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Possible new terror attack in London unfolding.


Sep 15, 2006
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United Kingdom
I've just heard new from friends who work in the met. Something has happened at London Bridge.
News is stil coming in. It's not on the major networks yet.

A white van has run down pedestrians at London Bridge.

There are now three incidents one at the Shard and at Borough market. Oh my God....
There are now three incidents one at the Shard and at Borough market. Oh my God....

The face of the UK will change forever now.
Currently watching news coverage on American TV.

Witness on the bridge currently talking to CNN says it was a van swerving on and off the payment knocking people over.
Van hits pedestrians on London bridge

Police are responding to reports that a van has hit a number of pedestrians on London Bridge in central London.
Witnesses have said that armed officers are understood to be at the scene after a white transit van mounted the pavement before driving into people.
The Met Police say they are dealing with an incident on the bridge and "multiple resources" are in attendance.
Transport for London said the bridge has been closed in both directions due to a "major police incident".
■ Latest updates on London Bridge incident
Bus routes were being diverted and Southwark Bridge has also been shut, it added.
BBC reporter Holly Jones, who was on the bridge at the time of the incident, said the van was driven by a man and was "probably travelling at about 50 miles an hour".
About five people were being treated for injuries after the vehicle mounted the pavement and hit them, she said.
She said the van, which was travelling from the direction of central London, headed towards the south side of the river.
Ms Jones later reported seeing a man being arrested by police. She said he was handcuffed and had his shirt off.
London Ambulance Service tweeted: "Multiple resources attending an incident at #LondonBridge, please avoid the area".

Source : BBC

London police report 'incident' on London Bridge
By Steve Almasy and Natalie Gallon, CNN

Updated 2204 GMT (0604 HKT) June 3, 2017


Report: Incident at London Bridge 00:54
(CNN)There has been an incident on London Bridge, London's Metropolitan Police said Saturday night.

"We are dealing with an incident on #LondonBridge, when we have more information we will update this twitter feed."
A witness, Mark Roberts, told CNN that he was on the bridge when a van came swerving down the roadway at a high rate of speed.
The van hit several people, knocking one person about 20 feet into the air, he said. It swerved into oncoming lanes before hitting a bus stop and coming to a stop, Roberts said.
"Within my line of sight, there were five or six people on the ground that were not moving," he said. "It looked to me that the van was aiming at the people."
Roberts said he heard what sounded like gunshots a brief time later. He estimated 100 people were on the bridge at the time.

inRead invented by Teads
Both lanes of the bridge were blocked, police said.
Authorities have not said what caused the incident.
The US embassy in London tweeted: "Please avoid the area and monitor local news/@metpoliceuk for updates."
England has been on edge since May 22, when a suicide bomber killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena.
The bridge incident also comes more than two months after a man drove an SUV into a crowd on the sidewalk along Westminster Bridge in London, killing at least four people.
After ramming the car into a barrier outside the Houses of Parliament, the driver got out and stabbed a police officer to death. The attacker was gunned down by a police officer.
The assailant, Khalid Masood, 52, of West Midlands, reportedly had a criminal record and may have had connections to violent extremism, British Prime Minister Theresa May said.
Developing story - more to come
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