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Popular Front of India(PFI) Volunteer Force(Army) of Indian Muslims Emerging from the South


Sep 26, 2018
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To counter the extremist RSS and BJP the Muslims of South India in recent years have launched an organisation by merging smaller outfits, that seems more lethal and disciplined than its rival RSS. This force/outfit has sent panic waves in the Hindu extremist ranks. There are calls to ban PFI or send its volunteers to Pakistan.

Tens of thousands of Muslims in the South are members of this force, plans are to expand in the centre and North as well.



They hold a massive Unity March every year below is a video of their march.

Looking at their organisation and discipline a few weapons and training can make them a big headache for Indias vulnerable Southern belt. Interesting times ahead.
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If Indian Muslims and communities aren't preparing themselves with weapons and militia then they can't be helped

The writing is on the wall , it's time for you to train and get ready
They need structural command and finance. Otherwise, like Khaaksar threek, they will vanish when the leader is gone. (Allama Mahriqi org)
P.S. Allama mahriqi was pro Quaid. However, one lone khaaksari tried to attack Quaid.
Also. Muslims should be careful to brand it or themsleves, as UPA and other laws allow Police to arrest on intent of crime.

@PanzerKiel Can this org be a govt tool to attrat agitated people, and then arrest them. So much money spent on costumes..
It's now a question of increasing the Indian Muslim defence forces across India

For Indian Muslims to start creating Muslim majority states
Days of Hindu domination are going away fast, the only way to handle them is show of force.
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To counter the extremist RSS and BJP the Muslims of South India in recent years have launched an organisation by merging smaller outfits that seems more lethal and disciplined than its rival RSS. This force/outfit has sent panic waves in the Hindu extremist ranks. There are calls to ban PFI or send its volunteers to Pakistan.

Tens of thousands of Muslims in the South are members of this force, plans are to expand in the centre and North as well.
View attachment 802042
View attachment 802043
View attachment 802044
They hold a massive Unity March every year below is a video of their march.

Looking at their organisation and discipline a few weapons and training can make them a big headache for Indias vulnerable Southern belt. Interesting times ahead.

@jamahir Rather than worrying about Communism, Pakistanis, Afghans and other non-indians, when are YOU going to join the above organisation and help your wretched kind?........... :azn:
Indian muslims are submissive c...tiyas. dont expect anything from them specifically north indian ones.
It's over. This isn't early 20th century. Indian Muslims don't exist for your entertainment. You will learn this in the 21st century. Better to be lynched at home than a foreigner demanding jump and expecting a response how high.
It's over. This isn't early 20th century. Indian Muslims don't exist for your entertainment. You will learn this in the 21st century. Better to be lynched at home than a foreigner demanding jump and expecting a response how high.

No one is asking you to jump, just grow some balls and defend yourselves and your families
Kerala is a place where Islam is growing. Muslims make up around 28% of the population yet most of the births and increasing each year. Another area is the Bangladesh border regions.
To counter the extremist RSS and BJP the Muslims of South India in recent years have launched an organisation by merging smaller outfits, that seems more lethal and disciplined than its rival RSS. This force/outfit has sent panic waves in the Hindu extremist ranks. There are calls to ban PFI or send its volunteers to Pakistan.

Tens of thousands of Muslims in the South are members of this force, plans are to expand in the centre and North as well.
View attachment 802042
View attachment 802043
View attachment 802044
They hold a massive Unity March every year below is a video of their march.

Looking at their organisation and discipline a few weapons and training can make them a big headache for Indias vulnerable Southern belt. Interesting times ahead.
Same vibes
Can we rent them for wedding season?
No one is asking you to jump, just grow some balls and defend yourselves and your families
There you go. Another demand. Doesn't work. Your hatred toward Indian Muslims mirrors that of Bharati Hindutva. Your ancestors must have been Islamophobes. You should focus on making peace with your Bharati cousins. They miss you a lot.
There you go. Another demand. Doesn't work. Your hatred toward Indian Muslims mirrors that of Bharati Hindutva. Your ancestors must have been Islamophobes. You should focus on making peace with your Bharati cousins. They miss you a lot.

Asking you to protect yourself and your families is a demand?
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