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Poorly paid, but test pilots love their job

This..+ the flying salary of 10-15 thousand is not bad at all considering they get...

Almost free housing facility
Free medical facility
Canteen facility
Recreation facility
Cheap education faciilty for their children
almost no electricity and water bill

and the respect getting while wearing the unform that is un comparable...
and the respect getting while wearing the unform that is un comparable...

Its priceless...should have added it in my post like the Visa advertisement..."and the respect u earn---PRICELESS"

Defence force job is not easy and personally i have seen what it takes to be a soldier for your country.

Money and all is not a big deal but sacrificing your family time for the country is asking for a lot.Most of the soldiers cant even see their children grow properly.

I mean 60 days annual leave and 20 days casual leave is the only family time they get...rest 285 days they have to spend in villages and jungles where it is impossible for them to even get the daily newspaper.

I think we owe a lot to these great people..and we should never take our freedom for granted...while partying in nightclubs or going for a movie with our family we should also remember those people without whom we couldnt be safe.
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Apart from the salary a Airforce pilot also receives the following.

As an officer, you are provided with well-furnished and spacious accommodation depending upon your rank.

Insurance Cover
The Indian Air Force provides you with an insurance cover of Rupees 30 Lakhs at low premium rates. Additional cover of 3.5 Lac for Flying Branch Officers is also available.

You will be entitled to an annual leave of 60 days and 20 days of casual leave.

Leave Travel Concession
As an officer, you and your family are entitled to liberal Leave Travel Concessions.

Liberal loans from the Air Force Group Insurance Society are available to you for purchase of house, car and computer. Apart from that, you are also entitled to government loans and loans from the Indian Air Force Benevolent Association.

Medical Facilities
All personnel of Indian Air Force and their families are comprehensively covered by our medical facilities, including specialist services.

The Air Force provides ration in kind to all officers.

Recreational Facilities
As an Air Force officer, you are entitled to some of the finest facilities for recreational as well as competitive sports and other adventure activities.

Education Facilities
Excellent schooling facilities for children along with provision of free / concessional school transport facility. Provision of reimbursement of school fee and other related expenditure.

Canteen Facilities
As a member of armed forces, you are entitled to shop at concessional rates from CSD Canteens all over the Country.

Opportunities For Higher Learning
As an officer, you are provided with ample opportunities for undergoing various courses to enhance your skills, whether in the field of computer technology, management sciences or military studies. You are also allowed special leave to pursue higher education.

Post Retirement Benefits
After retirement, you are offered a large number of benefits like pension, medical facilities, use of the canteen etc.

Source:Indian Air Force : Career Opportunities
i dont think any defence pilot is missing on anything.
most of my points are already covered by other members so i wont repeat them, like cost of training, certainty of job, extra facilities,etc.
the pay for defence personal was really low before 6 th pay commission but after 6 th pay commission it is really good and plus most the facilities they get add to it.

rather i would say that our defence scientists are missing big, the scientists and babus are paid on same scale which is ridiculous. if this scientists go to any private companies then they are paid so heavily but most if the scientists in INDIA choose to stay with government firms mostly for their love and passion for country.
but time is changing new generation is becoming more money centric(though there are many patriotic enough) so its a need of hour that government should make some special scientific scale higher than other government staffs and also give cash prizes for some big contribution towards defence. this will definately help to improve quality of our indigenous products.
i feel salarywise our armed forced is not in a bad shape but what we need to improve is like

1: good shelter for our army jawans , where ever he stays
2:good weather proof jackets to dealt with extreme cold...
3:good post retirement benifits.... [especially for our army jawans , i feel reallly bad when i see after retirement they will be guarding some offices wearing blue uniform..]

list will go on...
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