More than needed population is absolutely a bomb. Especially in developing country where alot of people have no access to health care and proper sanitation facilities.
I read somewhere Pakistan has highest population growth (IIRC 3.5%) in South Asia after Afghanistan. But Afghanistan has a higher mortality rate so Pakistanis are currently bent on producing more Pakistanis at a higher speed than rest of South Asia's growth rate.
This is alarming. The cities are exploding with population, the sizes of city have multiplied in last decades and is contineuing to grow.
To stop this higher growth rate, the goverment has a role (btw, honestly i think the Goverments in Pakistan in last 2 decades have done quite a lot to control the population growth but it can do more),,, then Religious Mullahs can play a role in convincing people to produce only those number of childs which they properly feed. Mullahs can convince people that God will not feed and educate their large number of childs,, they have to do themselves with their own resources, as God helps only those who help themselves. Also, the TV and Electronic media can play a bigger role.
Even bigger problem is, the majority who has higher number of childs, is not rich or educated,, it is usually poor lower class, who cant even feed themselves and then they produce alot of childs and throw in to the motor workshops, textile factories, etc where the children are emotionally, sexually, physically abused. Thats a fact that very few people will admit.
I think the Chinese did well in enforcing one child policy. Somebody needs to do something about it in Pakistan, if it wants a brighter future for the youth of the country, and the country itself.