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Polo – The Game of Kings


Mar 21, 2007
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Polo – The Game of Kings

by Tayyab Mir


Passion for Polo will be the highest on the world’s highest Polo ground. Every year, Shandur (3,700 meters) invites visitors to experience a traditional polo tournament between the teams of Chitral and Gilgit from 7th to 9th July. The festival also includes folk music, folk dance, traditional sports and a camping village is be set up on the Pass.


Polo is an equestrian sport with its origin embedded in Central Asia dating back to 6th century BC. At first it was a training game for cavalry units for the King’s guards or other elite troops. To the warlike tribesmen who played polo with as many as 100 players to a side, it was a miniature battle. It became a Persian national game in the 6th century AD. From Persia, the game spread to Arabia, then to Tibet, China and Japan. In China, in the year 910, death of a favourite relative in a game prompted Emperor Apao-Chi to order beheading of all players!


Polo was introduced in South Asia, by the Muslim conquerors in the 13th century. English word ‘Polo” is in fact a Balti word meaning, “ball”. In ancient times, there was no limit to the number of players and no time limit. Whichever team scored nine goals first, became the winner. Today, there are six players to each side, but this is by no means a rule in local polo games.The game lasts for one hour with a ten-minute break.


Gilgit, Chitral and Skardu have always played the game of polo closest to its original form. In the past, local Rajas, Mirs and Mehtars were the patrons of the game. At times, more than 50% of the annual budget of their principalities was spent on supporting the game.



The first time a polo tournament took place at the Shandur Pass, was in 1936. A British Political Agent, Major Cobb, who was fond of playing polo under a full moon, had the polo ground near Shandur, named, “Moony Polo Ground”. The most exciting polo tournament of the entire Northern Pakistan is played on top of Shandur Pass, 3,700 meters high above sea level. It is a place unique and exotic in itself, surrounded by some of the most spectacular mountain scenery in the world. The event marks the annual rivalry between the polo teams of Gilgit and Chitral. The Polo tournament has some added attractions for the visitors; trout fishing at the nearby streams and lakes and a festival of folk dances and music of the Northern Pakistan.


The highlight of the festival is the final match between the Gilgit and Chitral teams. The final provides the most colourful spectacle. Supporters of both sides travel long distances from the remote parts of Chitral and Gilgit, to watch the thrilling game. The event, as such, offers a fascinating insight into the lifestyle of the people of this region. Their culture and indigenous customs are a delight to behold for the visitors.




It is advisable to be there one day in advance to enjoy all the festivities of the tournament. Activities at Shandur include dance and music performances by different groups, trout fishing, mountaineering, trekking, hiking and horse riding. Crystal clear lakes, snow covered mountains, alpine flowers and vast stretches of green grass, are added attractions.



A tourist tent village with restaurant facilities is sprung up during the tournament. Merchants from Peshawar, Chitral and Gilgit set up souvenir and folk craft shops. The tournament offers visitors an opportunity to mix with the locals.



The Shandur Pass lies almost midway between Chitral and Gilgit on a jeep road, travelling on which, is adventurous, to say the least. One can get to Chitral or Gilgit by Pakistan International’s daily flights from Peshawar and Islamabad. There are daily two flights from both destinations, subject to good weather. Visitors planning to go by air must expect adjustment of minimum 02 days in their itineraries just in case the weather does not permit flights to operate.


Access to Chitral by road is either from Peshawar or from Islamabad. Both these routes join up in lower Swat valley near Chakdara, from where you proceed via Dir over 3,118 meters high Lowari Pass and on to Chitral. It will take about 11 hours for a direct ride, otherwise, a stopover in Dir is recommended. From Dir, you shift to 4x4 jeeps for your onward journey to Chitral and on to Shandur. From Chitral side, travellers can also enjoy overnight stay at Mastuj whereas from Gilgit side,Gupis and Phandar are suitable places for an overnight halt. While travelling by road from Islamabad, along the Karakoram Highway (the Silk Route), visitors may like to spend the night by the side of the mighty Indus, at Besham.



For visitors to Shandur, Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) has set up its motels with all facilities like, attached toilet/bathroom, hot/cold water, restaurant etc, at Panah Kot (Dir), Chitral, Bamburet (Kalash Valley), Mastuj, Phandar, Gupis, Besham (KKH), Barseen (KKH)and Gilgit. There are many private hotels and Inns as well. On the Pass, a tent village with all facilities is set up.


For further information, booking and planning your visit to Shandur, please contact; Tel: +92-51- 9272017-18 Fax: +92-51-9272020 Email: paktourslimited@gmail.com , info@tourism.gov.pk
The thread is in Tourism section....................................
Polo is a team sport played outdoors on horseback in which the objective is to score goals against an opposing team. Riders score by driving a white wooden or plastic ball into the opposing team's goal using a long-handled mallet. Goals are only valid if the scoring rider is mounted. The traditional sport of polo is played outdoors, and each polo team consists of four riders and their mounts.


Polo is arguably the oldest recorded team sport in known history, with the first matches being played in Persia over 2500 years ago. Initially thought to have been created by competing tribes of Central Asia, it was quickly taken up as a training method for the King's elite cavalry. These matches could resemble a battle with up to 100 men to a side.

As mounted armies swept back and forth across this part of the world, conquering and re-conquering, polo was adopted as the most noble of pastimes by the Kings and Emperors, Shahs and Sultans, Khans and Caliphs of the ancient Persians, Arabs, Mughals, Mongols and Chinese. It was for this reason it became known across the lands as "the game of kings".

British officers themselves re-invented the game in 1862 after seeing a horsemanship exhibition in Manipur, India. The sport was introduced into England in 1869, and seven years later sportsman James Gordon Bennett imported it to the United States. After 1886, English and American teams occasionally met for the International Polo Challenge Cup. Polo was on several Olympic games schedules, but was last an Olympic sport in 1936.

Polo continues, as it has done for so long, to represent the pinnacle of sport, and reaffirms the special bond between horse and rider. The feeling of many of its players are epitomized by a famous verse inscribed on a stone tablet next to a polo ground in Gilgit, Pakistan: "Let others play at other things. The king of games is still the game of kings."


The Teams

  • On a full sized grass field, each team has four people

  • In an enclosed arena usually played in winter, each team has three people
The Ground

  • The ground is 300 yards long, 160 yards wide if boarded. Being boarded means the field has a 12 inch upright board bounding the perimeter which stops the ball rolling out of play easily.

  • If the ground is unboarded, it is 200 yards wide and marked with a white line.

  • The goal posts, positioned at each end, are 8 yards apart.
Duration of the Play

  • The full game is 8 chukkas, but often in club matches 4 or 6 chukkas are played.

  • Each chukka is timed to last 7 mins, then a bell is rung, but the game goes on until the ball goes out of play, or for another 30 secs when the bell is rung again, the chukka ends where the ball is.

  • The clock is stopped between the umpire's whistle to stop the play and the whistle to start play (eg.ball out of play, foul etc.)

  • There are intervals of 3 mins between chukkas and 5 mins at half time. Ends are changed at every goal scored - this has been found fairest when there is a wind.

  • Each player is handicapped (on a 4-6 chukka basis) from -2 up to 10 goals (the top professional players).

  • The aggregate handicap of the four players in a team is the team handicap. e.g. if all players have a handicap of 2 goals each, the team handicap is 8 goals and is referred to as an '8 goal team'.

  • In handicap tournaments, if both teams do not have an equal aggregate handicap, one team is given a number of goals start which is calculated as follows: the number of goals start is obtained by multiplying the difference between the two teams' handicaps by the number of chukkas and dividing by 6, any fraction counting a half a goal.

  • Ponies can play two chukkas in an afternoon with a rest of at least one chukka in between.

  • There is no limit to the height of ponies.

  • A player following the ball on its exact line has the Right of Way over all other players. Any other player who crosses the player on the right of way close enough to be dangerous commits a foul.

  • Penalties vary according to the degree of danger and closeness of the cross.

  • No player may hook an opponent's stick unless he is on the same side of the opponent's pony as the ball.

  • Dangerous play or rough handling is not allowed - a player may ride an opponent off, but must not charge in at an angle.

  • The following penalties may be given.

  • A goal is given if the cross is dangerous or deliberate in the vicinity of the goal. The ball is then thrown in 10 yds in front of the goal without ends being changed.

  • Free hit from 30 yds opposite the centre of the goal - defenders to be behind the back line and outside th6 goal posts but must not ride through when the ball is hit.

  • Free hit from 40 yds, same conditions as b).
    Free hit from 60 yds. Defenders to be 30 yds from ball.

  • Free hit from the centre of the ground, none of the defending side to be nearer than 30 yds when the ball is hit.

  • Free hit from spot where the foul took place, no defender to be nearer than 30 yds

  • Corners are not taken as in Association Football - instead, a free hit is given 60 yds from the goal from a spot opposite where the ball was hit behind the line, none of the defending side to be nearer than 30 yds.
Captains of teams are the only players who can discuss questions arising during a game. No player shall appeal in any manner to the Umpire for fouls, but me Captain can discuss any matter with the Umpire.

Polo in Pakistan

Pakistan Polo Association (PPA) is the successor of the Indian Polo Association in Pakistan after independence in 1947. The Association is responsible to support/promote the game of Polo and coordinate all polo activities in Pakistan.



Yak polo




In Pakistan, Yak polo is played in the Himalayas and Hindukush at Boroghil in District Chitral. The event is held in July every year and is sponsored by the Sarhad Tourism Corporation, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

Yak polo is the famous cultural event of the Wakhi community in the Broghil, in the Pamir region of northern Pakistan. The sport has gained popularity amongst the national and international tourists. It is organised from July 17-19 every year by the Wakhi community. It is really an uphill task to mount the beast with mallet in hand and score a goal or two.
It must be noted that tourism has been the mainstay of the economy of the local community in the Wakhan corridor as the region is famous for sensational passes into different valleys such as Yasin and Ishokomon in the Northern Areas.


Yak Polo Festival

Shimshal is one of those areas of GB where the culture and traditions have been preserved by the people. Yak Polo is one of the traditional game which links with the ancestors.


In an interview with Mr. Qurban Karim (an inhabitant of Shimshal), it was discovered that a man named “Sher” son of Mamu Singh (the first man to discover Shimshal) played a polo match with Chinese Army to win a part of Shimshal pass which connects with China. The Chinese Army had horses to play but Mr. Sher had no horse so he had to play on a yak. Fortunately Mr. Sher won the match and also won the part of the pass for the people of Shimshal. In the remembrance of that historical achievement by Mr. Sher, the people of Shimshal celebrate the event by the name of Yak Mela every year. This event is celebrated for two days where different teams participate with their yaks to win the “Sher Trophy’.

How it would be when you will witness a polo match played on yaks at an altitude of 4400m above the sea level? A lush green grassy ground surrounded by huge mountains wearing white scarf of snow. A blue and calm lake reflecting the sky beside the ground presents a fascinating view. This is all about the Shimshal Yak Polo mela which is a unique event celebrated in August every year.
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