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Popular Front of India’s role in 2011 Mumbai, 2012 Pune, 2013 Hyd blasts found: Intel agencies

That is because the CPM is regarded as the Hindu party as opposed to the UDF partners. That will change if & when the BJP/RSS becomes stronger.

Not really.... The highest number of clashes RSS has is also with CPM........ (their clashes are much more than between cpm and ndf)
That is true but CPM is not a Hindu party by any stretch of imagination.....

Not in that sense but that its base of supporters come from within that group as against the base of the UDF.
They are not only in Kerala. they are very much available in karnataka too...
I don't understand,Why these so called 'patriots' in this forum keeps dragging and blaming Kerala and Malayali Muslims for each and every incidents,which had no direct relations with them??.
Bhatkal is in uthara Karnataka,where Muslims are largely konkani speakers and those jihadists like Riyaz,Yasin were from that religion only..
good.. not sure whether it will work in court...
what happened to the hindu groups that caused blasts... any movement in those cases or they will be spared..?
Ah! So that means Kerala is communalized beyond control. If you cannot say anything against them, that means you don't have freedom.

And just a few months ago, you were screaming and hurling abuses on anyone questioning UDF-PFI and defending your 'secular' soon-to-be-Kashmir state.

Living in denial won't change reality friend. Like it or not, your state is going down the drain due to the self-proclaimed Peaceful people.

Secular huh?

Very secular I see.
He will say aaaal is well.
good.. not sure whether it will work in court...
what happened to the hindu groups that caused blasts... any movement in those cases or they will be spared..?

None have been proven guilty till date except media furore.

Try something better than a false screen name.
If you want to take a dig at BJP, ok fine. But why put words in my mouth. Where did i say kerala Muslims were responsible? I merely asked whether PFI has its roots in kerala because of their cadre strength there. And deshdrohis are not limited to the places you've mentioned - they can be found everywhere also not limited to Muslims alone
Then just look the way this thread is progressing..Blaming Kerala for NO reason..Already Keralities are being called as sickular,less patriotic,anti Hindus in this forum..
Ajit doval makes me proud to be Indian I feel India will remain safe with him present.
Not in that sense but that its base of supporters come from within that group as against the base of the UDF.

Hindus may not have an overt political party per say in kerala but from what I've heard hindu orgs like NSS/SNDP hold much sway to keep their interests secure
Then just look the way this thread is progressing..Blaming Kerala for NO reason..Already Keralities are being called as sickular,less patriotic,anti Hindus in this forum..
hindutva crowd rule pdf...and all online forums... may be it reflects real mood across India :coffee:
ah... same with popular front..right?

Popular front have
ah... same with popular front..right?

July 2010, Kerala Police had unearthed country-made bombs, weapons and CDs and documents containing Taliban and Al-Queda propaganda from PFI activists

hindutva crowd rule pdf...and all online forums... may be it reflects real mood across India :coffee:

Hindutva rules India full stop as they have too much power but India is a dharmic country afterall so it is okay.
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