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Pope Francis: 'Who am I to judge' gays?

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Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, declaring that it is not his place to judge them – while also condemning the Vatican's reported gay lobby as a “serious problem”.

The remarks to journalists as he flew back to Rome from a high-profile trip to Brazil appeared to be more conciliatory towards homosexuals than his predecessor Benedict XVI.

“If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?” the pope asked.

“The problem is not having this orientation, it is lobbying. That's the most serious problem.”

The pope had admitted in June that there was a “gay lobby” in the Vatican’s secretive administration, the Roman Curia, according to a Latin American Catholic website.

It followed earlier Italian media reports claiming that a secret report by cardinals investigating Vatican leaks included allegations of corruption and blackmail attempts against gay clergymen, and on the other hand, favouritism based on gay relationships. Francis also fielded questions about Battista Ricca, who was appointed by the pontiff to a key position at the troubled Vatican bank but is embroiled in allegations that he had gay relationships with male prostitutes.

The pope said he had ordered a “brief investigation but we found nothing on him”.

“I have not seen anyone at the Vatican who is registered as gay on his identity card,” he said, adding however: “We acknowledge that there are (gays).”

Nevertheless, “the catechism of the Catholic Church says clearly that we must not marginalise these people who should be integrated in the society,” he added.

The Italian weekly L'Espresso this month reported that Ricca had gay relationships during his time at the Vatican embassy of Montevideo in Uruguay as well as an affair with a Swiss guard which ultimately saw him sent back to Rome in disgrace in 2010.

Because of an internal bid to cover up Ricca's activities, Francis apparently was unaware of his past before appointing him as his personal representative at the scandal-hit bank this year.

Gay rights groups had voiced hope on Francis's appointment that the Argentinean pope would be friendlier to homosexuals than his predecessor.

Benedict had angered the gay community with his suggestion in 2008 that homosexuality was as much of a threat to the survival of the human race as climate change.

Also Monday, the pope said John Paul II, a beloved predecessor, would not be canonised in December as previously mooted.

He said the penciled-in date of December 8 would not suit pilgrims of modest means travelling to Rome by bus from John Paul II's native Poland.

The 78-year-old pontiff hailed the Polish pope as a “great missionary, a Saint Paul.”

Francis also said Monday he was moving forward with reforms of the Vatican administration, or Curia, saying he faced no “resistance” while recognising that the Holy See was embroiled in scandals.

“There are saints in the Curia, loyal people,” he said. “And if there's resistance, I haven't seen it yet.”As Latin America's first pontiff, he was given a rock star's welcome on Rio de Janeiro's legendary Copacabana beach, with a sea of faithful waving flags, dancing and chanting “long live the pope!” on the crescent-shaped shoreline.

Wrapping up his first trip abroad since his election in March, the head of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics hammered home his plea for young believers gathered for World Youth Day to “go and make disciples of all nations”.

He waved away security concerns, saying: “A bishop and his people cannot be separated by an armoured vehicle.””I prefer taking a risk,” he said.

Brazil is the world's biggest Catholic country but its flock has dwindled while Evangelical churches have boomed. Almost 65 per cent of the population was Catholic in 2010, sharply down from 92 per cent in 1970, according to the census.

The pope announced that Krakow, Poland, the homeland of the late John Paul II who started the World Youth Day tradition, will host the next gathering in 2016.
The statement of Pope Francis is very confusing,at one point he is admitting that there is a specific lobby of gays,on the other hand,he is denying that it is not seen what do you all think?
i hope this pope is following footsteps of johnpaul 2,may god be with him
“If someone is gay and seeks the Lord with good will, who am I to judge?” the pope asked.

Supposedly Gods Vicar on Earth ?:whistle:
If the Church backs down on this issue we might as just throw away the New Testament and Christian teachings, nevermind the infamous story of....Sodom and Gomorrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ....it's like rewriting the Faith to appeal to the liberal masses.....carefull there padre!:astagh:
Remember he is from argentina

So what is the difference?

Supposedly Gods Vicar on Earth ?:whistle:
If the Church backs down on this issue we might as just throw away the New Testament and Christian teachings, nevermind the infamous story of....Sodom and Gomorrah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ....it's like rewriting the Faith to appeal to the liberal masses.....carefull there padre!:astagh:

His statement is quite confusing at point he admits the presence of gay lobby and on the other hand he denies their presence?
I think he means that he will not judge them because that is up to God alone,at least i hope that's what he means and not that he welcomes them into the flock.

Agreed,I think that Catholics are very much restricted about such issues,that is why Pope's statement has astonished me a lot.

argentinians are into kinky stuff

I mean to ask that does Argentinian promotes protestant sect?
Agreed,I think that Catholics are very much restricted about such issues,that is why Pope's statement has astonished me a lot.

I mean to ask that does Argentinian promotes protestant sect?

If protestant means gay , then yes , but protestants have actually established themselves well in latin america , specially among non-whites , i was watching this documentary on russia today and it was showing protestant business growing in brazil , as opposed to catholics whose followers are whites and former jews
I great to the the Pope have a liberal outlook towards this issue. its time some of the rules were changed.
Agreed,I think that Catholics are very much restricted about such issues,that is why Pope's statement has astonished me a lot.

Not only catholics but orthodox to and for good reason,let's not start reinventing our beliefs just to please the liberal agenda.I don't have anything against gays,it's their life but sodomy it's an abominable sin in the eyes of God and no man written law can change that.

I great to the the Pope have a liberal outlook towards this issue. its time some of the rules were changed.

Oh yeah,let's change the rules of God so we can have a rainbow parade....
While we're at it let's take out murder from the list of sins.Look man,they can do whatever they want on Earth but we can't rewrite the Holy Scriptures.And that is that!
^^ the only difference between the catholic and the orthodox is that they shave their beards
If protestant means gay , then yes , but protestants have actually established themselves well in latin america , specially among non-whites , i was watching this documentary on russia today and it was showing protestant business growing in brazil , as opposed to catholics whose followers are whites and former jews

Yes Mr.Heretic I have also heard of it,let us see that Are Catholics gonna amend their rules or not?

Not only catholics but orthodox to and for good reason,let's not start reinventing our beliefs just to please the liberal agenda.I don't have anything against gays,it's their life but sodomy it's an abominable sin in the eyes of God and no man written law can change that.

Oh yeah,let's change the rules of God so we can have a rainbow parade....
While we're at it let's take out murder from the list of sins.Look man,they can do whatever they want on Earth but we can't rewrite the Holy Scriptures.And that is that!

Mr.Flame I understand your feelings very well,and I appreciate it as well,as we keep on hearing such questions for the whole time.I think that Catholics must refrain change or amendment if they are planning to do so.
Not only catholics but orthodox to and for good reason,let's not start reinventing our beliefs just to please the liberal agenda.I don't have anything against gays,it's their life but sodomy it's an abominable sin in the eyes of God and no man written law can change that.

Oh yeah,let's change the rules of God so we can have a rainbow parade....
While we're at it let's take out murder from the list of sins.Look man,they can do whatever they want on Earth but we can't rewrite the Holy Scriptures.And that is that!

Remember what Christ said"do not judge others" , who are we mere mortals to judge? If we believe there is a God then let him be the Judge.
let each live with his own Conscience and let god be the final judge on the last day .
When he says "who i am" that indicates that apparently gay community has grown to a business beyond the catholic church
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