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Port wars: India Lacks a Competitive Trade Strategy for Chabahar

Website does not prove anything. From Mumbai the most effective means of trade with Europe is through Suez. That is a fact. China does not have a port adjacent to Suez or even Indian Ocean. Thus to access Europe a Trans Siberian or Trans Central Asia route across the urals make sense.

Okay, sir. You can believe what you want, we will do what we want.

You see, Europe is a big continent. For India, the INSTC cuts down our access to Russia, Eastern Europe and the Nordic countries by a month and at a cheaper rate while also giving us access to Central Asia, which we cannot access today. Both Moscow and the Suez are about 5800Km away from Mumbai. So we'll do our own thing here.
India is doing it just because Pakistan has CPEC. They can't do much with Chabahar realistically: always over promise and under deliver. That's India.

India will first have to get its own investment going to stop the declining trend in its economy, get Make in India off the ground so they can make something to trade and finally work for peace in Af. 20 years away from some usage.

They really don't want peace in Af. Chabahar is all just a cover to send more Jadhavs over.
India is doing it just because Pakistan has CPEC. They can't do much with Chabahar realistically: always over promise and under deliver. That's India.

India will first have to get its own investment going to stop the declining trend in its economy, get Make in India off the ground so they can make something to trade and finally work for peace in Af. 20 years away from some usage.

They really don't want peace in Af. Chabahar is all just a cover to send more Jadhavs over.

INSTC has been in the works since the late 90s. It officially began in 2000. It was stalled simply because Iran was under sanctions.

INSTC and CPEC are totally different.
So far 1 shipment and all the drama

And that's before it has officially begun.

South Korea’s second batch of steel weighing 5,500 tons was unloaded at the Iranian port of Chabahar in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province, an official with the province’s Ports and Maritime Office said on Wednesday.

The International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) connecting Mumbai with St Petersburg and beyond – which has been 17 years in the making – is set to be operationalised from the middle of next month with the first consignment from India to Russia.
And that's before it has officially begun.

South Korea’s second batch of steel weighing 5,500 tons was unloaded at the Iranian port of Chabahar in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province, an official with the province’s Ports and Maritime Office said on Wednesday.

The International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) connecting Mumbai with St Petersburg and beyond – which has been 17 years in the making – is set to be operationalised from the middle of next month with the first consignment from India to Russia.
South Korean.....not Indian.
India was making big claims that it's a CPEC killer but you have only used the port once and that was a drama. Since then nothing. So the Koreans have sent a shipment......wow...let's givethat to Indian So that makes 2
South Korean.....not Indian.
India was making big claims that it's a CPEC killer but you have only used the port once and that was a drama. Since then nothing. So the Koreans have sent a shipment......wow...let's givethat to Indian So that makes 2

You are pretty clueless right? Chabahar has been a fully functioning port for years. It's been expanded from 2.5 million tons to 8 million tons. That's 8 times more than what Gwadar can handle every year right now.
You are pretty clueless right? Chabahar has been a fully functioning port for years. It's been expanded from 2.5 million tons to 8 million tons. That's 8 times more than what Gwadar can handle every year right now.
Of course I am. I don't do surgical strike with invisible men and invisible bullets and invisible dead bodies.
8 time more than gwadar. Again Indian small penis syndrome
This map points out the route as
1: India to Iran via Arabian sea
2: Through out Iran, mountainous & desert regions
3: Cespian Sea, Iran to Russia
4: Russia to Baltic States ultimately connecting with Rest of Europe via Polish funnel.
So first trade goods will start from India to Iran via Sea vessels, then they will be loaded on trucks that will travel through out Iran on road which is yet to exist, then it will offload somewhere in North Iran and load on sea vessels again. Then they will travel through sea and offload again in Russian caucus region. There they will be loaded on land cargo units and will travel through out West Russia to enter in Baltic states, from there they will enter into Europe heartland.
Sorry to say, if this is the real plan for INSTC then feasibility of its success is close to zero.
This map points out the route as
1: India to Iran via Arabian sea
2: Through out Iran, mountainous & desert regions
3: Cespian Sea, Iran to Russia
4: Russia to Baltic States ultimately connecting with Rest of Europe via Polish funnel.
So first trade goods will start from India to Iran via Sea vessels, then they will be loaded on trucks that will travel through out Iran on road which is yet to exist, then it will offload somewhere in North Iran and load on sea vessels again. Then they will travel through sea and offload again in Russian caucus region. There they will be loaded on land cargo units and will travel through out West Russia to enter in Baltic states, from there they will enter into Europe heartland.
Sorry to say, if this is the real plan for INSTC then feasibility of its success is close to zero.

Epic Fail. LOL :p:

INSTC is all about water and railroad connectivity rather than mere road transportation. And Multiple dry runs had already been conducted and it successfully proved that we could easily save over USD 2000 per container transported as against Transshipment. Just wait for the official opening of the same which will be somewhere around middle of this year.


The irony is some of your so called blood brothers especially Azer bhai jaan is also a part and party in this initiative, our plan to circumvent Pakistan and reach central Asia and beyond. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I stand by my words. Such routes which pass through numerous 'hot' geopolitical landscapes of opposing nature are bound to fail.
Good Luck.
Epic Fail. LOL :p:

INSTC is all about water and railroad connectivity rather than mere road transportation. And Multiple dry runs had already been conducted and it successfully proved that we could easily save over USD 2000 per container transported as against Transshipment. Just wait for the official opening of the same which will be somewhere around middle of this year.


The irony is some of your so called blood brothers especially Azer bhai jaan is also a part and party in this initiative, our plan to circumvent Pakistan and reach central Asia and beyond. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
chabahar is not cpec, India is not solely dependent on it. It is just one of ports which will be useful to trade with central asia and connect with afghanistan.
Chabahar at the right now would increase trade by a few percentage points more. Right now central asia is not a big market to lose sleep over.

If not for pakistan's stubborness of not allowing transit trade it would not make much news. Pakistan has to stop creating unnecessary conspiracy theories & avoid the mentality of calling it as competitor to gwadar.
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