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Pompeo reaches India for 2+2 meeting

Oh Snap. It does say no. Pack it up then. Lolz
Sunny both the press releases by your govt and by USA none of them say waiver has been given keep living in a dream. India just officially ditched Russia.

You are giving me week old Mattis statement. Give press release after their the meeting and show me the waiver.
Sunny both the press releases by your govt and by USA none of them say waiver has been given keep living in a dream. India just officially ditched Russia.

You are giving me week old Mattis statement. Give press release after their the meeting and show me the waiver.

I gave you statement made by SecPompeo to Indian press on Sept 6th.

Try again.
So the press briefing is out by US state department and there is no waiver on CAATSA sanctions or purchasing Iranian oil. Neither a waiver on the port is given. The only Loly pop USA gave India is civil nuclear corporation that is it.

Every thing has happened India can buy drones and other military equipment and no waivers given on the other issues. Few trade benefits are given. Lol 2+2 have ended.

Stop worrying about us, start worrying about your "Naya pakistan".

Wasn't Bhutto making a "Naya pakistan" too in the 70's?..that didn't go too well I guess.
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So this means no Russian weapons and oil from Iran.?
Why you always think like a slave??
Ohh. I got it.

India is not Pakistan. So whenever you like to comment on India's foreign policy, plz first research on it.
India works for its interests only, not for Russian or American.
No decision about waivers.


No wonder you guys suck at diplomacy. putting up a circus act when Pompeo visited pakistan. You guys are better off being a chinese colony. At least they will protect you from sanctions.

Tact and foresight from Indians in dealing with issues are confused with being meek. It happens quite often.
The official statement says no waiver of CAATSA for India. So either India media is a liar or US state department because there is no mention of waiver from CAATSA.
The official statement says no waiver of CAATSA for India. So either India media is a liar or US state department because there is no mention of waiver from CAATSA.

The official statement says no waiver of CAATSA for India because there is no mention of waiver from CAATSA.
The official statement says no waiver of CAATSA for India because there is no mention of waiver from CAATSA.
Why would official statement not mention waiver because talks were about waiver. One side is a liar here either USA or India. Both statements contradict each other.
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