media tells u to...n oh yeah mosad is the arm of zionist israel???..,.i didnt know that:hitwall:, focus more on the matter rather than bieng an editor of words, or maybe thats ur favourite escape route...there is a fat toad altaf sitting in Uk protected by the english govt, a uk citizen who has orchestrated the murder of thousands in karachi, how is he different than osama bin ladin??, why does the uk turn a blind eye towards that??, they are harbouring a terrorist, but its ok when pakistanis are getting killed, right??....ur hypocracy stinks to high heavens....
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Terrorist with alleged canister bomb strapped on their chest

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