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Pompeo warns Turkey not to render S-400 ‘operational’ or face ‘more sanctions’

Looool...1st buy it and we will do this and that.

Ok niw u have it if u make it operational we will do this and that.

Turkey.. displays middle finger. Trump ladies smile
Turkey received S-400 system from Russia.

American response: supply of F-35 to Turkey cancelled.

Turkey operationalize S-400 ???

American response ???

There is certainly a price to pay in these matters.

I believe that Turkey does not have a future in NATO with its choices and trajectory under Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

However, I find these political cracks 'interesting' from another angle. There is a hadith (Sahih Muslim; book 41; 6924) which hint fall of modern Turkey in a great war. This fate is unlikely under NATO but the possibility of Turkey and NATO parting ways is looking increasingly likely now.

Alienating NATO would be Turkey's greatest mistake.
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Turkey received S-400 system from Russia.

American response: supply of F-35 to Turkey cancelled.

Turkey operationalize S-400 ???

American response ???

There is certainly a price to pay in these matters.

I believe that Turkey does not have a future in NATO with its choices and trajectory under Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

However, I find these political cracks 'interesting' from another angle. There is a hadith (Sahih Muslim; book 41; 6924) which hint fall of modern Turkey in a great war. This fate is unlikely under NATO but the possibility of Turkey and NATO parting ways is looking increasingly likely now.

You mean Rum which means the Romans. Sorry to say but Turkey is not Rome.
You mean Rum which means the Romans. Sorry to say but Turkey is not Rome.
The great war I am alluding to involve 3 major battles. Romans will be involved in the first two major battles, and will be victorious in each. But Romans will exit from this war (not explained; objectives fulfilled?), and the third major battle will take place around modern-era Turkey (Constantinople) in which Turkey will collapse. This war will take place in the era of Dajjal (Al-Malhama Al-Kubra).

As I pointed out earlier, alienating NATO would be Turkey's greatest mistake. From a strictly nuetral standpoint, it is important to respect alliances you are part of, or consequences will materialize at some point.
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The great war I am alluding to involve 3 major battles. Romans will be involved in the first two major battles, and will be victorious in each. But Romans will exit from this war (not explained; objectives fulfilled?), and the third major battle will take place around modern-era Turkey (Constantinople) in which Turkey will collapse. This war will take place in the era of Dajjal (Al-Malhama Al-Kubra).

As I pointed out earlier, alienating NATO would be Turkey's greatest mistake. From a strictly nuetral standpoint, it is important to respect alliances you are part of, or consequences will materialize at some point.

Turkey aint leaving nato neither is nato kicking Turkey out.

It is an unwanted marriage that keeps both parties happy.
and the third major battle will take place around modern-era Turkey (Constantinople) in which Turkey will collapse. This war will take place in the era of Dajjal (Al-Malhama Al-Kubra)

Since we don't know when will apocalypse breaks out or dejjal shows up, it's quiet possible what you predict should happen 2000 years later when Turkey hit by a plasma atomizer weapon by cyborg-human alliance.
The end of the American empire is near. The empire is losing control in all areas. Internally they are in complete chaos and geopolitically they are failing everywhere. Their desperation to sanction everyone from enemies to allies is because they can no longer get what they want. They are angry and frustrated at losing their power and influence around the world.

They failed in Afghanistan where they are now begging the Taliban for talks. The same Taliban they said they wiped out.

They failed in Iraq where the Iraqi government is allying with Iran and buying weapons from China and Russia and giving infrastructure contracts to China.

They failed in Libya where the pro-US leader is now in trouble from General Haftar.

They failed to topple Assad in Syria despite trying everything including fully funding and arming ISIS terrorists.

They failed in Georgia and Russia broke up Georgia.

They failed to stop Russia taking Crimea.

They failed to stop China building islands in the South China Sea and then failed even worse when China stationed military assets on those islands.

They have failed to denuclearise North Korea. North Korea are defiantly still firing missiles and laughing at America.

They have lost Philippines as an ally with Duterte in charge. Philippines is no longer interested in countering China like America hopes it would. Philippines is moving towards China’s orbit.

They failed to stop Germany from buying Russian gas through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

They failed to stop Turkey from buying S-400. Turkey will move further away from the US now that they are no longer part of the F-35 program.

They failed to get their allies to break the Iran Nuclear Deal.

They failed to topple Maduro in Venezuela despite trying everything including recognising Guido. Maduro is still in charge.

They failed in Cuba and the Castro’s are still in charge.

They failed to stop their allies from allowing Huawei to install 5G networks. Huawei revenue is up 30% since sanctions were applied.

They failed to get many of their allies to stop joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative.

China destroyed the CIA spy network in China.

Iran arrested American sailors in a humiliating way and America did nothing.

Iran shot down an American drone and they did absolutely nothing. A humiliating retreat for a so-called superpower getting pushed around by Iran.

They failed to stop India from buying the S-400. Now they’ve angered India over the Kashmir issue.

They’ve lost Pakistan as an ally. Pakistan is now closely allied with China.

EU is looking to dump NATO and start their own EU Army.

They have angered everyone by putting tariffs on goods including on their allies.

They are powerless to stop the migration from Mexico and Central America. Nobody respects American laws anymore.

Their population is being destroyed through opioid addiction.

Poverty is increasing.

Their debt levels are skyrocketing.

Infrastructure is crumbling.

They have lost their manufacturing base and the crucial supply chains.

The Democrats and Republicans are so divided it is destroying their national unity. The internal disintegration is obvious to see.

America now has problems with many of the big powers in the world including Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, India.

America’s popularity is falling worldwide even amongst its allies.

These are the events of an empire in rapid decline and losing power and influence. The nightmare scenario for the American empire is here.

Good summary!

More on the above rubbing salts onto the wounds:

Paris Digs in on Digital Tax as Trump Floats Wine Tariffs
Robert Williams
Josh Wingrove
July 27, 2019

Since ... and never stops:

dirty and stupid diplomacy:

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