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Popular Iranian TV Series Blows Cover of High-Ranking MI6 Agents


Dec 29, 2019
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
The series is named "Gāndo" after a local crocodile species native to southeastern Iran.

Its first season dealt with the Jason Rezaian affair from the viewpoint of the IRGC Intelligence team in charge of the file. Rezaian, The Washington Post's reporter in Iran, was arrested in July 2014 and held on espionage charges. In January 2016, he was released; on the same day, the US regime unblocked 1.7 billion USD of frozen Iranian funds.

Some observers consider that the series has functioned as a vehicle for particular institutions in Iran to convey messages. In season one for example, outgoing Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, without being named was indirectly criticized for negotiating Rezaian's release with former American Secretary of State John Kerry, whereas continued detention of Rezaian could have shed further light on the western-controlled espionage network he was said to have participated in. When the episode in question was broadcast, Zarif publicly protested the series.

And now in season two, the makers of "Gāndo" seem to have incorporated further subtle messaging into their work. In one scene, photographs of several European looking persons presented as British MI6 agents are shown on a computer screen.

Shortly afterwards, a Twitter account considered to be affiliated with the IRGC commented as follows: "Without a doubt, officials and officers of Britain's intelligence agency were shocked to watch the pictures of high-ranking MI6 officers in an Iranian television series. ( ... ) We reiterate again: "If needed, we will get even closer than this.""

Interestingly the UK's new ambassador to Iran Simon Shercliff, who has held several security-related posts before (namely, as the president of Britain's National Security Office as well as head of the National Counter-Terrorism Security Office), stated that he is following "Gāndo".

As of yesterday, internet users who searched online for these images noticed that they had never been previously uploaded anywhere.

The publication of these photographs tends to speak for the level of competence attained by the intelligence branch of Iran's IRGC. Generally speaking, it is a testament to the shadow war in the realm of intelligence between the Islamic Republic and NATO member states plus the zionist regime.

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Source: https://www.mashreghnews.ir/photo/1264702/


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At any rate, "Gāndo" enjoys great production quality and makes for some very recommended viewing. It is available online but unfortunately I never found a subtitled version to this day.






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So it's a six ***** team? Right?...

So they banned the word, I can't even make puns s***
i am here just because i am giggling like a stupid 14 years old kid ... ummmm guess why!
G@ndo is a Baluchi word meaning crocodile in english. Not sure what it means in Ordu :D
Rouhani admin for several times censored the parts of this popular serial. I am sure that you know the reason. They complained to judiciary for plenty of times to stop broadcasting this serial movie.

Those pictures of MI6 agents are real, this serial movie is an outstanding product for this very reason.
G@ndo is a Baluchi word meaning crocodile in english. Not sure what it means in Ordu :D
Rouhani admin for several times censored the parts of this popular serial. I am sure that you know the reason. They complained to judiciary for plenty of times to stop broadcasting this serial movie.

Those pictures of MI6 agents are real, this serial movie is an outstanding product for this very reason.

looks legit in terms of geopolitics of the great game
G@ndo is a Baluchi word meaning crocodile in english. Not sure what it means in Ordu :D
Rouhani admin for several times censored the parts of this popular serial. I am sure that you know the reason. They complained to judiciary for plenty of times to stop broadcasting this serial movie.

Those pictures of MI6 agents are real, this serial movie is an outstanding product for this very reason.
It means a**, and is reserved for gays
The series is named "Gāndo" after a local crocodile species native to southeastern Iran.

Its first season dealt with the Jason Rezaian affair from the viewpoint of the IRGC Intelligence team in charge of the file. Rezaian, The Washington Post's reporter in Iran, was arrested in July 2014 and held on espionage charges. In January 2016, he was released; on the same day, the US regime unblocked 1.7 billion USD of frozen Iranian funds.

Some observers consider that the series has functioned as a vehicle for particular institutions in Iran to convey messages. In season one for example, outgoing Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, without being named was indirectly criticized for negotiating Rezaian's release with former American Secretary of State John Kerry, whereas continued detention of Rezaian could have shed further light on the western-controlled espionage network he was said to have participated in. When the episode in question was broadcast, Zarif publicly protested the series.

And now in season two, the makers of "Gāndo" seem to have incorporated further subtle messaging into their work. In one scene, photographs of several European looking persons presented as British MI6 agents are shown on a computer screen.

Shortly afterwards, a Twitter account considered to be affiliated with the IRGC commented as follows: "Without a doubt, officials and officers of Britain's intelligence agency were shocked to watch the pictures of high-ranking MI6 officers in an Iranian television series. ( ... ) We reiterate again: "If needed, we will get even closer than this.""

Interestingly the UK's new ambassador to Iran Simon Shercliff, who has held several security-related posts before (namely, as the president of Britain's National Security Office as well as head of the National Counter-Terrorism Security Office), stated that he is following "Gāndo".

As of yesterday, internet users who searched online for these images noticed that they had never been previously uploaded anywhere.

The publication of these photographs tends to speak for the level of competence attained by the intelligence branch of Iran's IRGC. Generally speaking, it is a testament to the shadow war in the realm of intelligence between the Islamic Republic and NATO member states plus the zionist regime.

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Source: https://www.mashreghnews.ir/photo/1264702/


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At any rate, "Gāndo" enjoys great production quality and makes for some very recommended viewing. It is available online but unfortunately I never found a subtitled version to this day.






The name threw me off. I thought it was about the indians, because in Urdu we refer to the species found across Pakistan's eastern border as gan**
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